The Diva Queens are back in the building and they’re ready to recap all of the fashion goodness, the badness and of course the gossip.
6:16 - The diva queens discuss the current State of Scam that is Miami Dade County with a parking scam that has probably also happened to you!
11:29 - Drea Dreams of Dumplings. Drea talks about her trip back home and spending time in Queens where she thought she would fulfill her dumpling crawl dreams but was left wanting more.
16:53 - The girls get into a full recap of Halloween including the state of celeb Halloween. They critique the girls and end with their favorite costumes shockingly being of the general public.
29:32 - The CFDA awards happened and the diva queens discuss the heartwarming acceptance speech of Daniel Roseberry for International Designer of the Year.
36:58 - Our lordt & savior Jesus Christ made a cameo at the LACMA Art & Film Gala - on the chest of Kim K in the form of an amethyst cross purchased by Kim from THE Princess Diana’s estate.
46:18 - The Diva Queens get into more interesting topics like furniture/art collectors owning fake pieces, fake artists, and the very important philosophical question who dictates what art is?
We’re on YouTube now !!
Much love to the INTS Diva Queens, as always if you have a topic you want us to discuss, a question for us to answer, or your own “Was it a Bad Day or Are They Just a Piece of Sh*t” story for us to read please drop a line on IG or send an email to please drop a line on IG or send an email to
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©2024 Dear Young Queen
This episode is presented by Dear Young Queen Podcast Network.
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- 주기매주 업데이트
- 발행일2024년 11월 9일 오후 4:00 UTC
- 길이54분
- 시즌1
- 에피소드30
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