I'm so VERY excited to welcome Rhonda Paviovich of The White Flame Co in Hamillton, Ontario, Canada to my show! We are going to open up this show and talk about Rhonda's background, her experiences and the most recent experience at The White Flame with Lifeline Healing, as I was just recently at The White Flame Co on Saturday the 3rd of Jan for a NEW You Lifeline Healing Cleanse & Clear Workshop. I would love to have you CALL IN with questions for Rhonda or myself and share your experience if you were in attendance at the White Flame - It's OPEN! Looking forward to this show! Tell your friends! Call in via SKYPE or use viber to call if you are out of the country. The number to call in is 347-850-1090 OR LISTEN via the web using this url. Much love and many blessings! Cindy and the Lifeline Angel Team!
- 节目
- 发布时间2015年1月5日 UTC 02:00
- 长度2 小时 2 分钟
- 分级儿童适宜