Life’s Tough, Explorers Are TOUGHER!

Richard Wiese
Life’s Tough, Explorers Are TOUGHER!

“Exploring is an innate part of being human.” Richard Wiese, spends 30 minutes every week with some of the world’s most compelling adventurers, explorers, and socio-environmental advocates, listening to their distinct adventures, unique discoveries, projects & goals, while discovering their multitude of challenges, surprises, triumphs and set-backs they encounter along the way. Join Richard as he pulls back the curtain on what it’s like to travel around the world and beyond; explore some of the most exotic and often dangerous places; and uncover what makes people, places and our planet so special.

  1. 08/05/2021

    Life’s Tough, but JR Harris is TOUGHER… Learn How This Man from Queens Became a Wilderness Trekker!

    When asked what inspired him to get started as a solo backpacker over fifty years ago, JR Harris will tell you it was Richard Burton… and the movie “Alexander the Great.” He was sixteen years old and recalled that Socrates asked Burton’s character if he wanted a short, exciting life or a long, dull one. Thinking about this later that night, he decided he would choose a short, exciting life for himself.  Listen as he shares with the host of the Explorers podcast, Richard Wiese, and tells us of his pursuit of “Mountain Man” status!  As he made some decisions about the kind of future he wanted, his parents got him involved in the Boy Scouts.  He resisted at first but found himself camping in the Catskills the following summer. He learned outdoor survival skills and there, and it afforded him an opportunity to go off on his own, camping all by himself in the woods… and he loved it!  According to Harris, it changed him… he was a different kid after that.  He loved solitary hiking and camping and the excitement of feeling like he was the only person on the planet. Yes, he found himself in scary situations from time to time but accepted it as part of living that exciting life he yearned for!  As an African-American, he realized that he was the only person of color on the trails and never saw anyone that looked like him in the wilderness.  He has raised his children with the same philosophy with which his parents raised him. They learned that there are good and bad people that come from all cultures and races.    JR has a gift for making people feel at ease and comfortable in open conversations about diversity.  He notes that we are more similar than different at the end of the day and that everyone wants the same things out of life.  There’s a lot of common ground, and the more exposure you get to other people and cultures, the easier it is to get along.  JR Harris has written a book titled Way Out There – Adventures of a Wilderness Trekker.  To get your signed copy and to learn more about his adventures, visit his website. To hear about other explorers, join us for new episodes of Life’s Tough: Explorers are TOUGHER!! At  Richard Wiese, the host of this podcast, is an American explorer. He is the author of the guidebook, Born to Explore: How to Be a Backyard Adventurer. He became the youngest person to become president of the Explorers Club in 2002. Richard is also Executive Producer and Host of the PBS weekly television series Born to Explore with Richard Wiese.

    37 min
  2. 08/05/2021

    Life’s Tough, but Geoff Green is TOUGHER… Learn How This Explorer Uses Trips to the Polar Region to Teach About Environmental Science

    He’s led over 120 expeditions to the polar regions. Many of these trips have been in the company of students, educators, artists, and leaders. While others are planning family holidays, Geoff Green prepares to take sixty teenagers to Antarctica with the Students on Ice Program. He took some time to talk with the host of our Explorers podcast, Richard Wiese, and share some of what he’s learned.  He’s got “stuff” in warehouses all over the place—heavy-duty clothes and equipment which can be pressed into service on short notice.  Geoff tells us that the way to keep kids focused on learning about the environment is to keep them busy physically and mentally with things about which they’re passionate.  What does Geoff accomplish during these expeditions? Students learn to connect with themselves, each other, and nature… all on the same trip.  He remarks that these journeys have a habit of breaking people down and allowing the real person to come out.    The future guardianship of the earth comes down to today's youth, and they are leading the charge to help with environmental causes. Focusing on the next generation of environmental enthusiasts is critical as we move from discovery to solutions in preserving our planet.  We know that experiential education works, but how can we make it available to all students? Most students get scholarships to participate in the program, but outreach towards awareness is a challenge.  Now that we have youth delegations participating in environmental summits, we can look forward to increasing enrollment in essential programs such as these.  To learn more about Geoff Green and his exciting career as a polar explorer and educator, visit his website. To hear about other explorers, join us for new episodes of Life’s Tough: Explorers are TOUGHER!! At  Richard Wiese, the host of this podcast, is an American explorer. He is the author of the guidebook, Born to Explore: How to Be a Backyard Adventurer. He became the youngest person to become president of the Explorers Club in 2002. Richard is also Executive Producer and Host of the PBS weekly television series Born to Explore with Richard Wiese.

    34 min
  3. 07/29/2021

    Life’s Tough, but Leela Hazzah is TOUGHER… This Champion Defender of Wildlife Reveals Her Winning Strategy to Save Lions

    From her earliest recollection, Leela Hazzah has loved animals of all types. Still, she has been wildly infatuated with lions and elephants.  She was raised in Egypt, where Barbary Lions lived before they became extinct. Leela took some time to sit with the host of the Explorers podcast, Richard Wiese and shared some insights into wildlife conservation.  After working in conservation for over twenty years, Leela has discovered that her most significant learning was from spending time living in the Maasai community. In the community, she has been recruiting traditional Maasai warriors to help with her efforts.  As Executive Director of the Lion Guardian Program, Leela has learned Swahili and worked with the Maasai warriors.   She tells us that the Maasai, the environment, and the lions all interact, and it’s a matter of finding and knowing where the balance lies.  She compares the adaptive behavior of the lions with the shifting paradigms for the Maasai.  The lions are braver than they were when they were persecuted.  On the other hand, women used to be attracted to a man who had killed a lion.  Now, women are more attracted to a man who has a job. The warriors want to be involved with the lion project, and Leela trains them in leadership and develops the idea of running towards a challenge.  As she works with partners throughout the Serengeti, she explains that we must embrace diversity if we want to get things done. We don’t have time for any other option.   To learn more about Leela Hazzah and her work with the Lion Guardian Program, visit their website. To hear about other explorers, join us for new episodes of Life’s Tough: Explorers are TOUGHER!! At  Richard Wiese, the host of this podcast, is an American explorer. He is the author of the guidebook, Born to Explore: How to Be a Backyard Adventurer. He became the youngest person to become president of the Explorers Club in 2002. Richard is also Executive Producer and Host of the PBS weekly television series Born to Explore with Richard Wiese.

    31 min
  4. 07/29/2021

    Sean Meagher, Super Yacht Captain Explains How Yachts Help the Environment

    When we think of yachts, most of us think of the “idle rich” spending days in the sun and surf without care.  When Super Yacht Captain Sean Meagher sat down with Richard Wiese, the host of the Explorers podcast, he revealed some surprises that yacht technology provides to the rest of the world, specifically how they help the environment.  Captain Sean Meagher wants you to know that the one thing all Super Yacht designers have in common is that they are innovative and forward-thinking. Yachts must be built to a stringent code, and the areas that they sail in often have environmentally fragile ecosystems. In fact, although he’s heard many definitions of Super Yachts, he feels that they exhibit extraordinary style, technology, and design. Many of these owners will make their yachts available to help in the event of natural disasters,  When it comes to Super Yacht owners, he notes that many of them are self-made, and they share an incredible work ethic and thirst for knowledge. So much of yacht technology trickles down to everyday life. For instance, we are making great strides in the science of wastewater management.  All wastewater released into the ocean must be the quality of drinking water. Super Yachts will have a wastewater processing plant on board to make this happen!  Captain Meagher got his captain's license when he was eighteen years old. He tells of trips he’s been on and different ships he’s had the opportunity to captain. One thing that Sean says about explorers is that explorers have to push boundaries. He explains that this is how we no longer live in caves and how we went to the moon.  To learn more about Captain Sean Meagher and his exciting career as a Super Yacht Captain and explorer, visit his LinkedIn Page. To hear about other explorers, join us for new episodes of Life’s Tough: Explorers are TOUGHER!! At  Richard Wiese, the host of this podcast, is an American explorer. He is the author of the guidebook, Born to Explore: How to Be a Backyard Adventurer. He became the youngest person to become president of the Explorers Club in 2002. Richard is also Executive Producer and Host of the PBS weekly television series Born to Explore with Richard Wiese.

    36 min
  5. 07/22/2021

    Life’s Tough, but Brandi DiCarli is TOUGHER… This Innovator is Making a Difference in the Planet’s Food Production!

    She used to volunteer at a food bank. Today, she’s expanded that role and is the CEO and Co-Founder of Farm From a Box.  This innovative company provides parts of the world with everything they need to grow the food they need. The host of our Explorers podcast, Richard Wiese, interviewed Brandi DiCarli about the project and her views on world hunger.  What followed is an exciting look into what’s possible for our planet.  Brandi DiCarli and her Co-Founder Scott Thompson saw food access throughout the world as a problem for which they had a solution. What resulted was a new idea with no preconceived rules.  They offer shipping containers full of plants and agricultural technology. Each container is stocked for its growing environment and is rapidly adaptable to the area.  These “farms” are designed pre-installed with all the necessities and are locked and loaded. They operate independently of grid access and provide everything from a solar pump and drip irrigation to cold storage.  In addition to being tailored to specific growing environments, Farm From a Box trains the local population to use their agricultural technology and grow crops.  Partnerships are developed all over the world to work with Brandi and Scott’s organization. By forming these partnerships, they can overcome language barriers and foster community building by building teams.  The shipping container “farms” come in two models.  You can use a 20-foot shipping container, which represents 2-4 acres of food production. Or, you can use a 40-foot shipping container, which will yield 10 acres of food.   To learn more about Brandi DiCarli and her work at Farm From a Box, visit their website. To hear about other explorers, join us for new episodes of Life’s Tough: Explorers are TOUGHER!! At  Richard Wiese, the host of this podcast, is an American explorer. He is the author of the guidebook, Born to Explore: How to Be a Backyard Adventurer. He became the youngest person to become president of the Explorers Club in 2002. Richard is also Executive Producer and Host of the PBS weekly television series Born to Explore with Richard Wiese.

    28 min
  6. 07/22/2021

    Life’s Tough, but Richard Garriott is TOUGHER… This Explorer Reveals What’s Next in the World of Exploration

    You might say exploration runs in the family.  Richard Garriott, astronaut, and pioneer of private space flight is the son of astronaut Owen Garriott.  When he spoke in an interview with Richard Wiese, the host of the Explorers podcast, they discussed the fact that when it comes to exploration, paradigms have changed.  We’ve exceeded previous boundaries, and yet there is still so much more to learn about.  In addition to being an astronaut, video game developer, and President of the Explorer’s Club, Richard is a record holder. He is the first man to fly in space and go to the bottom of the ocean. He is the first person to travel and explore from the North to South Poles and space and the sea.    When asked what exploring means to him, Garriott describes his exploring as getting into places of awe and wonder… mystical, magical, and inspiring. He remarks that right here on planet earth, there are vast areas yet to explore. The future of humans will eventually be as multi-planetary beings, according to him.  A big fan of science communication, he is interested in the necessary development of diversity in exploration.  Richard notes that in most exploration, the people doing the hard work and most of the discovery are the indigenous people, and not those getting credit for the work.  His advice is to look to the younger generation to address challenges to the planet. He tells us to remember that there are great, positive examples of people working to solve problems great and small throughout our world.  To learn more about Richard Garriott and his exciting career as an astronaut and explorer, visit his website. To hear about other explorers, join us for new episodes of Life’s Tough: Explorers are TOUGHER!! At  Richard Wiese, the host of this podcast, is an American explorer. He is the author of the guidebook, Born to Explore: How to Be a Backyard Adventurer. He became the youngest person to become president of the Explorers Club in 2002. Richard is also Executive Producer and Host of the PBS weekly television series Born to Explore with Richard Wiese.

    29 min
  7. 07/15/2021

    Life’s Tough, but Rachel Graham is TOUGHER… This Shark Expert Explains Her Work in Preservation of Shark Species

    Dr. Rachel Graham is practiced in the art of connecting with people. She has a love of sharks and a passion for the preservation of sea life that transcends any fear she might feel.  In fact, she’s always had a love of maligned animals. And, when she sat down to speak with the host of the Explorers podcast, Richard Wiese, she talked about her vision of preservation and the team she’s put together to make it happen!  Raised in Tunisia, she had the opportunity to camp with her family in the Serengeti and to observe the wonders of nature. Her parents were perpetually curious and supported her love of animals… even snakes! Educated at Oxford, she dove into science in the hope of making a difference.  She notes that science is frequently done within a vacuum, just to produce papers or statistics.  Dr. Graham points out the gap between researchers on the frontlines and policymakers that prevents progress from being made in many cases.  It should be noted that kids today are more disassociated from the world around them than ever and don’t experience the melding of different cultures.  In addition to English, Rachel speaks French and Arabic, which helps her communicate with her teams.  This fascinating interview can shed some light on the behavioral aspect of sharks, as you learn about her aha moments and her organization, MarAlliance. The group, led by Dr. Graham, works towards the education, conservation, and preservation of sharks and other sea animals.  To learn more about Rachel Graham and her work as a shark expert, visit the MarAlliance website. To hear about other explorers, join us for new episodes of Life’s Tough: Explorers are TOUGHER!! At  Richard Wiese, the host of this podcast, is an American explorer. He is the author of the guidebook, Born to Explore: How to Be a Backyard Adventurer. He became the youngest person to become president of the Explorers Club in 2002. Richard is also Executive Producer and Host of the PBS weekly television series Born to Explore with Richard Wiese.

    34 min
  8. 07/15/2021

    Life’s Tough, but Luca Parmitano is TOUGHER… This Italian Astronaut Shares the Adventure of His Journey!

    Luca Parmitano has the distinction of being the first Italian astronaut to walk in space.  On his second spacewalk, he nearly drowned when his helmet filled with water.  During the Explorers podcast, he talks with host Richard Wiese about the thrill of the spacewalk and what he’s learned about what’s important.  Luca had a wonderful childhood in Catania, Sicily, and didn’t realize that this place was special.  It’s a vacation destination for people around the world.  His parent were both teachers. The first recollections he has of interest in space was through television and stories about the space shuttles.  Luca said he wanted to be an astronaut from an early age, but he didn’t grasp the full meaning of that until he was older.   He was intentional in his career path, trying out for the Italian Airforce Academy.  Competition for a place as a cadet there is steep… 80 cadets accepted from 8000 applications.  He was pleased to be accepted.   He knew he’d have to become a test pilot to make the progression to astronaut, so that was his next goal.  As a test pilot, he was the youngest in his squadron and didn’t think he had a shot at being selected for the European Space Agency (ESA). His squadron commander encouraged him to apply, noting that he would not be chosen without submitting an application. Three days before the public announcement, he got word he had been accepted and was overjoyed.  When it comes to setting records, he tells us that almost everyone in the program would rather talk about ideas and possibilities rather than what they’ve done in the past. He shares that his belief that it’s about the next guy and what he will accomplish, and that’s where we should put our emphasis.  Hear the incredible story about his problems during his second spacewalk that almost cost him his life!  His advice to new cadets – You can only solve one thing at a time – Focus on the solution and not on the problem.  To learn more about Luca Parmitano and his exciting career as an astronaut, visit the ESA website. To hear about other explorers, join us for new episodes of Life’s Tough: Explorers are TOUGHER!! At  Richard Wiese, the host of this podcast, is an American explorer. He is the author of the guidebook, Born to Explore: How to Be a Backyard Adventurer. He became the youngest person to become president of the Explorers Club in 2002. Richard is also Executive Producer and Host of the PBS weekly television series Born to Explore with Richard Wiese.

    55 min
out of 5
17 Ratings


“Exploring is an innate part of being human.” Richard Wiese, spends 30 minutes every week with some of the world’s most compelling adventurers, explorers, and socio-environmental advocates, listening to their distinct adventures, unique discoveries, projects & goals, while discovering their multitude of challenges, surprises, triumphs and set-backs they encounter along the way. Join Richard as he pulls back the curtain on what it’s like to travel around the world and beyond; explore some of the most exotic and often dangerous places; and uncover what makes people, places and our planet so special.

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