Life Check Yourself

Marni Battista
Life Check Yourself

Dating coach, Marni Battista, is the queen of making her clients irresistible to men and not just any men, high quality men. Marni is a certified professional Dating and Relationship Coach and Expert, writer, and nationally recognized print and online magazine expert (Cosmopolitan Magazine, Yahoo! Shine, Huffington Post,,, Men’s Fitness, Glamour and more). She has also had guest appearances on CBS, ABC, and Loveline (filling in for Dr. Drew!) Marni’s weekly dating and relationship web show, “The Dating Den,” has over 2.6 million views, and she was named one of the 10 Best Women’s Dating Experts by @DatingAdviceCom.​

  1. 1天前

    Life Check Yourself Episode 471- “Is He Watching Too Much Porn? How to Know If It’s Time to Talk” with Matthew Sinkovitz

    In this week’s episode, Marni welcomes Matthew Sinkovitz to the Life Check Yourself studio. Matthew is the founder of the Porn to Purpose Community, which he started in 2019 after battling pornography addiction. With years of coaching, therapy, and 12-step recovery work, Matthew is on a mission to help men transform their lives. His focus on personal and spiritual development, mindfulness, and recovery offers a powerful path for those seeking freedom from addiction. They dive deep into the complex topic of pornography addiction, its impact on relationships, and the journey to reclaim purpose. Matthew shares insights from his own recovery and discusses strategies to overcome this pervasive issue. Key Takeaways: Awareness of the Addiction Creating a Safe Space for Vulnerability Purpose as a Solution to Addiction    Awareness and Denial of Addiction (12:35) Pornography addiction often thrives in secrecy and denial. Many individuals fail to recognize the extent of the problem until it severely impacts their lives. By gaining awareness, it becomes possible to take the first step toward recovery. This shift in consciousness can break cycles of addictive behavior and lead to genuine healing. Awareness is critical because it fosters accountability, making it easier to change self-destructive habits. "The problem is, a man might not have the awareness to know that it’s a problem, or he might not be willing enough to admit that it’s a problem."   The Importance of Vulnerability in Relationships (25:45) Creating a safe environment for honesty is essential for both personal recovery and the health of relationships. Vulnerability without judgment encourages honesty, which leads to growth and deeper understanding. Acknowledging and addressing issues in an environment of support is the key to real transformation. “The creation of some sort of space around having a healthy conversation... you have to take responsibility for judging or being critical.” Purpose as a Solution to Addiction (40:15) A lack of purpose often leads to feelings of boredom, isolation, and insignificance, which drive individuals toward addictive behaviors. By defining and pursuing a meaningful life, negative habits become less appealing and easier to break. Purpose gives individuals direction, leading to self-improvement and fulfillment. Having a sense of mission empowers personal growth and significantly diminishes the urge to engage in destructive behaviors.  "When I was on purpose in life, the things that didn’t serve me naturally fell by the wayside."   Make a Connection: 3 Secrets Men Wish You Knew *Free Download* How to Eliminate Burnout: How to use the Radical Living Blueprint to Reinvent Your Life Ready To Take Control Of Your Life?  Book A Call With Us Unlock the shocking truth about how your unique personality type is silently shaping your future The Liberation Boot Camp- Porn To Purpose

    38 分钟
  2. 10月9日

    Life Check Yourself Episode 470: “Awkward! Who Do You Invite When You Can’t Stand His Family?” with Heather Wiese

    In this week’s episode, Marni welcomes Heather Wiese to the Life Check Yourself studio. Heather is the founder of Bell'INVITO, a responsible luxury brand specializing in stationery and leather goods. Heather shares her journey from art direction to establishing a company that marries beauty with etiquette, and her passion for teaching the importance of thoughtful communication in our everyday interactions. Their conversation dives deep into the relevance of etiquette in today’s fast-paced world, showing that it’s not just about table manners or formal occasions—it’s about everyday respect, emotional intelligence, and intentional living. Heather breaks down how etiquette impacts our relationships, our businesses, and even our self-confidence. Her insights reveal how the smallest gestures, when done thoughtfully, can transform how we communicate and connect. Key Takeaways: Etiquette is Everywhere Intentional Living is Key Empowerment through Knowledge   Modern Etiquette (10:23) Etiquette is not about being old-fashioned; it governs daily interactions. This explains how etiquette is ingrained in our social norms, even in casual settings like how we treat guests or navigate social media interactions. This knowledge helps build strong, respectful relationships. “You do worry about etiquette. You have your own etiquette. You have protocols and the subculture of your house. And when someone doesn’t follow them, it’s weird." Intentional Living (21:10) Intentional living goes beyond what we buy. It’s about aligning our choices—whether material or behavioral—with values that support a meaningful life. Making informed decisions and understanding the long-term impact can bring clarity and peace. "We inspire people to live beautifully and purchase intentionally while educating them on etiquette." Empowering Yourself through Etiquette (34:45) Knowing etiquette boosts self-confidence in social and professional scenarios. This emphasizes that etiquette is a tool for empowerment, enabling you to navigate any situation with grace and certainty. Mastering social protocols allows individuals to feel prepared, reducing anxiety in formal and informal settings alike. It builds confidence in every interaction. "How many times do you go into a situation and feel so empowered when you actually are like, ‘I was right. I knew that.”   Make a Connection: 3 Secrets Men Wish You Knew *Free Download* How to Eliminate Burnout: How to use the Radical Living Blueprint to Reinvent Your Life Ready To Take Control Of Your Life?  Book A Call With Us Unlock the shocking truth about how your unique personality type is silently shaping your future Bell’INVITO - Heather Wiese’s Website

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  3. 10月2日

    Life Check Yourself Episode 469- “Instant Calm: How to Reset Your Nervous System in 30 Seconds!” with Christina McMahon

    In this week’s episode, Marni welcomes Christina McMahon, PhD, a love coach and certified somatic counselor who has been empowering individuals to overcome their inner barriers to love and life through the power of somatic healing. With a background in academia, Christina made the bold decision to leave a tenured university position to follow her passion, now helping hundreds of singles embrace love in a transformative way. She’ll take us through how listening to our bodies, especially in times of change, can lead us to our most authentic selves. This episode dives deep into the concept of somatic healing and how listening to our bodies can catalyze massive life shifts. They’ll explore the idea of breaking down barriers by connecting with bodily sensations and understanding how trauma can lead to profound transformation.   Key Takeaways: Listening to Your Body Can Lead to Breakthroughs Trauma as a Pathway to Transformation Shift Happens When We Accept Our Emotions Somatics and the Body’s Signals (10:15) Recognizing these physical patterns allows for a more profound understanding of personal history, unlocking the potential for growth. By tuning into these bodily sensations, we can begin to trust the signals our body sends, guiding us toward the healing we need. "Each pattern we develop has a survival instinct behind it... our body holds the memory of what we need to heal." Breaking Down to Break Through (17:45) It’s in the moments of greatest distress that clarity can emerge, providing the opportunity to realign and rebuild a new direction in life. These breaking points often serve as gateways to deeper personal transformation, allowing us to create a life aligned with our true desires.   “It was like the worst day of my life, but it was also the most pivotal because it put me on a different path.”   Emotional Energy and Healing (25:00) Somatic work teaches that emotions are energy, and blocked emotional energy creates physical and emotional pain. When people allow themselves to feel emotions—especially the ones they avoid like sadness or grief—they make room for healing and forward movement.Emotions like anger often mask deeper feelings like sadness. By embracing these, transformation occurs, shifting from emotional stagnation to personal freedom.  “Underneath your anger is probably sadness... the sadness is the golden nugget we need to heal.” Make a Connection: 3 Secrets Men Wish You Knew *Free Download* How to Eliminate Burnout: How to use the Radical Living Blueprint to Reinvent Your Life Ready To Take Control Of Your Life?  Book A Call With Us Unlock the shocking truth about how your unique personality type is silently shaping your future Want a Love Life Worthy of Wonderful You?- Meet Christina Mcmahon Opening to Sacred Love Online Program Free Dating Mastery Toolkit For Lasting Love

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  4. 9月25日

    Life Check Yourself Episode 468- “7 Behaviors That Destroy Relationships” with Kristal De Santis

    In this week’s episode, Marni welcomes Kristal De Santis to the Life Check Yourself studio. Kristal is a licensed marriage and family therapist and author of Strong: A Relationship Field Guide for the Modern Man, she shares insights on masculinity, partnership dynamics, and how men can thrive in today’s shifting societal expectations. They explore the complexities of modern relationships, particularly focusing on the evolving roles of men and women. Together, the duo uncover actionable strategies to build stronger, healthier relationships based on mutual understanding and growth.   Redefining Masculinity in Modern Relationships The Importance of Emotional Safety in Love Effective Conflict Resolution and Repair Strategies   The Evolution of Masculine and Feminine Roles in Relationships [00:08:35]   In today's relationships, both men and women are navigating an unprecedented level of freedom. With traditional gender roles evolving, the challenge becomes making intentional choices that benefit both partners without falling back on outdated expectations. The key is creating new, shared rules for the partnership while respecting each other's individuality.   "The paradox of choice is that when everything is on the table, how do you make the right choice for yourself?"    Love Languages Reimagined: Building Emotional Safety [00:23:45]   Emotional safety is foundational to a successful relationship. While love languages help communicate affection, they only work if partners feel secure. Safety allows individuals to express their needs freely, and without it, no amount of acts of service or physical touch can stabilize the relationship.   "If you don’t have safety, the relationship will still be on shaky ground." Communication Breakdowns and Repair Conversations [00:47:20]   When conflicts arise in a relationship, repairing the emotional damage requires time and effort. Quick apologies aren’t enough; true healing involves understanding the other person's perspective and demonstrating accountability. Deep-seated issues may need repeated conversations, but each discussion can strengthen the bond and help both partners grow.   "The deeper the wound, the more stitches you need."   Make a Connection: 3 Secrets Men Wish You Knew *Free Download* How to Eliminate Burnout: How to use the Radical Living Blueprint to Reinvent Your Life Ready To Take Control Of Your Life?  Book A Call With Us Unlock the shocking truth about how your unique personality type is silently shaping your future Strong: A Relationship Field Guide for the Modern Man- Get Your Copy Now STRONG.LOVE- Kristal Desantis Website

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  5. 9月18日

    Life Check Yourself Episode 467- “ How Nancy Retired Early (And You Can Too)” with Nancy Hurley

    In this week's episode, Marni welcomes Nancy Hurley to the Life Check Yourself studio. Nancy is a seasoned marketing executive and a client of Marni. She shares her incredible journey of transforming her life, moving from a state of work overload and self-doubt to a balanced life filled with purpose and joy. Her story is a testament to the power of intentional life design, where she took bold steps to redefine her future, embrace retirement, and open new doors, all while working through the profound internal and external changes with Marni’s guidance.   The Journey of Overcoming Work Overload and Finding Balance Confronting the Fear of Retirement and Financial Insecurity Redesigning Life and Career on Your Own Terms Letting Go of Perfectionism and Delegating for Success The Importance of Setting Boundaries and Prioritizing Self-Care Recognizing When Overwork Leads to Burnout – [00:10:35]   Constant overworking can drain energy and overshadow personal life. It’s important to recognize the signs of burnout and take steps to create a healthier balance, allowing for both career success and personal fulfillment.   "I didn’t want to turn 61 still doing what I had been doing at 60. I knew I had to figure out how to make the shift."   Managing Financial Fears Surrounding Retirement – [00:23:45]   Financial concerns often surface when considering retirement. It's essential to confront these fears directly, ensuring that retirement is not a source of anxiety but an opportunity for personal growth and new experiences.   "Life is short. Unless this is the most fulfilling thing you're doing, there shouldn't be any 'buts'. Serve yourself, and what matters to you."   Redesigning Life with Intention and Freedom – [00:45:10]   Redesigning life after years in a demanding career can be empowering. It's crucial to approach this transition with a clear plan, ensuring that personal goals align with professional exit strategies, while maintaining future flexibility.   "You have to stop pushing out the timeline, making excuses for the next promotion or incentive. If you keep waiting, it’ll never happen."   Letting Go of Perfectionism to Foster Team Success – [00:55:25]   Perfectionism can create unnecessary stress and hinder both personal growth and team dynamics. Learning to trust others and delegate responsibilities helps reduce pressure and fosters a more collaborative and effective working environment.   "Delegating and trusting others with responsibility allowed me to let go of perfectionism and finally breathe."   Setting Boundaries to Protect Personal Well-Being – [01:05:10]   Boundaries are critical for preserving mental and emotional health. Prioritizing self-care and establishing clear limits between work and personal time ensures a more balanced, fulfilling lifestyle.   "The small wins come when you start showing up for yourself, closing your laptop at five, and making time for what truly matters." Make a Connection: 3 Secrets Men Wish You Knew *Free Download* How to Eliminate Burnout: How to use the Radical Living Blueprint to Reinvent Your Life Ready To Take Control Of Your Life?  Book A Call With Us Unlock the shocking truth about how your unique personality type is silently shaping your future

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  6. 9月11日

    Life Check Yourself Episode 466- “3 feminine habits men find wildly attractive (this will make his heart race!)” with Mary McMonagle

    In this week’s episode, Marni welcomes Mary McMonagle to the Life Check Yourself studio. Mary is an intuitive healer and feminine energy coach who helps high-achieving women break free from limitations and unlock their true potential. She is also the founder of True Vibe, a spiritual lifestyle brand dedicated to guiding others toward embracing their true selves. In this episode, the duo dives into the concept of feminine energy, exploring how it manifests uniquely in each of us and why it's important to balance both masculine and feminine energy. They'll unpack why some women find it hard to access their emotional side and how society and upbringing play a role in this. They also talk about the power of vulnerability and how embracing your feminine energy can lead to deeper connections, personal growth, and a more fulfilling life. What is Feminine Energy and How Do We Overthink It? Accessing Emotions and Vulnerability Balancing Giving and Receiving in Feminine Energy What is Feminine Energy and How Do We Overthink It? (07:12) Feminine energy is often misunderstood or overcomplicated. This section discusses the uniqueness of feminine energy in each individual and the importance of not suppressing this part of ourselves. "Feminine energy is a unique expression of who we are, and it's different for everyone." Accessing Emotions and Vulnerability (15:23) Many women find it challenging to connect with their emotions due to societal and cultural conditioning. This segment explores the significance of accessing and expressing emotions as a key to personal growth and stronger relationships. "Growth only happens when emotions are fully experienced—suppressing feelings limits personal development." Balancing Giving and Receiving in Feminine Energy (27:40) Feminine energy is not just about giving; it also involves being open to receiving. This part of the discussion focuses on finding balance between nurturing others and taking care of oneself, avoiding the trap of people-pleasing. "True balance in feminine energy comes from allowing oneself to receive without feeling guilty." Make a Connection: 3 Secrets Men Wish You Knew *Free Download* How to Eliminate Burnout: How to use the Radical Living Blueprint to Reinvent Your Life Ready To Take Control Of Your Life?  Book A Call With Us Unlock the shocking truth about how your unique personality type is silently shaping your future Get the latest updates from Mary- “Mary McMonagle Instagram Account”

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  7. 9月4日

    Life Check Yourself Episode 465- “Heal Chaos and Overwhelm: How to Declutter Every Part of Your Life” with Mahwish Syed

    In this week’s episode, Marni welcomes Mahwish Syed to the Life Check Yourself Studio. Mahwish is an award-winning fashion and interior designer, cancer survivor, and author. She shares her incredible journey of turning adversity into a powerful source of transformation. Her new book, Purgatory to Paradise: How Cancer Helped Me Design an Authentic Life, highlights how she navigated the dark times of her illness to emerge as a stronger, more authentic version of herself. In this episode, the duo dives deep into the concepts of self-love, healing, and the transformative power of our environments. Whether you're battling illness, overcoming a challenging relationship, or simply seeking more peace and joy in your daily life, Mahwish’s insights will inspire you to create beauty and harmony from the inside out. Using Adversity as a Catalyst for Change The Power of Healing Environments Reconnecting with the Inner Child and Authentic Self Using Adversity as a Catalyst for Change (08:15) Adversity often reveals truths that are hidden in the comfort of everyday life. This shift in focus led to a deeper understanding of personal worth and the realization that one must prioritize their well-being over toxic relationships. "It wasn’t just about surviving; it was about finding a way to truly live." The Power of Healing Environments (20:45) The surroundings in which one lives and heals play a significant role in recovery and well-being. Emphasizing beauty and order in one’s environment helps cultivate a mindset of peace and wellness. "Creating beauty in our environment helps to cultivate peace within." Reconnecting with the Inner Child and Authentic Self (35:30) True healing involves reconnecting with the authentic self and nurturing the inner child. By curating personal spaces that reflect one’s true identity and childhood joys, individuals can foster a sense of wholeness and contentment. This practice allows for a deeper connection with one's core values and passions, encouraging a life lived in alignment with inner truths. "Reconnecting with what we loved as children brings us back to our most authentic selves." Make a Connection: 3 Secrets Men Wish You Knew *Free Download* How to Eliminate Burnout: How to use the Radical Living Blueprint to Reinvent Your Life Ready To Take Control Of Your Life?  Book A Call With Us Do You Believe Your Space Can Impact Your Health?-- Mahwish Syed Design Mahwish Syed Design- Mahwish Website PURGATORY TO PARADISE: How Cancer Helped Me Design An Authentic Life *Get Your Copy Now*

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  8. 8月28日

    Life Check Yourself Episode 464- “ How to Stop Screwing Yourself Over” with Katie Horwitch

    In this week’s episode, Marni welcomes Katie Horwitch to the Life Check Yourself Studio. Katie is an author, speaker, mindset coach, and self-talk activist. She is the founder of WANT: Women Against Negative Talk, a platform that gives women tips, tools, motivation, and inspiration to live fearlessly by shifting their negative self-talk patterns. Her first book, Want Your Self: Shift Your Self-Talk and Unearth The Strength In Who You Were All Along, (10/3/23 Sounds True), guides you to change your self-talk at the deepest level—so you can move forward fearlessly into the life you were meant to live. The duo dive deep into the concept of self-talk—how the stories we tell ourselves shape our reality and how we can transform that narrative to live more authentically and fearlessly. They explore the challenges of overcoming negative self-talk, the importance of being honest with ourselves, and practical strategies for shifting our mindset to move forward in life. Understanding Self-Talk and Its Impact Overcoming Negative Self-Talk The Role of Emotionally Heavy Words   Understanding Self-Talk and Its Impact (08:45) Self-talk is the ongoing story we tell ourselves about ourselves as we navigate through life. It's not inherently good or bad; it's the information we process and what we do with that information that truly matters. "Self-talk isn't inherently good or bad. It's information, and what we do with that information informs what we do next." Overcoming Negative Self-Talk (22:30) The process of overcoming negative self-talk involves more than just "flipping the script." It requires identifying the underlying beliefs and gradually building a foundation of self-worth. Simply replacing negative thoughts with positive ones doesn't work if we don't believe in the new narrative. The guest emphasizes the need to address the root cause of negative beliefs and to be realistic in our self-talk shifts. "You can't just flip the script on negative self-talk. It's about recognizing the belief behind it and making a realistic shift." The Role of Emotionally Heavy Words (35:15) Emotionally heavy words, like "hate" and "ugly," carry significant weight and can deeply influence our emotions and actions. It's essential to be mindful of the language we use with ourselves and others.These words often hijack our emotional state, making it harder to move forward.  "Emotionally heavy words can hijack the entire moment. Be mindful of the language you use with yourself."   Make a Connection: 3 Secrets Men Wish You Knew *Free Download* How to Eliminate Burnout: How to use the Radical Living Blueprint to Reinvent Your Life Ready To Take Control Of Your Life?  Book A Call With Us Shift Your Negative Self-Talk- Katie Horwitch’s Website WANT YOUR SELF- Guidebook (Get your Copy NOW)

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Dating coach, Marni Battista, is the queen of making her clients irresistible to men and not just any men, high quality men. Marni is a certified professional Dating and Relationship Coach and Expert, writer, and nationally recognized print and online magazine expert (Cosmopolitan Magazine, Yahoo! Shine, Huffington Post,,, Men’s Fitness, Glamour and more). She has also had guest appearances on CBS, ABC, and Loveline (filling in for Dr. Drew!) Marni’s weekly dating and relationship web show, “The Dating Den,” has over 2.6 million views, and she was named one of the 10 Best Women’s Dating Experts by @DatingAdviceCom.​








