Matbakh | Food of the Arab World

Matbakh | Food of the Arab World

Matbakh is a podcast series about eating, making, appreciating and learning about the food and drink of the Arab world. We invite chefs, restaurateurs and food historians, critics and writers to share their takes on the best of what the Arab kitchen has to offer – both past and present. We delve into well-loved and under-appreciated dishes, ingredients and flavors, as well as the history of the region’s food and what its future might be, always highlighting little anecdotes and food stories that our guests know and cherish.


Matbakh is a podcast series about eating, making, appreciating and learning about the food and drink of the Arab world. We invite chefs, restaurateurs and food historians, critics and writers to share their takes on the best of what the Arab kitchen has to offer – both past and present. We delve into well-loved and under-appreciated dishes, ingredients and flavors, as well as the history of the region’s food and what its future might be, always highlighting little anecdotes and food stories that our guests know and cherish.

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