the Tony Funderburk FunderCast

Tony Funderburk
the Tony Funderburk FunderCast

Tony Funderburk shares the power of God's love in each podcast episode. He’s the author and publisher of dozens of books for adults and kids. And he's a songwriter with hundreds of songs to his credit. Get some free songs, a book for kids, and more good stuff when you subscribe to the FunderFlash Journaland focus on faith, hope, and love with me.

  1. 6 JANV.

    One week in is a good time to begin

    One week in (as of tomorrow). So how did 2025 start out for you? Has one week in been healthy? I hope so. Because you need your health. It’s not just something that’s nice to have around. It’s the core essential to anything you do. But, as I’ve said for decades, your health is best served by YOU. So, put down that diet cola (super awful for you) and repeat after me. I want to be healthy. ( I want to be healthy). I need to be healthy (are you repeating after me?). If I’m not healthy, I’m no good to anyone (say it…it’s true). And when I’m healthy, I can overcome blocks in my mind, body, and work. OK. Do you believe it? Great. Because that’s where REAL healthcare starts. That stuff trying to pass itself off as healthcare ain’t gonna cut it. And I’m talkin’ about the lunacy found in 99% of doctor’s offices, clinics, hospitals, and pharmacies. Those places have a vested interest in (meaning it serves their pocketbooks) “maintaining your health.” Which is just a code phrase to cover their methods of medicating your symptoms. Yeah, they’ll give you stuff to make you FEEL better. But nothing to make you actually better. So, believe and chew on this. You eat fast food everyday. You don’t exercise. And you definitely don’t drink enough water. Or even when you’re drinking it, it’s mixed with tea or coffee. And you think you can take your little one-a-day so-called “vitamins” and keep the bad times away. Nope, that’s gonna keep you firmly entrenched in the status quo. You gotta work hard to stay well. People depend on you to be and do your best. And when you constantly struggle with your health, it’s stressful on you AND them. Did you ever see that commercial where a guy didn’t know how to get dressed or make breakfast or even get in his car? And it urned out that he gave up smoking. So, he had to re-learn how to do everything without a cigarette in his hand. Don’t be like that guy. Live well. Be well. Stay well. Start now. Be happy. Grin. It’s good for you. And you’ll keep your mind free to think up and do great things for you AND your loved ones. We’re still only one week in to 2025. So, this is still the easiest time to track your progress and make your moves. My hope for you (and me) is that persistence plays a bigger role. And better self care choices produce better results. I wrote this for kids. But it applies to all us so-called “grownups.” Healthy Habits Are For Kids Little things you do each day Help to keep the blues away. Jumping when you get a chance… Doing a delightful dance… Picking toys up off the floor Before you head out your front door… Drinking smoothies colored green Not those colas with caffeine… Smiling when you’d rather frown… Walking like a ten foot clown… Splashing puddles in the rain… Whistling like an old steam train… I could just go on and on, But I’d surely make you yawn. So, I guess that’s all today. Now, go chase those blues away. Once you see the benefit, join the growing body of believers who’ve already signed up for the FunderFlash Journal. And I’ll send you daily flashes of light so we can stay focused on faith, hope, and love. Stay tuned…

    5 min
  2. 5 JANV.

    Enough to think about so leave the rest of it out

    You have enough to think about today. So, don’t add tomorrow’s worries to today. And that’s not just some anecdotal thing I came up with. It’s advice that can also be found in red letters in the Bible. (for those of you unfamiliar with the Bible, red letters are used when it’s Jesus talking) Yeah, your Creator actually said you have enough to think about today. But think about tomorrow for a second or two. It never really gets here. Right? It’s always “out there.” Somewhere beyond the next sunrise. Somewhere in the future. The future is coming. Always getting here. But it never actually gets here either. Because that slippery tomorrow always manages to fade away from your grasp the second the clock strikes midnight. So, today is the only day you can actually do anything about. Tomorrow isn’t here yet, and yesterday is over and done with. And, since today is the only time you actually live in, shouldn’t your focus be on what you can do today? Of course, that should be a rhetorical question. But sadly too many people are so fearful of what the future holds they let today slip away. And when today slips away, what does it become? Tomorrow? Nope. It immediately becomes yesterday. A saying I coined many years ago is this: “Today is yesterday’s tomorrow and tomorrow’s yesterday.” I’ve seen a lot of people use some version of it. But I never see any royalties. Life ain’t fair I tell ya. Anyway… Time is really a weird thing, isn’t it? When Jesus said “do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things“, it was to illustrate how futile it is to worry about tomorrow. So futile, in fact, that we should let tomorrow worry about itself. Hmm…can a tomorrow do that? Well, I’ve certainly got enough to think about today. So, I’m not gonna worry about it. How about you? The things you want to do Are plans that just fall through. The pieces just don’t fit. You lose them bit by bit. Oh, and it’s just so hard to see Why tomorrow never ever came to me. (from a mournful song I wrote in 1978: Tomorrow Never Came To Me) Once you see the benefit, join the growing body of believers who’ve already signed up for the FunderFlash Journal. And I’ll send you daily flashes of light so we can stay focused on faith, hope, and love. Stay tuned…

    4 min
  3. 4 JANV.

    Paid off, paid out, and no whimper, no shout

    Every year, there are highly effective assassins paid off roughly 500 million, in your tax dollars, to make sure innocent, preborn babies never see the light of day. Yeah, that group is well- organized, well-funded, and well-equipped to kill over 300,000 little children every year. Let’s face it. They get the job done. So, why would anybody wanna rock that boat? Especially when it means men and women can live promiscuously without consequences. I guess calling them paid assassins is just mean on my part. About 10 years ago I wrote about how Jesus said we should let our charitable deeds be done in secret. Well, it really shouldn’t be difficult to see how killing unborn children hardly falls under the category of charitable deeds. But, I think the group, ironically named “Planned Parenthood”, believes they’re doing charitable work because they’re somewhat secretive about their deeds. Wouldn’t it be great if politicians, especially those who say they’re against abortion, made sure that no one ever got paid off again for killing innocent, unborn children? But what does it take to stop that from happening? First, please speak up. Use whatever means you have. Because saying and doing nothing will make sure that “legal precedent” continues to cast its dark shadow over what’s right. Then, don’t support any politician or candidate who would support the abortion status quo. Sadly, I don’t think many will take my advice. Because the paid off worldview is so darn convenient. Well, maybe not for the unborn children. But, hey, as long as there are no other consequences, then it’s just the price of doing business. Right? It’s a worldview that’s not for me and you. It’s a worldview and no empirical thoughts. Yeah, it’s a worldview. What’s a humanist to do? Don’t you see you could be in tougher spots? You gotta be mindful where you cast your lots. It’s a worldview. (from my song “Worldview”) Once you see the benefit, join the growing body of believers who’ve already signed up for the FunderFlash Journal. And I’ll send you daily flashes of light so we can stay focused on faith, hope, and love. Stay tuned…

    8 min
  4. 3 JANV.

    To the day that was swept away and showed up today

    It was four years ago, to the day, today. And a few minutes ago I ran across something I shared that day. I can see it, in my mind’s eye, almost as clearly as if I were looking right at it right now. And that’s even though my location is about as different, now, as night is from day. I talked about how I was using my iPhone as my computer that morning, in sync with my small, foldable, bluetooth keyboard. And I had my computer, oops iPhone, propped up nicely on a little “drawer” in the dash of my mobile office which was my little blue Toyota truck. First I paid homage to the day with a short description. So, I mentioned how I could see a fairly long stretch of the front range of the Rocky Mountains. Blue skies, snow-capped peaks, and a few swatches of white clouds drifting by. It was an early winter day in the early part of 2021. And, yep, January 3rd to be exact. I appreciated the fact that I could sit there soaking in the scenery AND share it with you on my small, portable devices. What a blessing, in a never-ending series of blessings that come with living in the digital age. And I called ’em blessings as I pointed to a day, not all that long ago in the past, when none of that would have been possible. NONE! But these days you can share ideas, images, words, music, and even videos literally with the world. Almost instantaneously. Skip the publisher’s rules and arbitrary methods. Skip the hassles of waiting for printing and binding and distribution. And skip the need for bulky, loud, and unreliable equipment. Yeah, these days you just whip out the little device you carry with you all the time, open up your favorite word processor or video recorder, and blast out your thoughts. And here’s what’s especially cool about all this. The information and resources to do all this have been here on our little blue planet since the day it was made. Let that sink in for a minute. Yeah, every single thing you and I ever needed, to be able to type words on a little keyboard and have them show up on a small screen (connected through the air) has been here our whole lives. And for the whole history of the world. The only thing lacking, until this time in history was the know-how. An understanding of what does what. And I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s part of why God tells us to get understanding. Matter of fact, He says “in all your getting, get understanding.” But He adds a caveat just before that when He says “Wisdom is the principal thing. Therefore get wisdom.” And that’s because humans tend to have an uncanny knack for messing up a good thing. So many people immediately look for (or stumble into) a way to corrupt or pervert the very things that make their lives better and easier. And it’s almost impossible to avoid being one of those people without wisdom. But that’s not you and me. Right? No, I’m sure you’re just as much in awe over the ability to have a tiny, mobile office as I am. And I’m sure you wanna use your technology and gifts and talents to help others get and maintain an eternal perspective on life. If so, I encourage you to look for opportunities to serve others. Starting today, if you haven’t already. And help them get to the day when they understand. And realize how they wouldn’t be able to enjoy any entertainment or business applications on their smartphones, laptops, or TV’s, if God hadn’t put all the information here in the first place. Okay, for today, look for wisdom from The Way. And you can then do more of what God wants you to. Your eyes, on the prize, will help you to recognize God makes no mistakes. So, we have all that it takes For days, full of praise.

    7 min
  5. 2 JANV.

    Biblical knowledge don’t need no college

    Biblical knowledge is available to anyone who’s interested in finding out more. And the key points, and truth, of the Bible are easy enough to understand that even a child can learn about the love of our Creator. And that’s more important to know and understand than anything else anyone will ever learn. Good thing Biblical knowledge isn’t being kept under a basket somewhere. Thankfully, Biblical knowledge is still boldly shared all over the internet. At least it is here in America. I’m sure other places in the world still “allow/tolerate” it. But, as an example of what’s shared here in America, I saw some interesting comments on social media today. Like this one: “One of the biggest lies in society and unfortunately even in much of the church, is that everyone is basically good, rather than the biblical truth that there is NONE who are good except Jesus. That everyone is deserving of hell. That’s why a lot of what the Bible calls sin is justified, because people think – ‘well he’s a good person, why shouldn’t he be happy and allowed to be gay’ etc. This thinking leads to a lack of fear of the Lord, as well as a lukewarm passion for Jesus and a lack of absolute thankfulness that He saved us!!” And that guy shared that post in response to a quote, by Jonathan Edwards, another guy shared. The quote is, “Almost every natural man that hears of hell flatters himself that he shall escape it.” And the guy who shared the quote added, “Don’t flatter yourself.” Good point. Another post I saw showed wisdom and discernment you only get with Biblical knowledge. A young woman shared this, “Parents in Canyon, Texas call it a win after the Bible is allowed back in the school’s library. But if the school spends 7-8 hours every day teaching an anti-biblical worldview, what did they win? Christians should take their CHILDREN out of the secular, Marxist government schools. That’s how you win.” Yes, it is. And then, you’ll get plenty of the convoluted Biblical knowledge, too. Like this post from someone who uses the handle, Biblical and Reformed (red flag alert). This person simply quoted from scripture in order to justify an incorrect predestination position. He posted, “For those whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, in order that He might be the firstborn among many brothers. And those whom He predestined, He also called. And those whom He called, He also justified, and those whom He justified, He also glorified.” I remember having a discussion with my mom, many moons ago, about how her idea that everything that happens was pre-ordained by God. And she found that very scripture and read it to me. So, I asked her one simple question. “Mom, who did God NOT foreknow?” And then I asked her to apply the implications of the answer to that question to her predestination position. I saw the light flicker in the eyes of her understanding. But then, just as quickly, I saw the regurgitation of all those years of flawed Biblical knowledge flood back into her head. Last, but not least, for now. I saw a post that dared to say the TV series, “Yellowstone isn’t just a show it’s a blueprint for what it means to be a real man. This modern Western dives deep into masculinity, responsibility, and legacy. Let’s break it down through a biblical lens and see what every man can learn from the Duttons.” Ay yi yi! I’ve never watched that show, but video snippets pop up all over the place. And they almost alway include a LOT of profanity and sexualized content. But the guy who posted that followed up with what he considers supportive info. Like this post, “If you’re a Christ follower, you can spot Christ in the series and movies get ready for some powerful lessons.”  (his writing, not mine) And that just ain’t so. Because it’s not Biblical or Christ-like to do so many anti Christ things but add a “redemptive” twist and call it g...

    10 min
  6. 1 JANV.

    Say yes instead of no and then go, man, go.

    What I’m about to share probably isn’t for you. But I can almost guarantee it’s good for someone you know or care about. It’s something I shared with others a few years ago. And I asked them this question: If I told you to leave your troubles behind and move forward, what would you do? Get mad at me and say “NO!” Would you tell me I can’t possibly understand your troubles, so I don’t have the right to tell you such a thing? Well, what if I told you this message is from God? Would you say yes, then? Well, it IS a message from God. So get ready to say yes. Yeah, read the New Testament. I promise it won’t hurt. And it’ll show you how no one gets through this life without troubles. In fact, Jesus himself said there WILL be tribulation (which is big trouble) in this life. He didn’t say maybe there will be. He said there WILL be! So, does that mean you respond with exasperation, frustration, or consternation? Nay. Nay. And again I say nay. On the contrary. It’s much better (in fact, it’s freedom) to leave your troubles behind and keep “reaching forward for those things which are ahead.” Time only moves in one direction. And that’s the direction to focus. That’s what I shared with those others a few years ago. Now. Today is the first day of a brand new year (2025). So, it’s an ideal (because nothing’s perfect) day to say yes to moving forward with your feet and mind planted firmly in the here and now. Because the here and now are the only place and time you can actually DO anything. The past is gone. And the future doesn’t exist. So, Happy New Year, and leave your troubles behind. Because it’s the right thing to do. And it’s healthful for you. Keep your eyes on the prize. And, just to reaffirm, that prize is your Creator. I wrote (and then rewrote) a song about moving forward with action and confidence. In a way it’s the most selfish sounding song I’ve ever written. Because Every. Single. Line. starts with I’m. But it’s actually filled with the exhilaration you can get when you trust God. I’m Gonna I’m gonna dance through this life. I’m gonna sing myself out of the blues. I’m gonna feel this whole world. I’m gonna walk through the air without any shoes. I’m gonna climb to the top. I’m gonna see what it’s like on the other side. I’m gonna glide to the moon. I’m gonna jump on a cloud and go for a ride. I’m gonna leave my cares and troubles far behind. I’m gonna live this brand new life that I’ve designed. I’m gonna love discovering which way to go. I’m gonna laugh and then say yes instead of no. I’m gonna get to the passion. I’m gonna make my dreams all come true. I’m gonna go for the limit. I’m gonna burst the limit and go on through. I’m gonna sing through this life. I’m gonna play it loud like a brand new song. I’m gonna fly on the tune. I’m gonna ask all my friends to come on along. I’m gonna leave my cares and troubles far behind I’m gonna live this brand new life that I’ve designed? I’m gonna love discovering which way to go. I’m gonna laugh and then say yes instead of no.   © 2018 Tony Funderburk Once you see the benefit, join the growing body of believers who’ve already signed up for the FunderFlash Journal. And I’ll send you daily flashes of light so we can stay focused on faith, hope, and love. Stay tuned…

    7 min
  7. 25/12/2024

    Exact day and time have less reason than rhyme

    It was about 2,000 years ago. And today doesn’t mark the exact day and time. But that’s another topic for later. Nevertheless some shepherds were on the job, whatever day and time it was. And their job was to watch over their flock of sheep. As they stood under the night sky, a host of angels appeared and told them to follow that curious light, they had noticed in the sky, to where it pointed. So, the shepherds followed that guiding star to Bethlehem to find out more about the story. They discovered a man and his wife spending the night in a livestock pen with their newborn Baby in a manger. And for some strange reason, the shepherds believed what they were told about this Child. Which was that He was God in the flesh. Can you imagine? Yeah, that would qualify as a mighty big deal. At least if it was true. Apparently that Child was who He was claimed to be. Because all these years later, we still talk about, sing about, and celebrate that Person born in a manger. And, as a matter of worldwide fact, all of history revolves around His life. And probably no one knows the exact day and time that was. But wow! How awesome it would have been to be there that night? Well, something that will be even more awesome and glorious will be to live in Paradise forever getting to know that Person we Christians call Jesus. He came to earth to be born as a real human baby. Then, He grew into a real human man. Then, He suffered a real human death. But He resurrected after 3 days to show us what could be true for any and all trust Him. And all because He loves us. Since I don’t see myself as all that lovable, it does my heart good to re-read the story from time to time. And at this Christmas time of year, it’s particularly good to share it with others. I hope you will too. Merry Christmas 2024. Because I CAN Love What made You think That I was worth the risk You took? What made You take the time To write Your Holy Book? I don’t believe I’d give myself a second look, But You did because You love. You made a world That was as perfect as could be, But then I broke it When You gave it all to me… By going through the gate You made to set me free. This You did because You love…me. Because You love me so…in spite of all You know… Because You did the most that You could ever do… Because I clearly see…evidence of You in me… Because I can love…I do love…You! You put a life And a will inside my soul. You knew true love Would be to give me full control. But knowing You is all that ever makes me whole. I trust You because You love…me. I can live because You live! I can love because You love! © 2010 Tony Funderburk Once you see the benefit, join the growing body of believers who’ve already signed up for the FunderFlash Journal. And I’ll send you daily flashes of light so we can stay focused on faith, hope, and love. Stay tuned…

    20 min
  8. 07/11/2024

    Learn to talk and walk the walk

    It’s so cool how fast little kids learn to talk. You’re so young when you start talking that your parents have to tell you about your first words. My mom told me I spoke way before I was a year old. But you know how moms are. And I’m more the strong, silent type. So, I tend to believe I waited till I had valuable information to share before I started spouting anything out. But mom said, “I could see you learn to talk almost right away.” And even though that sounds like bragging, it’s true. Because it’s true of all newborns. Kids get all goo-goo gah-gah over letters and sounds because they see and hear adults. Yeah, you and I learned to talk mostly by watching adults. It’s amazing when you get right down to it. You’re born with the ability to make sounds. But those sounds don’t mean anything. At least not to the adults who listen to your gibberish. But what if that gibberish is somehow connected to your Designer? Yeah, what if God is still wirelessly connected to you when you’re a newborn. And what if He sends you the code and decode “software” to decode your parents’ language? And what if you’re then able to re-code that language into your own unique voice? I’m not saying that’s how it happens. Just that it’s cool to consider. Now, think about how the English language is basically only twenty-six letters. And think about how we’ve managed to put together thousands and thousands of words from those twenty-six letters. I love the simplicity in the design. The extra cool thing is, you don’t have to do anything special to an infant to get them to understand us. No extra hardware or software required. They’re already “hard-wired” for language. Of course, that’s no surprise to anyone with a Christian worldview. The Designer knows what He’s doing. And so all you gotta do is act naturally. Ever since I found my I’ve manipulated and formulated letters into words. And words into music. And I still find the whole process fascinating. I’ll never get tired of it or bored with it. What about you? Does language fascinate you? Do you pass that awe and wonder on to the little ones who watch you to learn to talk? Letters and sounds go together… They go together and give you a voice. You couldn’t say a word with no letters and sounds. Just think about that and rejoice. With a voice we can talk to each other, And each other can know what we mean… When we take time to learn a few letters and sounds And toss a few smiles in between. We only need twenty-six letters Where imagination truly abounds. It’s so awesome to know they’re inside you, and so Have fun learning letters and sounds. Join the growing body of believers who signed up for the FunderFlash Journal. And receive daily, delightful dashes of salt and flashes of light from the power of God’s love. Stay tuned…

    8 min
sur 5
5 notes

À propos

Tony Funderburk shares the power of God's love in each podcast episode. He’s the author and publisher of dozens of books for adults and kids. And he's a songwriter with hundreds of songs to his credit. Get some free songs, a book for kids, and more good stuff when you subscribe to the FunderFlash Journaland focus on faith, hope, and love with me.

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