Building Great Leaders

APi Group
Building Great Leaders 팟캐스트

What does leadership mean? How can I lead within my role? What are the lessons APi Group leaders have learned throughout their careers? The Building Great Leaders podcast aims to answer these questions and more! Leaders will share their personal stories, the mindsets that helped them excel, and the behaviors they use to positively influence others. We hope to inspire listeners to be better leaders at work, in their communities, and in their homes.

최고 5점
26개의 평가


What does leadership mean? How can I lead within my role? What are the lessons APi Group leaders have learned throughout their careers? The Building Great Leaders podcast aims to answer these questions and more! Leaders will share their personal stories, the mindsets that helped them excel, and the behaviors they use to positively influence others. We hope to inspire listeners to be better leaders at work, in their communities, and in their homes.

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