This month, comedy legend Dave Chappelle released his latest stand-up Netflix special, called "The Closer." It immediately drew criticism for jokes widely viewed as transphobic, and it has created turmoil behind the scenes at Netflix. But there’s also been a backlash to the backlash, by fans who say social justice warriors just want to cancel Chappelle. One group is particularly well positioned to have insights on the controversy: LGBTQ comedians. Today, we hear from three.
More reading:
What LGBTQ+ comedians really think of Dave Chappelle’s Netflix special
Netflix’s Dave Chappelle PR crisis has been years in the making
Netflix takes a hit over fallout from Dave Chappelle special
Hosts & Guests
- Show
- Channel
- FrequencyUpdated Daily
- PublishedOctober 19, 2021 at 12:00 PM UTC
- Length25 min
- RatingExplicit