Leneșx Radio

Leneșx Radio
Leneșx Radio

Lene radicală, lene intersecțională, lene antiautoritară. Podcastul de stânga pe care îl poți asculta când nu ai chef de nimic.

  1. Ep. 038 – Fermentare și foraging: reînvățarea unor moduri non-capitaliste de a trăi, cu Beti [RO]

    FEB 28

    Ep. 038 – Fermentare și foraging: reînvățarea unor moduri non-capitaliste de a trăi, cu Beti [RO]

    În episodul de azi vorbim cu Beti Pataki despre fermentare. Pornim discuția cu o introducere despre ce înseamnă fermentarea, pe care invitata noastră îl descrie ca o colaborare cu niște micro-organisme pentru a produce o schimbare, o revoluție. Vorbim și despre natura DIY, experimentală și accesibilă a fermentării. În a doua parte analizăm felurile în care capitalismul a format modul în care ne raportăm la producția, conservarea și consumul de hrană. În acest context explorăm fermentarea și foraging-ul ca practici anti-capitaliste. În încheiere, Beti ne oferă câteva rețete accesibile cu care putem începe să experimentăm fiecare. ===== Re(Surse) Katz, S.E.,. Wild fermentation: The flavor, nutrition, and craft of live-culture foods. Chelsea Green Publishing (2016). https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/134879652-wild-fermentation Katz, S.E.,The art of fermentation: an in-depth exploration of essential concepts and processes from around the world. Chelsea green publishing (2012). https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/13598307-the-art-of-fermentation Redzepi, R. and Zilber, D. Foundations of Flavor: The Noma Guide to Fermentation: Including Step-By-Step Information on Making and Cooking With: Koji, Kombuchas, Shoyus, Misos, Vineg. Artisan Publishers (2018). https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/37590384-foundations-of-flavor Pascal Baudar, ig: https://www.instagram.com/pascalbaudar/ books: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/14356817.Pascal_Baudar Mona Petre, Ierburi uitate, Ed. Nemira (2021). https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/59240079-ierburi-uitate Plante sălbatice comestibile. (Grup Fb) https://www.facebook.com/groups/1838992219748794 Enciclopedia plantelor sălbatice comestibile Vol.1: Anca Corduban, Mona Petre, Simona Grossman, Leurda. Allium ursinum, Ed. Aska (2023) https://shop.aska.ro/produs/leurda-allium-ursinum/ Vol.2: Simona Grossman, Mona Petre, Urzica. Urtica dioica, Ed. Aska (2024) https://shop.aska.ro/produs/urzica-urtica-dioica/ Keywords de căutat mai departe: compostare bokashi, agricultura regenerativă Matt Powers - Regenerative Soil & Permaculture (Yt channel) https://www.youtube.com/@MattPowersSoil Dr. Elaine Ingham's Soil Food Web School (Yt channel) https://www.youtube.com/@soilfoodwebschool Plants for a future (portal with info about plant species). https://pfaf.org/user/ Cultivă Orașul, o inițiativă de agricultură urbană, auto-organizată și autonomă din Cluj. ig: https://www.instagram.com/cultiva_orasul/ fb: https://www.facebook.com/cultivaorasul Artwork by Deni ig: @scrijelit.psd Muzica: Dead End, by Bezna Minții https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PPYFdSRP_rI

    1h 18m
  2. LS. 005 – The Syrian revolution and the fate of Rojava w/ the Lenesx gang [EN]


    LS. 005 – The Syrian revolution and the fate of Rojava w/ the Lenesx gang [EN]

    In today’s episode we talk about the recent rebel offensive in Syria which has managed to topple the dictator Bashar al-Assad. First, we give a brief summary about Assad’s rule and the civil war since 2011 in Syria, mentioning the different local factions and foreign powers involved. Then we talk about the democratic-confederalist kurdish liberation movement in the North and Eastern parts of the country, its repression by Turkey and the fate of the project in the context of the regime change in Syria. We end by listing some media and other resources from where we personally get our news about Syria and Rojava, mentioning what biases each outlet has. ===== Re(Sources): Unsorted sources https://medyanews.net https://syria.liveuamap.com/ https://syria.liveuamap.com/en/time/06.12.2024 https://kongra-star.org/eng/about-us/ https://anfenglish.com/news https://rojavainformationcenter.org/ https://medyanews.net/ https://www.freeocalan.org/about https://internationalistcommune.com https://twitter.com/starrcongress https://twitter.com/SDF_Syria https://twitter.com/MazloumAbdi https://twitter.com/RojavaNetwork https://twitter.com/Vigil4Ocalan https://twitter.com/RevistaLegerin https://twitter.com/RojavaNetwork/status/1868790045290926469 https://twitter.com/YpgInt journalists to follow https://twitter.com/vvanwilgenburg https://twitter.com/fgeerdink https://twitter.com/jamesstout https://twitter.com/MattBroomfield1 Artwork from https://www.flickr.com/people/kurdishstruggle/, edited by Grecu.

    28 min
  3. 11/02/2024

    Ep. 037 – Organizing against climate collapse, w/ Climaximo

    In today’s episode we talk with activist Sinan from the organization Climaximo about organizing during and against accelerating climate change. We start the conversation by describing some of the principle that our political work is based upon, in particular that the real risk of climate collapse is underrepresented and that the capitalist class will always resist any meaningful structural change. Then we talk about Climaximo, their mode of organizing and plans for the future. Sinan explains to us how they operate under the assumption of a state of climate emergency and their effort to frame climate change as a war waged by the capitalist class against the rest of the world. We finish with some book recommendations and a call to get organized. ===== Re(Sources): Climaximo web: https://www.climaximo.pt/ fb: /climaximopt ig: @climaximopt Naomi Klein, This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. The Climate, Simon & Schuster (2014) https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/21913812-this-changes-everything Rob Nixon, Slow Violence and The Environmentalism of The Poor, Harvard University Press (2010). https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/10429440-slow-violence-and-the-environmentalism-of-the-poor Bill McGuire, Hothouse Earth: An Inhabitant’s Guide, Icon Books (2022). https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/61336424-hothouse-earth Andreas Malm and the Zetkin Collective, White Skin, Black Fuel: On The Danger of Fossil Fascism, Verso (2021). https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/56708410-white-skin-black-fuel Artwork by Alis Balogh Music: Capitalism is Toxic song: https://youtu.be/cMPt6AA6NOY

    56 min
  4. Ep. 036 — Gaza: Tragedy and Resistance, w/ Muath [AR/EN] Collaboration with Unrest Radio


    Ep. 036 — Gaza: Tragedy and Resistance, w/ Muath [AR/EN] Collaboration with Unrest Radio

    It can be hard to imagine life in Gaza outside of the constant terror, the bombings, and the continuous tragedy of the Palestinians. It’s hard to even imagine anything about Gaza at all, bombed as we are by constant propaganda and fear mongering. So we sat down with Muath, who lived there for most of his childhood and adult life, and he painted for us a picture of a place where life exists, like everywhere else, with daily tragedy, resistance, and, of course, with humour. The episode was recorded in Arabic, and then translated and read in English by our comrade Ghassan, who also did the art for the episode. Timestamps for the two versions below. In the first part of the conversation, Muath talks about his own family history and how it ties into the plight of the Palestinian people and the ongoing genocide. In the second part we talk about day to day life in Gaza, its struggles, and some of the misconceptions associated with it, even by people in solidarity with the Palestinian cause. Finally, in the third part we discussed resistance and solidarity, and what anyone can do to help, even in the slightest, in the face of the overwhelming tragedy. Timestamps: Arabic original: 4:10 English translation: 20:50 ===== Some Palestine Solidarity groups in Germany Students for Palestine Bonn: @stud4palbonn Students for Palestine Berlin: @studentsforpalestine_fu Jüdische Stimme für gerechten Frieden in Nahost (Jewish Voices for Peace): @juedischestimme Palestine Solidarity groups in Romania Cluj: @palestinesolidarity_cj Timisoara: @palestinesolidarity.tm Brasov: @palestinesolidarity_brasov (ex) Student encampments in Romania Cluj Students for Palestine: @clujstudents.forpalestine Bucharest Students for Palestine: @buchareststudents.forpalestine Art and translation by: Ghassan Follow Saad and unrest radio (linktr.ee/unrestradio) flickr: @unrestradio apple podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/de/podcast/unrest-radio/id1659525221

    33 min
  5. Ep. 035 — The Bangladesh uprising , w/ Saad Shahriar of Unrest Radio [EN]


    Ep. 035 — The Bangladesh uprising , w/ Saad Shahriar of Unrest Radio [EN]

    For most, the protests in Bangladesh that crippled the authoritarian government came out of nowhere. Upon closer inspection, they are the logical conclusion to more than a decade of poverty, shock doctrine, and increased religious radicalization. We invited Saad Shahriar, our comrade and the main host of Unrest Radio, to do a joint episode and have a closer look at the facts on the ground. In the first part we discussed the history of post-independence Bangladesh, its history and the main political forces and actors. Then we turn briefly to the more recent wave of protests, like the textile garment workers’ strikes at the end of last year. Finally, we move to the current wave of student-led protests and activism, the brutal government crackdowns and the general silence of the Western media about the events. The episode was recorded at the end of July, before the Prime Minister resigned on August 5th, leading to a collapse of the government. Facts and events are unraveling fast, and much may change in the upcoming days or even hours. ===== Re(Sources): Timeline of student protests: https://www.thedailystar.net/news/bangladesh/news/timeline-student-protests-3668996 Bangladesh PM Hasina ousted, army announces formation of interim government https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vf5Z8GT0AH0 Art by: Debashish Chakrabarty instagram: @debashish.chakrabarty Music: Jhornar Moto Chonchol (ঝর্ণার মত চঞ্চল) a Tribute to Kazi Nazrul Islam (কাজী নজরুল ইসলাম) by Dreek (দৃক); Lyrics: Rebel poet Kazi Nazrul Islam. spotify: https://open.spotify.com/track/7cvpKBUE9F3GVLEuZxZECM?si=7144497a8ee64b54 Follow Saad and unrest radio (https://linktr.ee/unrestradio) flickr: @unrestradio apple podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/de/podcast/unre…io/id1659525221

    38 min
  6. Ep. 034 — Lumea academică și hărțuitorii ei, cu Cristina [RO]


    Ep. 034 — Lumea academică și hărțuitorii ei, cu Cristina [RO]

    În episodul de astăzi stăm de vorba cu Cristina Praz, activistă în cadrul Centrului Filia, despre raportul intitulat „Hărțuirea sexuală și discriminarea de gen în spațiul universitar”, la întocmirea căruia a luat parte. În prima parte discutăm despre tema mai largă a hărțuirii sexuale și a discriminării de gen, atât în universități, cât și în viața de zi cu zi. Vorbim despre raport, cum a fost el formulat și mai apoi distribuit în universități și despre tăcerea sau lipsa totală de interes din partea acestora. În partea a doua discutăm despre metodele de combatare a hărțuirii, abuzul și discriminării propuse în cadrul raportului, prin campanii, cursuri sau workshopuri despre ce înseamnă și cum pot arăta acestea. Vorbim și despre problema reglementărilor interne, întrucât multe universități nu oferă nici măcar un formular standard de raportare a hărțuirii. În ultima parte extindem ideea combaterii, de la metodele birocratice și până la cursurile de auto-apărare. ===== Centrul Filia web: https://centrulfilia.ro/ fb: centrul.filia ig: centrulfilia C. Praz, A. Dârlău, T. Ciobanu, Hărțuirea sexuală și discriminarea de gen în spațiul universitar (2022). https://centrulfilia.ro/new/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/Raport-cercetare-Hartuirea-sexuala-in-universitati-RO.pdf Centrul Filia, Ghid privind prevenirea și combaterea discriminarea de gen și hărțuirea sexuală în universități (2023). https://centrulfilia.ro/new/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/Ghid-privind-prevenirea-si-combaterea-discriminarii-de-gen-si-hartuirii-sexuale-in-universitati.pdf Colectiva Riposta https://www.instagram.com/colectiva.riposta/ Arta: Alis Balogh Muzica: The government as an abusive boyfriend, by Sophia Zadar https://youtu.be/i3JW1M_VesI https://www.youtube.com/@SofiaZadar https://open.spotify.com/artist/3F4Ec4iFdVp4Pmzhw2Zrd1

    50 min
  7. Ep. 033 — Let the right ones in: the changing asylum system of Fortress Europe , w/ Benedikt [EN]


    Ep. 033 — Let the right ones in: the changing asylum system of Fortress Europe , w/ Benedikt [EN]

    In today’s episode we sit down and talk with Benedik Kern, about the asylum system in Germany and the EU. Our guest tells us about the work that his organization is doing organizing so-called “church asylums” and “citizen asylums”, wherein churches and individual citizens offer safe places for people avoiding the Dublin system to hide from authorities. The main topic of the discussion is the coming change in the EU asylum system. It entails the outsourcing of the entire asylum procedure outside the EU, to camps in bordering countries that are considered safe. With this, there will be no more asylum procedure within the EU borders per se, fundamentally changing the whole movement landscape. The new law first has to be voted in the EU parliament and then implemented by individual countries in their national legal system, thus taking some years to come into effect. We talk with Benedikt about ways we can fight the consolidation of Fortress Europe, and how this must necessarily entail at least regional cooperation between groups and movements. ===== Re(Sources): Institute for Theology and Politics https://www.itpol.de/ Church Asylum homepage https://www.kirchenasyl.de Citizens' asylum affinity group (in Münster , Germany) https://buergerinnenasylmuenster.blackblogs.org/ Materials on the asylum situation (via PRO ASYL, an organization fighting for the rights of asylum seekers) https://www.proasyl.de/thema/eu-asylpolitik/ https://www.proasyl.de/news/faq-zur-geplanten-reform-des-gemeinsamen-europaeischen-asylsystems-geas/ https://www.proasyl.de/en/news/ceas-breaches-of-core-legal-principles-are-going-to-become-the-new-normal/ Benedikt’s article on church asylum and an interview about its 40th anniversary in August 2023 https://www.buergergesellschaft.de/fileadmin/pdf/gastbeitrag_kern_210520.pdf https://www.katholisch.de/artikel/46751-theologe-kirchenasyl-entscheidend-fuer-relevanz-der-kirchen About the deportation of Moldavian workers from Germany https://www.tagesspiegel.de/berlin/warum-so-viele-moldawier-aus-berlin-abgeschoben-werden-5046916.html Artwork by Saad Shahriar of postcolonial cafe and unrest radio flickr: @unrestradio apple podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/de/podcast/unrest-radio/id1659525221 Music: Comunitate, by Sofia Zadar spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/3F4Ec4iFdVp4Pmzhw2Zrd1 fb: @sofiazadar

    1h 6m
  8. Ep. 032 — Struggle in Western Sahara: (p1) Betrayals and Colonial Plunder /w Jamal [EN]


    Ep. 032 — Struggle in Western Sahara: (p1) Betrayals and Colonial Plunder /w Jamal [EN]

    In today’s episode we talk with human rights activist Jamal about the colonial occupation of Western Sahara by Morocco and the decades-long decolonial struggle of the Sahrawi people. We start the discussion by going over the chronology of the occupation, discussing the main international actors and their interests in the region, and how these interests ignore the rights and demands of the majority local Sahrawi population. We talk about the imperial and extractivist logic that drives Morocco, and how the EU is failing to uphold international law in exchange for access to fisheries, green energy and other benefits. In the second part we talk about the Polisario Front, the organization leading the resistance of the Sahrawis, and how people can support the cause. ===== Re(Sources) Cultures of Resistance Films: Life is Waiting: Referendum and Resistance in Western Sahara [Documentary] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9QzRzm4uFxU ARSO - Association de soutien à un référendum libre et régulier au Sahara Occidenta https://www.arso.org/index.htm Sahrawi Association in the USA https://sahrawiusa.com/ Vice News: The Sahara's Forgotten War (Full Length) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ju4WrjiJbGc The Sahrawi art of resistance https://emmausstockholm.se/the-sahrawi-art-of-resistance/ Spain switch to legitimizing the occupation https://www.aljazeera.com/program/inside-story/2023/2/3/will-spains-new-position-on-western-sahara-make-a-difference Dirty green energy on occupied land https://wsrw.org/en/news/renewable-energy Ex-MEP charged in EU corruption scandal admits links to Morocco https://www.euronews.com/my-europe/2023/01/18/ex-mep-charged-in-eu-corruption-scandal-admits-links-to-qatar-morocco-lawyer-says About phosphate and its role https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2016/11/the-desert-rock-that-feeds-the-world/508853/ About the Moroccan wall in Western Sahara https://book.stopthewall.org/the-moroccan-wall-in-western-sahara-a-silent-crime/ Artwork by Manolo Mesa flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/el_messa/ ig: @manolo_mesa Music: Sahara a pesar de las heridas, by Adel Larbi & P Solver song: https://youtu.be/_LWhfOFt2K0 ig: @adellarbipsk yt: @graffandstuff8156

    46 min

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    2 Ratings


    Lene radicală, lene intersecțională, lene antiautoritară. Podcastul de stânga pe care îl poți asculta când nu ai chef de nimic.

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