
Lights on Europe shares raw, honest and vulnerable conversations from the EU’s capital Brussels, filled with the transformative journeys that both Lucia and her guests have walked in and outside of their career. Each episode is an opportunity for you to better understand the EU and appreciate the service of those co-creating it for you in the backstage of high-level political negotiations. Last but not least, Lucia hopes you will receive the podcast also as an invitation to consider how you can become a more active agent in a constructive conversation about the EU yourself. Hosted by Lucia Klestincova - EU policy maker, EU careers coach and passionate advocate for new culture leadership, purpose-driven talent management and women empowerment. Tune in if you're also a coaching-junkie, EU aficionado or just aware of the importance of the inner work for how we show up as leaders in public space. Also available on YouTube on the channel of Lucia Klestincova - subscribe and invite your friends - spread the light further!

  1. 12 MAI

    Russia's Women Empowerment Strategy: Outplaying EU & US | Lights on Europe & Cheryl Miller Van Dyck

    Patriarchy is a real thing. The more you have to give to society, the harder it is. How to lessen the suffering? Join us in this unique conversation with a founder of the Digital Leadership Institute, mother of four, policy influencer with decades of experience from Brussels to Washington. Cheryl shares - How to deal with the overwhelm of women empowerment not really advancing - Why she chose her focus on women in democracy as a national security issue - How to get more women into cybersecurity, and once that’s done, how to inspire them to choose policy careers rather than much better paying tech business - The transatlantic differences in using women empowerment in AI as a national security strategy and how Russia managed to get it right - Trap of ageism & sexism in the current paradigm forgetting native leadership talents of women. ----------------- HERE IS MORE ABOUT Cheryl Miller Van Dyck, Founding Director of Digital Leadership Institute: In a career spanning 25 years, Cheryl Miller Van Dyck has held global leadership roles in blue chip companies in the transport, banking, telecom and IT industries in Asia, North America, Europe and Russia. As founder of the Brussels-based Digital Leadership Institute, she has spent the last eight years leveraging disruptive technologies for the benefit of the world's most under-served communities. Cheryl's pioneering work is recognized by the United Nations, European Parliament and private sector organizations, and she is regularly invited to speak and author articles on the subjects of digital disruption, industry 4.0, entrepreneurship, innovation, education, digital inclusion, and the workforce of the future. Cheryl has presented at the United Nations in Geneva and New York, at the European Parliament in Brussels, and at global industry events like Mobile World Congress, TEDx, EmTech, OSCON, CPDP and FOSDEM. Cheryl is member of the governing board of the Digital Skills and Jobs Coalition for Europe, member of the board of the Women's Entrepreneurship Platform, Brussels Ambassador to Startup Europe Week, three-time Belgian Ambassador for Code Week Europe, and Belgium Ambassador for Women's Entrepreneurship Day. She is on the board of several tech startups, and actively coaches and invests in early stage enterprises.Cheryl has a degree in International Relations, Law & Organizations from the Georgetown School of Foreign Service and a Master of International Business Studies from the prestigious Moore School of Business. She is an English native and speaks, reads and writes Japanese, Dutch, French, Italian and Russian.

    33 min
  2. 11 FÉVR.

    1 in 6 women drop out of politics. Hear why and what you can do. | by Lights on Europe

    From her early days in the Federal Party Executive to her groundbreaking campaign leading the FDP back to the European Parliament, Silvana has blazed a trail of resilience and impact.As Vice President of the European Parliament and founder of Women Political Leaders, she's reshaping power dynamics and advocating for gender equality on a global scale.Join us as we delve into her inspiring journey, exploring how she balances motherhood, politics, and purpose with grace and determination.In our exclusive interview series, we asked Silvana Koch-Mehrin thought-provoking questions like "Why do women abandon their political mandates?" and "How do you hope Europe will look in 2025?" Her insightful responses shed light on her vision for the future and her unwavering commitment to positive change.This podcast is powered by Lucia Klestincova and Rick Zednik who have both dedicated their careers to bringing a new culture of representative and gender equal leadership to Europe (and Slovakia specifically). Join us as we uncover the extraordinary stories and glean wisdom from one of the most influential voices in European politics today.Don’t forget to subscribe to follow us on all major podcast platforms, social media as well as on YouTube. Od svojich začiatkov vo výkonnom orgáne spolkovej strany až po prelomovú kampaň, v rámci ktorej sa FDP dostala späť do Európskeho parlamentu, sa Silvana presadila svojou húževnatosťou a odhodlaním. Ako podpredsedníčka Európskeho parlamentu a zakladateľka organizácie Women Political Leaders mení dynamiku moci a presadzuje rodovú rovnosť v celosvetovom meradle. Pridajte sa k nám a nazrite do jej inšpiratívneho príbehu, ako s ľahkosťou a odhodlaním vyvažuje materstvo a politickú kariéru.V našej exkluzívnej sérii rozhovorov sme Silvane Koch-Mehrin položili podnetné otázky ako "Prečo ženy opúšťajú politiku?" a "Ako podľa vás bude vyzerať Európa v roku 2025?". Neviem ako vy, ale nás veľmi inšpiruje jej vízia konkrétnych krokov, ako sa dopracovať k politickej zmene! Tento podcast moderujú Lucia Kleštincová a Rick Zedník, ktorí svoju kariéru zasvätili tomu, aby do Európy (a konkrétne na Slovensko) priniesli novú kultúru reprezentatívneho a rodovo rovného líderstva. Pridajte sa k nám a vypočujte si príbeh ženy, ktorá má jeden z najvplyvnejších hlasov v súčasnej európskej politike. Nezabudnite sa prihlásiť k odberu podcastu na všetkých hlavných platformách, ako aj na sociálnych sieťach a Youtube.

    30 min
  3. 11 FÉVR.

    Lucia's Back, Restarting with Rick!

    Don’t miss out on the re-launched series of Lights on Europe! It’s all about shining light on a new culture of empowered leadership that becomes possible with courage, authenticity and vision of our guests. Maybe you used to listen to Lucia’s interviews from behind the scenes of the Brussels bubble? Maybe you noticed how her personal career path shifted with her maternity break and political engagement?    All of these experiences are fundamental for her decision to restart Lights on Europe. She’s joined by Rick Zednik for what promises to be an even more inspiring set of conversations with the world’s leaders.    In this first re-launched episode, Lucia and Rick share why and why now. From Lucia’s dedication to leveraging the power of femininity to Rick’s relentless pursuit of inclusive and representative leadership, they’re ready to challenge your commitment to show up for your cause. Now.   Join us as we delve into their compelling stories, unravel their motivations, and uncover how this podcast fits into their own self-expression journey.    Don’t forget to subscribe on any of your podcast platforms and watch the video version of this interview of Lucia Klestincova’s YouTube channel!    Nenechajte si ujsť obnovenú sériu podcastov s názvom Lights on Europe! Myšlienkou podcastu je posvietiť si na nové líderstvo, s ktorým prichádzajú naši vždy odhodlaní a autentickí hostia s pevnou víziou o budúcnosti EU. Možno ste kedysi počúvali Luciine rozhovory zo zákulisia bruselskej bubliny? Možno ste si odvtedy všimli, ako sa jej osobná kariérna dráha posunula s materskou prestávkou a politickou angažovanosťou?    Všetky tieto skúsenosti stáli za rozhodnutím znovu naštartovať Lights on Europe! V obnovenej sérii sa k Lucii pripája Rick Zednik a spolu prinášajú ešte unikátnejšie rozhovory so svetovými lídrami.    V prvej epizóde sa Lucia a Rick podelia o to, prečo idú do toho, a prečo práve teraz. Luciine odhodlanie posilňovať postavenie žien v spoločnosti a Rickova neúnavná snaha o reprezentatívne vedenie, vás inšpirujú k väčšej angažovanosti vo verejnom priestore.    Pridajte sa k nám a nakuknite spolu s nami do presvedčivých príbehov lídrov. Odhalíme ich motivácie a to, ako tento podcast zapadá do ich vlastnej cesty osobného rozvoja.    Nezabudnite sa prihlásiť k odberu na ktorejkoľvek z podcastových platforiem a pozrite si aj videoverziu tohto rozhovoru YouTube kanáli Lucie Kleštincovej!

    6 min
  4. 14/04/2021

    Dezoom. On motherhood, career burnout & stage fright | Estelle Lovi for Lights on Europe (2/2)

    “Dezoom. You might see that even this shameful experience was a gift at least for 1-2 people in the room.”  The first part of the interview with Estelle Lovi was all about re-discovering the voice of our intuition, burnout recovery and finding the courage to embark on a new career path that makes our heart truly sing.  This second part digs deeper into Estelle’s insights into: Motherhood, development opportunities offered by parenting and how to avoid projecting our expectations on kids, Bringing courageous conversations into the corporate world that needs to embrace a new culture of leadership, Tips for unleashing your creativity and fighting stage fright if you are scared of public speaking and blackout on stage.  This interview is part of a longer series of conversation about redefining failure and success. Check them out: Interview with Rose Bloomfield about discovering one’s life purpose, ethics of technology CEOs and delivering powerful TED speeches  Interview with Sofia Beloka about becoming shameless in pursuing one’s dream, inspired by success strategies of Olympic athletes; about embracing the power of feminine leadership and healing after pregnancy miscarriage.   My speech about failure, inspired by my experience of running as a candidate in European Parliament elections.    Don't forget to: 1. SUBSCRIBE to this channel if you’re interested to follow my journey, watch my shows, and get inspired by the possibility of a new era of leadership becoming a reality in the EU. 2. LIKE this video and SHARE with your friends 3. Leave your COMMENT below 4. GO TO for more info about what I stand for in the world 5. Reach out if interested to COLLABORATE! ----------------------------- ESTELLE LOVI is an inspiring French-African artist and business consultant. After earning a degree from HEC Paris - top European Business School - and advancing to Regional Director, she felt unfulfilled by what was supposed to be a « dream job » and a « dream life ». In 2017, Lovi decided to quit her successful corporate career and launch her business.  A few months later, feeling confused and stuck, she took the biggest decision of her life: follow her intuition… unconditionally. The inner call was astonishing: take the stage. Little by little, Lovi discovered the Art of Heart-centered Creation that she now applies to artistic, business and life creation. Using her professional, personal and spiritual journey as a gateway to help others connect to their inner wisdom and achieve their highest dreams, she creates empowering, life-changing experiences combining art, pioneering teachings and consulting. -----------------    ABOUT LUCIA KLESTINCOVA  I am the stand for transformation of the EU via new culture of feminine leadership. A Slovak based in the EU capital Brussels, a European policy-maker, Lights on Europe podcast host, founder of several women networks and a career coach of emerging leaders aiming to amplify their impact without selling out on their soul. The light I carry in my name has become my ultimate signature: follow my YouTube channel or podcast Lights on Europe to experience me interviewing guests from behind the scenes of the EU bubble! The best is captured in my book on values guiding careers of leaders in Brussels. Are you also curious to explore how inner alignment work becomes a fuel for outer impact? Connect via

    22 min

Notes et avis

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À propos

Lights on Europe shares raw, honest and vulnerable conversations from the EU’s capital Brussels, filled with the transformative journeys that both Lucia and her guests have walked in and outside of their career. Each episode is an opportunity for you to better understand the EU and appreciate the service of those co-creating it for you in the backstage of high-level political negotiations. Last but not least, Lucia hopes you will receive the podcast also as an invitation to consider how you can become a more active agent in a constructive conversation about the EU yourself. Hosted by Lucia Klestincova - EU policy maker, EU careers coach and passionate advocate for new culture leadership, purpose-driven talent management and women empowerment. Tune in if you're also a coaching-junkie, EU aficionado or just aware of the importance of the inner work for how we show up as leaders in public space. Also available on YouTube on the channel of Lucia Klestincova - subscribe and invite your friends - spread the light further!

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