瞎扯学中文 Convo Chinese

Xinqing (Joanne)
瞎扯学中文 Convo Chinese

瞎扯学中文 Convo Chinese is a podcast to help intermediary to advanced Mandarin learner to immerse in natural and authentic Chinese conversations. In the podcast we discuss topics from daily lives to politics, from China and around the world. Free transcript and vocabulary list are provided in the show notes. Powered by Firstory Hosting

  1. Episode 81 | 我要找一个播客搭档! Looking for a podcast co-host


    Episode 81 | 我要找一个播客搭档! Looking for a podcast co-host

    免费的全文内容(汉字,拼音,英语翻译)在这里:https://www.yaya.press/doc/5b9b81c1-6162-49ad-a9ad-bbb2d73f1610 ---- Free transcript of the entire podcast with characters, pinyin and English translation: https://www.yaya.press/doc/5b9b81c1-6162-49ad-a9ad-bbb2d73f1610 ---- Leave a comment and share your thoughts: https://open.firstory.me/user/cko0g8j5m1toy0984t6s7mqtk/comments ------ 招聘 zhāopìn recruit; hire; recruitment 招募 zhāomù recruit; enlist; hire 质量 zhìliàng quality; mass 稳定 wěndìng stable; steady; stability 反馈 fǎnkuì feedback; response 神不知鬼不觉 shénbùzhīguǐbùjué unnoticed; without anyone knowing; stealthily 宅家 zhái jiā stay at home; homebody 职场 zhíchǎng workplace; job market; professional world 麦克风 màikèfēng microphone 门槛 ménkǎn threshold; doorstep; minimum requirement 粗制滥造 cūzhìlànzào shoddy; rough and slipshod work; poorly made 有保障 yǒu bǎozhàng guaranteed; secure; reliable 有默契 yǒu mòqì have tacit understanding; be in sync; have rapport 跳出你的舒适圈 tiàochū nǐ de shūshì quān step out of your comfort zone 读博 dú bó pursue a doctoral degree; study for a PhD 新加坡 Xīnjiāpō Singapore 懒散 lǎnsǎn lazy; slack; sluggish 自驱力 zì qū lì self-motivation; self-drive 导师 dǎoshī mentor; tutor; advisor 前后鼻音 qiánhòu bíyīn nasal sounds; anterior and posterior nasal sounds 透露过 tòulù guò revealed; disclosed 虚岁 xūsuì nominal age; traditional Chinese age; fictitious age 满打满算 mǎndǎmǎnsuàn full calculation; complete count; thorough reckoning 实岁 shí suì actual age; real age 受精卵 shòujīngluǎn fertilized egg; zygote 严谨 yánjǐn rigorous; strict; precise 钻牛角尖 zuānniújiǎojiān to take something too seriously; to be overly focused; to split hairs 钻研精神 zuānyán jīngshén spirit of research; dedication to study; investigative spirit 较真 jiàozhēn serious; earnest; take things too seriously 知之为知之,不知为不知 zhīzhīwéizhīzhī, bùzhīwéibùzhī To know what you know and to know what you don't know 不懂装懂 bùdǒngzhuāngdǒng pretend to understand; feign understanding 尬聊 gà liáo awkward chat; awkward conversation 催化剂 cuīhuàjì catalyst Powered by Firstory Hosting

    28 分钟
  2. Episode 80 | 住在越南的美国人和我讲中文 Speaking Chinese with an American who lives in Vietnam


    Episode 80 | 住在越南的美国人和我讲中文 Speaking Chinese with an American who lives in Vietnam

    免费的全文内容(汉字,拼音,英语翻译)在这里:https://www.yaya.press/doc/3693fccb-5421-4343-a882-38b8e77d4e9c ---- Free transcript of the entire podcast with characters, pinyin and English translation: https://www.yaya.press/doc/3693fccb-5421-4343-a882-38b8e77d4e9c 台湾腔 Táiwān qiāng Taiwanese accent 闺蜜 guī mì best friend (female); close female friend 基友 jī yǒu close friend; buddy; bromance 吃醋 chīcù to be jealous; to feel jealous 网红 wǎng hóng internet celebrity; online influencer 遥不可及 yáobùkějí unreachable; unattainable; out of reach 谦虚 qiānxū modest; humble 降维打击 jiàng wéi dǎjī dimensionality reduction attack; overwhelming advantage; simplify a problem to solve it easily 活学活用 huóxuéhuóyòng learn and apply flexibly; learn and use in a practical way 三体 sān tǐ Three-Body (referring to the science fiction novel 'The Three-Body Problem') 科幻小说 kēhuànxiǎoshuō science fiction novel 直白 zhíbái blunt; straightforward; direct 直男 zhí nán straight man; heterosexual man 自黑 zì hēi self-deprecating; self-mocking 洋垃圾 yánglājī foreign trash; imported waste 外国友人 wàiguó yǒurén foreign friend; foreigner 夸张 kuāzhāng exaggerate; exaggerated; overstate 中国速度 Zhōngguó sùdù China speed 炼乳 liànrǔ condensed milk 按摩 ànmó massage 一个天堂 yígè tiāntáng a paradise; a heaven 脱口秀群 tuōkǒuxiù qún comedy show group; stand-up comedy group 稿子 gǎozi manuscript; draft; script 脚本 jiǎoběn script; screenplay 蓝海战略 lánhǎi zhànlüè Blue Ocean Strategy 吹牛 chuīniú to brag; to boast 露馅 lòuxiàn to be exposed; to leak out; to reveal a secret 小意思 xiǎoyìsi small meaning; trivial; no big deal 顶流 dǐng liú top stream; top influencer; top celebrity Powered by Firstory Hosting

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  3. Episode 79 | 春节年味越来越淡了吗 Is the festive feeling going away for Spring Festival?


    Episode 79 | 春节年味越来越淡了吗 Is the festive feeling going away for Spring Festival?

    免费的全文内容(汉字,拼音,英语翻译)在这里: https://www.yaya.press/doc/04873af2-0933-4e7f-b81f-031d38c720c3 Free transcript of the entire podcast with characters, pinyin and English translation: https://www.yaya.press/doc/04873af2-0933-4e7f-b81f-031d38c720c3 ---------------- 除夕 Chúxī Chinese New Year's Eve; Lunar New Year's Eve 偷懒 tōulǎn to slack off; to be lazy; to loaf 打麻将 dǎmájiāng play Mahjong 象征意义 xiàngzhēngyìyì symbolic meaning; symbolism 弹幕 dànmù bullet screen; barrage 仪式感 yíshì gǎn sense of ritual; ceremonial feeling 食饼筒 shí bǐng tǒng spring roll; a type of roll with various fillings 春饼 chūnbǐng spring pancake; Chinese spring roll 卤肉 lǔròu braised meat 汽锅鸡 qìguō jī steamed chicken; Yunnan steamed chicken 八宝饭 bābǎofàn Eight-Treasure Rice; Eight-Treasure Rice Pudding 温馨 wēnxīn warm; cozy; heartwarming 自然而然 zìrán'érrán naturally; automatically; spontaneously 拜年 bàinián to pay a New Year visit; to wish someone a Happy New Year 大年初一 dàniánchūyī New Year's Day (first day of the Lunar New Year) 红包 hóngbāo red envelope; red packet; monetary gift 晚辈 wǎnbèi younger generation; juniors; younger members of a family 小辈 xiǎobèi junior; younger generation 节点 jiédiǎn node; point; joint 心安理得 xīn'ānlǐdé feel at ease; have no qualms; with a clear conscience 只入不出 zhǐ rù bù chū only in, not out; only intake, no output 陷入了沉思 xiànrù le chénsī fell into deep thought; became lost in thought 零花钱 línghuāqián pocket money; allowance; spending money 消费观念 xiāofèiguānniàn consumption concept; spending philosophy 转账 zhuǎnzhàng transfer money; transfer funds; bank transfer 压岁钱 yāsuìqián New Year's money; money given to children as a Lunar New Year gift 搓麻将 cuōmá jiāng play mahjong 烟花爆竹 yānhuābàozhú fireworks; firecrackers 年味 nián wèi festive atmosphere; New Year spirit 年味 nián wèi festive atmosphere of the Chinese New Year 国泰民安 guótàimín'ān peace and prosperity; the country is prosperous and the people are at peace 营造 yíngzào construct; build; create 龙抬头 lóngtáitóu Dragon Raises Its Head; a traditional Chinese festival 成语字典 chéngyǔ zìdiǎn idiom dictionary 鞭炮声 biānpáoshēng sound of firecrackers Powered by Firstory Hosting

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  4. Episode 78 | 不想结婚的闺蜜们 My girl friends who don't want to get married


    Episode 78 | 不想结婚的闺蜜们 My girl friends who don't want to get married

    免费的全文内容(汉字,拼音,英语翻译)在这里:https://www.yaya.press/doc/6df192f4-6fd6-4dfe-9f6e-28980cac367a Free transcript of the entire podcast with characters, pinyin and English translation: https://www.yaya.press/doc/6df192f4-6fd6-4dfe-9f6e-28980cac367a -------- 闺蜜 guī mì best friend (between girls); close female friend 客气 kèqi polite; courteous; modest 出错 chūcuò make a mistake; error; go wrong 称呼 chēnghu to call; to address; a form of address 冒犯 màofàn offend; affront; insult 安全牌 ānquán pái safe option; safe bet 宣传教育 xuānchuánjiàoyù propaganda; education; publicity 博物馆 bówùguǎn museum 上厕所 shàng cèsuǒ go to the toilet; use the restroom 挫折 cuòzhé setback; frustration; defeat 吐槽 tǔ cáo to complain; to ridicule; to roast 追星 zhuīxīng to idolize; to chase celebrities; to be a fan of 相亲 xiāngqīn blind date; arranged date 主观能动性 zhǔguān néngdòngxìng subjective initiative; personal initiative 不太情愿 bú tài qíngyuàn reluctant; unwilling 眼缘 yǎn yuán chemistry; attraction; first impression 缘分 yuánfèn fate; destiny 直白一点 zhíbái yīdiǎn more straightforward; a bit more direct 聊得来 liáodé lái get along well; hit it off 敞开心扉 chǎngkāi xīnfēi open one's heart; open up 切入点 qiērùdiǎn entry point; breakthrough point 直白 zhíbái straightforward; direct; blunt 全职妈妈 quánzhí māma stay-at-home mom; full-time mom 共情能力 gòng qíng nénglì empathy; ability to empathize 高素质 gāosùzhì high quality; well-educated; high caliber 把自己当回事儿 bǎ zìjǐ dāng huíshìér take oneself seriously; be self-important 情感需求 qínggǎn xūqiú emotional needs; emotional requirements 恶意 èyì malice; ill will; bad intention 人际关系 rénjìguānxì interpersonal relationships; human relations 领导 lǐngdǎo leader; boss; superior 自洽 zì qià self-consistent; self-reconciled 好意 hǎoyì kindness; goodwill; good intention 对象 duìxiàng partner; object; target 大环境 dà huánjìng general environment; macro environment; overall situation 适龄 shìlíng of suitable age; age-appropriate 讯号 xùnhào signal; message; indication 被恭维 bèi gōngwei to be flattered; to receive compliments 舒适圈 shūshì quān comfort zone 磕CP kē C P ship a couple; be a fan of a pairing 秀恩爱 xiù ēn'ài show off love; public display of affection 戒备心 jièbèi xīn vigilance; alertness; wariness 循环 xúnhuán cycle; loop; circulate 瓜子 guāzǐ melon seeds; sunflower seeds 好甜 hǎo tián so sweet; very sweet 性价比 xìngjiàbǐ cost-performance ratio; value for money 将就 jiāng jiù make do; put up with; tolerate 顾虑 gùlǜ concern; worry; misgiving 固有的观念 gùyǒu de guānniàn inherent concept; inherent notion; inherent idea 牺牲 xīshēng sacrifice 生活节奏 shēnghuójiézòu life rhythm; pace of life 妥协 tuǒxié compromise; yield 谦让 qiānràng to give in; to yield; to make concessions 探讨 tàntǎo explore; discuss; investigate Powered by Firstory Hosting

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  5. Episode 77 | 2025年,出国留学还热门吗?Is studying abroad still popular in 2025?


    Episode 77 | 2025年,出国留学还热门吗?Is studying abroad still popular in 2025?

    Free Transcript: https://www.yaya.press/doc/0bd6afab-ca8e-4129-8822-acfe40b2397b 2025年新年快乐!很高兴在新的一年继续和你们一起学习中文! 新年的第一期节目,我们聊一聊中国学生为什么选择出国留学?他们出国留学的原因是什么?首选的目的地是哪里? Happy New Year 2025! I’m delighted to continue the journey of Mandarin Learning with all of you this year! In our first episode of the new year, let’s talk about why Chinese students decide to study abroad. What motivates them, and where is their top destination? ------------- 越南 Yuènán Vietnam 体制内 tǐzhì nèi within the system; part of the system 国际教育 guójì jiàoyù international education 教育机构 jiàoyù jīgòu educational institution; educational organization 双语学校 shuāngyǔxuéxiào bilingual school 按部就班 ànbùjiùbān follow the prescribed order; step by step; methodically 轨迹 guǐjì trajectory; path; track 辅导 fǔdǎo tutor; coach; guidance 从你的观察来 cóng nǐ de guānchá lái From your observation; In your view; According to your observation 教学资源 jiàoxuézīyuán teaching resources; educational resources 中美关系 zhōngměiguānxì China-US relations 核心原因 héxīn yuányīn core reason; main reason 资源的分配 Zīyuán de fēnpèi allocation of resources; distribution of resources 均衡 jūnhéng balanced; equilibrium 公立体制 gōnglì tǐzhì public system; public institution 财力 cáilì financial resources; financial capability 高薪 gāoxīn high salary; well-paid 直辖市 zhíxiáshì municipality directly under the central government 资源集中 Zīyuán jízhōng resource concentration; concentration of resources 顶尖高校 dǐngjiān gāoxiào top universities; leading universities; elite universities 媲美 pìměi comparable to; rival; match 常青藤 chángqīngténg Ivy League 工程师 gōngchéngshī engineer 红利 hónglì dividend; bonus 国际视野 guójì shìyě international perspective; global vision 商科 Shāngkē business studies; business major 理科 lǐkē science; science subjects 工科 gōngkē engineering; technical studies 从商 cóngshāng to engage in business; to do business 文学 wénxué literature 哲学 zhéxué philosophy 就业导向 jiùyè dǎoxiàng employment-oriented; employment direction 功利化 gōnglìhuà pragmatism; utilitarianism 备选项 bèi xuǎnxiàng alternative; backup option 透明的天花板 tòumíng de tiānhuābǎn glass ceiling 不可预见性 bù kěyùjiànxìng unpredictability; unforeseeability 观望态度 guānwàng tàidu wait-and-see attitude 留美 liúměi study in the United States; stay in the United States Powered by Firstory Hosting

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  6. Episode 74 | 情绪稳定:当创始人的必修课 Emotional Stability: A Must-Have Skill for Founders


    Episode 74 | 情绪稳定:当创始人的必修课 Emotional Stability: A Must-Have Skill for Founders

    Free transcript (pinyin + English) and vocabulary list:   https://www.yaya.press/doc/ba70ce97-ddcd-4317-8711-b554907bc573 Transcript powered by Yaya: Yaya is a language learning web app developed by my husband (and myself). You can take notes with your language teacher during online classes, generate content, lessons and writing practices for any language for any level! Try it! How to use Yaya? Watch the tutorial video here: https://youtu.be/PPVUfRzlOHk -------- 集中效应 jízhōng xiàoyìng concentration effect; clustering effect 经纪人 jīngjìrén agent; broker 硬件 yìngjiàn hardware 获客 huò kè customer acquisition 阶段性 jiēduànxìng phased; periodic; stage-based 跑客户 pǎo kèhù visit clients; client visits; customer visits 目标市场 mùbiāo shìchǎng target market 硅谷 Guīgǔ Silicon Valley 房地产 fángdìchǎn real estate; property 融资 róngzī financing; funding; raising capital 合伙人 héhuǒrén partner; business partner 给力 gěi lì awesome; impressive; effective 跑腿 pǎotuǐ run errands; do legwork 联合创始人 liánhé chuàngshǐrén co-founder 心态 xīntài mentality; mindset; attitude 主观能动性 zhǔguān néngdòngxìng subjective initiative; subjective dynamism 三个和尚没水吃 sāngè héshang méi shuǐ chī three monks have no water to drink; too many cooks spoil the broth 探讨 tàntǎo explore; discuss; investigate 竞争对手 jìngzhēngduìshǒu competitor; rival 执行 zhíxíng execute; carry out; implement 创业 chuàngyè entrepreneurship; start a business 切入点 qiērùdiǎn entry point; breakthrough point 寄希望于 jìxīwàngyú place hope on; pin one's hopes on 倾注 qīngzhù pour in; devote; concentrate 心血 xīnxuè effort; hard work; painstaking care 心路历程 xīnlùlìchéng mental journey; emotional journey; psychological journey 滋养 zīyǎng nourish; nurture; nourishment 锻炼人 duànliàn rén to train someone; to temper someone; to toughen someone 中层管理者 zhōngcéng guǎnlǐzhě middle manager 共情别人 gòng qíng biéren empathize with others 情绪稳定 qíngxùwěndìng emotional stability Powered by Firstory Hosting

    20 分钟


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瞎扯学中文 Convo Chinese is a podcast to help intermediary to advanced Mandarin learner to immerse in natural and authentic Chinese conversations. In the podcast we discuss topics from daily lives to politics, from China and around the world. Free transcript and vocabulary list are provided in the show notes. Powered by Firstory Hosting









