Latter-day Saint Book Nook

Liz Kazandzhy
Latter-day Saint Book Nook

Come and learn from the best books to help you live your best life! Latter-day Saint Book Nook is a cozy little podcast where we talk about books from a gospel perspective. So if you love books, and you love the gospel of Jesus Christ, tune in on Tuesdays to follow along!

  1. 19/07/2022

    Ep. 24 - God Will Help You: Scriptural Insights from a Christian Pastor

    The message of this book is clear—God will help you! Learn about the power and grace of Jesus Christ and why you can count on Him for help. Visit to read this episode's transcript. Visit to learn more about the host. OUTLINE 🔹 God Will Help You is an inspirational Christian book by pastor Max Lucado published in 2020 🔹 About Max Lucado "Max Lucado is a pastor, speaker, and best-selling author. His message is for the hurting, the guilty, the lonely, and the discouraged: God loves you; let him." 🔹 Count on Christ Before the Savior miraculously fed the five thousand, the disciples "counted the hungry people, the money in their bag, and the amount of bread and fish. They did not, however, count on Christ." "The next time you feel overwhelmed, remind yourself of the One who is standing next to you. You aren’t alone. You aren’t without help. What bewilders you does not bewilder him. Your uphill is downhill for him. ... Give him what you have, offer thanks, and watch him go to work." 🔹 Keep your gaze on Jesus The author compares the story of Peter walking on water to him focusing on his doctor's diplomas after receiving a difficult diagnosis "God has hung his diplomas in the universe. Rainbows, sunsets, horizons, and star-sequined skies. He has recorded his accomplishments in Scripture. ... His résumé includes Red Sea openings. Lions’ mouths closings. Goliath topplings. Lazarus raisings. Storm stillings and strollings. His lesson is clear. He’s the commander of every storm." 🔹 Acknowledge the Savior's humanity When we "keep the humanity out of the incarnation," Jesus Christ is "easier to handle that way. ... But don’t do it. Let him be as human as he intended to be. Let him into the mire and muck of our world, for only if we let him in can he pull us out." The series "The Chosen" is a great example of portraying Christ as a real person, which helps us feel more connected to Him 🔹 Be grateful for God's grace "Jesus has seen every backstreet, back-seat, backhanded moment of our lives. And he has resolved, 'My grace is enough. I can cleanse these people. I will wash away their betrayals.' For that reason we must make the Upper Room of Mercy our home address." The lyrics to "I Stand All Amazed" beautifully express gratitude for the Savior's sacrifice and grace 🔹 Takeaway Think about the "storms" in your life right now. Then think about this: What has God accomplished—both in the scriptures and in your own life—that shows His power and love and ability to help you?

    20 min
  2. 12/07/2022

    Ep. 23 - The Holy Ghost from A to Z: *Inspires* You to Do Good

    By following the promptings of the Spirit, we can help others in exactly the way they need, right when they need it. Visit to read this episode's transcript. Visit to learn more about the host. OUTLINE 🔹 The Holy Ghost from A to Z is a religious nonfiction book written by Liz Kazandzhy and published in June 2022 🔹 Quote from I - *Inspires* You to Do Good Because the Lord “knoweth all things,” and “all things are present before [His] eyes,” He knows exactly who needs help, what kind of help they need, and when they need it. And because “we are the Lord’s hands here upon the earth,” we have the unique blessing of providing that help by following the promptings of the Spirit. President Monson once said, "The sweetest experience I know in life is to feel a prompting and act upon it and later find out that it was the fulfillment of someone’s prayer or someone’s need. And I always want the Lord to know that if He needs an errand run, Tom Monson will run that errand for Him." I share an experience of when a ministering sister served me in just the way I needed, even though I didn't even know I needed it at the time 🔹 Takeaway Ponder these questions: "How does the Spirit usually speak to you? If He were to prompt you to reach out to someone else in service, what do you think that prompting would feel like to you?" Pray every morning that God will lead you to someone you can help 🔹 Learn more about The Holy Ghost from A to Z

    5 min
  3. 05/07/2022

    Ep. 22 - The Atonement of Jesus Christ is for Me: Pure Doctrine for All Ages

    This beautiful picture book teaches about Jesus Christ's Atonement in a powerful and simple way. Listen to be reminded of these vital truths! Visit to read this episode's transcript. Visit to learn more about the host. OUTLINE 🔹 The Atonement of Jesus Christ is for Me is a Latter-day Saint picture book by Sierra Wilson published in 2018 🔹 A great addition to any Latter-day Saint home Great for reading in church, for an FHE lesson, or as a baptismal gift Not just for kids—it teaches pure doctrine in a simple way that would benefit any reader of any age 🔹 Jesus Christ is the source of the Atonement The book does a wonderful job of keeping the Atonement connected to Jesus Christ "Jesus gave His life for you and for me / So we can repent and be happy and free. / And because Jesus died for us and now lives again, / We'll live again too, with our family and friends." President Nelson taught, "It is doctrinally incomplete to speak of the Lord’s atoning sacrifice by shortcut phrases, such as ...  'applying the Atonement' or 'being strengthened by the Atonement' ... treating the EVENT as if IT had living existence and capabilities independent of our Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ. Under the Father’s great eternal plan, it is the Savior who suffered. It is the Savior who broke the bands of death. It is the Savior who paid the price for our sins and transgressions and blots them out on condition of our repentance." 🔹 Jesus Christ can comfort you "When we feel scared, or lonely, or sad, / Jesus can help us feel peaceful and glad. / And what if I'm hurting down deep in my heart? / Jesus understands you and knows where to start." Similar to Alma 7:11-12—"He shall go forth, suffering pains and afflictions and temptations of every kind ... and he will take upon him their infirmities, that his bowels may be filled with mercy ... that he may know ... how to succor his people according to their infirmities." 🔹 Jesus Christ can help you become better "With Jesus's help, we can all do good deeds. / We can cheer up a friend or help someone in need. / Jesus knows how to help you become the best you. / He wants to guide you all your life through." Elder Bednar explained, "The gospel of Jesus Christ encompasses much more than avoiding, overcoming, and being cleansed from sin and the bad influences in our lives; it also essentially entails doing good, being good, and becoming better." 🔹 The Atonement of Jesus Christ is the most important doctrine "All other things which pertain to our religion are only appendages to [the Atonement of Jesus Christ]" -Joseph Smith 🔹 Takeaway Study the Atonement of Jesus Christ by reading the verses found in the Topical Guide under the entry, "Jesus Christ, Atonement through"

    12 min
  4. 28/06/2022

    Ep. 21 - The Holy Ghost from A to Z: Softens Your *Heart*

    When you're troubled by doubts, the Spirit can bless you with a humble heart, give you spiritual protection, and comfort you in your distress. Visit to read this episode's transcript. Visit to learn more about the host. OUTLINE 🔹 The Holy Ghost from A to Z is a religious nonfiction book written by Liz Kazandzhy and published in June 2022 🔹 Quote from H - Softens Your *Heart* Another time it’s important to seek out greater humility is when you come across gospel doctrines, principles, or practices that are confusing or even distressing to you. These topics can become a major stumbling block to your faith if you choose to harden your heart because of them. Instead, what you ought to do is actively strive to soften your heart—from the very moment you begin to feel doubts creeping in. Then you’ll be able to continue to seek understanding with the protective influence of the Spirit. You will probably not find all the answers you seek—at least in this lifetime—but the Holy Ghost can lead you to greater understanding and also help you “doubt your doubts before you doubt your faith.” And you, like Nephi, will be able to say, “I do not know the meaning of all things . . . [but] I know that [God] loveth his children.” When you feel distressed about a part of the gospel, draw nearer to God instead of distancing yourself from Him The Spirit will (1) help you discern the truth, and (2) give you peace and comfort as you wrestle with your doubts 🔹 Takeaway Notice the next time you feel your heart hardening, and decide today what you will do to soften your heart and seek the Holy Ghost when that happens Learn more about The Holy Ghost from A to Z

    6 min
  5. 21/06/2022

    Ep. 20 - Little Women: Heartwarming Lessons About Family Life

    Little Women beautifully captures both the joy and stress of family life. Learn from this classic how you can experience more "love at home." Visit to read this episode's transcript. Visit to learn more about the host. OUTLINE 🔹 Little Women is a classic written by Louisa May Alcott and published in 1868 A wholesome book with timeless themes like family and friendship, love and forgiveness, growing up and overcoming weaknesses If you have Amazon Prime, you can get this ebook/audiobook (and dozens of others) for free at 🔹 Forgiveness between siblings Sisters Jo and Amy had a huge fight that probably would've estranged them for a long time if it weren't for tragedy striking The fire can symbolize the inevitable bouts of contention that are bound to burn within our homes, and the ice can symbolize those moments when we remember just how much we love and need each other 🔹 Forgiveness between spouses Newlyweds Meg and John Brooke learned how to make up after their first major fight "Be the first to ask pardon if you both err, and guard against the little piques, misunderstandings, and hasty words that often pave the way for bitter sorrow and regret." 🔹 Let your kids know how much you love them "Children will not remember you for the material things you provided, but for the feeling that you cherished them." The website is an incredible free resource that helps parents connect with their kids more 🔹 Help your kids understand God through your example The more we strive to be like God, the more they will understand Him as their loving Heavenly Father "Go to God with all your little cares ... as freely as you come to your mother." 🔹 Be open with your kids about your weaknesses When Jo was feeling down about her temper, Mrs. March comforted her by sharing her struggles with her own temper "[Jo] felt comforted at once by the sympathy and confidence given her. The knowledge that her mother had a fault like hers, and tried to mend it, made her own easier to bear and strengthened her resolution to cure it." 🔹 Takeaway This week, focus on the good that comes from your family life—the little moments of joy and love, the sweet forgiveness that follows contention, or the connection you feel as you give and receive love and affection

    30 min
  6. 14/06/2022

    Ep. 19 - Three Reasons Why You Should Read The Holy Ghost from A to Z

    Liz's book, The Holy Ghost from A to Z, was released today! Find out 3 reasons why YOU should read this inspiring, uplifting book. Visit to read this episode's transcript. Visit to learn more about the host. OUTLINE 🔹 The Holy Ghost from A to Z: What the Spirit Can Do for You (by Liz Kazandzhy) was published today! Order from Amazon,, Walmart, Target, or Barnes & Noble 🔹 Overview A non-fiction doctrinal book that discusses 26 ways the Spirit can bless you "It's time to unwrap the gift of the Holy Ghost!" 🔹 Reason #1: It's written for YOU! Most people (1) are busy, (2) like when things make sense, and (3) want to be able to do something as a result of what they read This book (1) is relatively short, (2) is written in a very understandable, conversational way, and (3) has "Liken to Yourself" questions at the end of each chapter with specific ways to apply what you learn Within 10-15 minutes, you can learn something new that's relevant to you and know exactly how to apply it 🔹 Reason #2: It'll bless your life tremendously "There is no greater blessing that can come into our lives than the gift of the Holy Ghost." (President Gordon B. Hinckley) Don't live beneath your privileges—learn what the Spirit can offer you so you can experience it in your life 🔹 Reason #3: It's been endorsed by best-selling authors The Holy Ghost from A to Z has been endorsed by Alonzo Gaskill, David J. Ridges, Susan Easton Black, Jack R. Christianson, and others From David J. Ridges: "Liz Kazandzhy’s The Holy Ghost from A to Z is a delightful and compelling read. I believe it will be very helpful to anyone who would like to increase the effectiveness of having the gift of the Holy Ghost in their lives." From Susan Easton Black: "The Holy Ghost from A to Z puts a new light on our understanding of the Comforter. Organized in a fun, beautiful way, Kazandzhy packs the book with words of Church leaders and prophets of all ages. Any reader will come away feeling the love of our Heavenly Father and will feel instilled with a new relationship with the Holy Ghost. With lifetime lessons of peace and hope, this is a read for all to enjoy." 🔹 Takeaway invitation If you order the book and enjoy it, please leave a review! Whether it's on Amazon, Goodreads, or—or all of the above—writing a review is basically the very best way you can support an author.

    9 min
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Come and learn from the best books to help you live your best life! Latter-day Saint Book Nook is a cozy little podcast where we talk about books from a gospel perspective. So if you love books, and you love the gospel of Jesus Christ, tune in on Tuesdays to follow along!

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