l Am Pitts Podcast

A Purple Heart veteran, a black conservative, Christian, former Border Patrol Agent and active police officer in Kentucky, Dexter Pitts gives listeners insight into his life as he shares his many experiences. No longer afraid to hold his tongue or hold back his true feelings, he discusses current issues facing law enforcement, veterans and America
Pitts is as real in person, as he is on the podcast. Recently had the pleasure meeting him while he was running security for a dance event. He directed me towards his podcast and I’m really digging it. Definitely a cool cat. In this day and age, likeminded people need to stick together. ****Now on a side note: What do we gotta do to make it law so that politicians are forced to wear body cameras as well. Politicians kill people with some of the policies they pass, what makes them any better than Law Enforcement?
Excellent podcast!
I have respect for this man and his fellow officers. Dexter, thank you for your service in the military and on the streets!
Been listening since episode one! And every episode is packed full of good stories, valuable lessons and usually some comedy to keep you laughing. This is a open raw podcast and Mr. Pitts is not afraid to speak his mind! Definitely a 10/10 100/100 podcast (better than Joe Rogan)
Excellent Podcast
Love this podcast. Man speaks the truth. Support the police.
- CreatorDexter Pitts
- Years Active2021 - 2025
- Episodes100
- RatingExplicit
- Copyright© Copyright 2021 All rights reserved.
- Show Website
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