In this installment of the Limelight Mailbag episodes, I am joined by hilarious, sassy, badass comedian and friend Steev Letts (he/him) as we celebrate the release of Endless Bummer, Steev’s brand-new comedy special!
We also, of course, unpack this month’s limelight-stealing submission — from the one and only Bradley Fung!
🌈 Connect with Lauren Deborah and MDSML:
-Follow Lauren on Instagram: @hilaurendeborah
-Join the FREE mailing list:
-Tip or buy something from the hi, lauren deborah! shop:
-Say hi or share a limelight-stealing story:
🌈 Connect with Steev:
-Watch Steev’s brand new comedy special, Endless Bummer
-Listen to Steev’s new album, Endless Bummer
-Listen to Steev’s first album, Burger Queen
-Follow Steev on Instagram: @steevletts
-Connect with Steev on Twitter: @steevletts
-Steev’s website:
🌈 Connect with Bradley:
-Follow Bradley on TikTok: @bjfung3
-Follow Bradley on Instagram: @bjfung3
🌈 Resources:
-2SLGBTQIA+ resources
🌈 Behind the scenes:
-Podcast production made possible by: Alexi Johnson and @604podnetwork
-Theme Music: Shawn Kangro
-Logo Art:
- Подкаст
- ЧастотаЕженедельно
- Опубликовано1 октября 2024 г., 11:00 UTC
- Длительность38 мин.
- Сезон6
- Выпуск34
- ОграниченияС ненормативной лексикой