The Search for God Podcast

By Stan R. Mitchell
The Search for God Podcast

I'm the son of a Deacon of a small Missionary Baptist church, who was wounded badly by the church and left it to study other religions. Two years ago, I restarted my faith journey. I love God and the Bible.


  1. ٢١ شعبان

    Just a few good things worth sharing

    Hey guys! Here’s the latest episode! Hope you enjoy and that it touches you in some way. You can listen above, or you can listen to the stations below or search for it wherever you listen: The Search for God by Stan. R Mitchell. I really hope you enjoy it and that it moves you a little closer to God. If you know nothing about the Bible but want to test the waters and maybe try it out, check out my resource page here. Please join me again in our next episode, and please stay safe until then. Want to talk to me directly? Email me at the following address: I love hearing feedback, compliments, and even constructive criticism. 👊💓🙏 May God bless you, Stan R. Mitchell If you’d like to support the show: I’m still trying to grow the show. Please rate and review on SPOTIFY, APPLE, or wherever you listen. If you can, consider at some point becoming a paid subscriber. For $5 per month, you can subscribe with Substack. Also for $5 per month, you can also now sign up at Patreon: Or you can send a tip of any amount through Venmo (@authorstanrmitchell): or PayPal: This would be like throwing some money in a hat for a performer in a town square. Finally, I’m still trying to grow the show. Please rate and leave comments on SPOTIFY, APPLE, or wherever you listen. Also, all posts are free, so feel free to share. Also, don’t forget about my weekly defense news podcast. I think it’ll help lower your blood pressure and renew your faith in the country. P.S. Don’t forget that I've also written twelve fast, exciting books. Get full access to The Search for God at

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  2. ١٦ شعبان

    The authenticity of the Bible as the Word of God

    Hey guys! Here’s the latest episode! Hope you enjoy and that it touches you in some way. You can listen above, or you can listen to the stations below or search for it wherever you listen: The Search for God by Stan. R Mitchell. I really hope you enjoy it and that it moves you a little closer to God. If you know nothing about the Bible but want to test the waters and maybe try it out, check out my resource page here. Please join me again in our next episode, and please stay safe until then. Want to talk to me directly? Email me at the following address: I love hearing feedback, compliments, and even constructive criticism. 👊💓🙏 May God bless you, Stan R. Mitchell If you’d like to support the show: I’m still trying to grow the show. Please rate and review on SPOTIFY, APPLE, or wherever you listen. If you can, consider at some point becoming a paid subscriber. For $5 per month, you can subscribe with Substack. Also for $5 per month, you can also now sign up at Patreon: Or you can send a tip of any amount through Venmo (@authorstanrmitchell): or PayPal: This would be like throwing some money in a hat for a performer in a town square. Finally, I’m still trying to grow the show. Please rate and leave comments on SPOTIFY, APPLE, or wherever you listen. Also, all posts are free, so feel free to share. Also, don’t forget about my weekly defense news podcast. I think it’ll help lower your blood pressure and renew your faith in the country. P.S. Don’t forget that I've also written twelve fast, exciting books. Get full access to The Search for God at

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  3. ١١ رجب

    Accelerated transformation

    Hey guys! Here’s the latest episode! Hope you enjoy and that it touches you in some way. You can listen above, or you can listen to the stations below or search for it wherever you listen: The Search for God by Stan. R Mitchell. I really hope you enjoy it and that it moves you a little closer to God. If you know nothing about the Bible but want to test the waters and maybe try it out, check out my resource page here. Please join me again in our next episode, and please stay safe until then. Want to talk to me directly? Email me at the following address: I love hearing feedback, compliments, and even constructive criticism. 👊💓🙏 May God bless you, Stan R. Mitchell If you’d like to support the show: I’m still trying to grow the show. Please rate and review on SPOTIFY, APPLE, or wherever you listen. Besides that, you can subscribe with Substack. You can also now sign up at Patreon: Or send a tip through Venmo (@authorstanrmitchell): And there’s even a PayPal link you can use: Also, don’t forget about my weekly defense news podcast. I think it’ll help lower your blood pressure and renew your faith in the country. P.S. Don’t forget that I've also written twelve fast, exciting books. Get full access to The Search for God at

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  4. ١٠‏/٠٦‏/١٤٤٦ هـ

    Two unreal stories of God and prayer

    Hey guys! Here’s the latest episode! Hope you enjoy and that it touches you in some way. You can listen above, or you can listen to the stations below or search for it wherever you listen: The Search for God by Stan. R Mitchell. I really hope you enjoy it and that it moves you a little closer to God. If you know nothing about the Bible, but want to test the waters and maybe try it out, check out my resource page here. Please join me again in our next episode, and please stay safe until then. Want to talk to me directly? Email me at the following address: I love hearing feedback, compliments, and even constructive criticism. : ) To God be the glory, Stan R. Mitchell Don’t forget: You can comment anytime, and I’ll do my best to answer thoughtfully! You can also reach out privately at: (You can say “hi,” tell me your story, or ask questions! I love all three of those things!) If you’d like to support the show: I’m still trying to grow the show. Please rate and review on SPOTIFY, APPLE, or wherever you listen. Besides that, you can subscribe with Substack. You can also now sign up at Patreon: Or send a tip through Venmo (@authorstanrmitchell): And there’s even a PayPal link you can use: Also, don’t forget about my weekly podcast. I think it’ll help lower your blood pressure and renew your faith in the country. Get full access to The Search for God at

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  5. ٢٤‏/٠٥‏/١٤٤٦ هـ

    Limping with Jesus. An interview with Tom Cannon.

    Hey guys! Here’s the latest episode! In it, I interview Tom Cannon about his faith journey as he navigates a Stage Four cancer diagnosis. His story, his faith in God, and his wisdom are something you don't want to miss Hope you enjoy and that it touches you in some way. You can listen above, or you can listen to the stations below or search for it wherever you listen: The Search for God by Stan. R Mitchell. I really hope you enjoy it and that it moves you a little closer to God. Source notes below: Tom’s MUST-READ newsletter, which is free and which I highly recommend. And here’s the book that is mentioned in the show. I cannot reocmmend this book enough, because we truly are ALL limping with Jesus. By the way, if you know nothing about the Bible, but want to test the waters and maybe try it out, check out my resource page here. Please join me again in our next episode, and please stay safe until then. Want to talk to me directly? Email me at the following address: I love hearing feedback, compliments, and even constructive criticism. : ) To God be the glory, Stan R. Mitchell Don’t forget: You can comment anytime, and I’ll do my best to answer thoughtfully! You can also reach out privately at: (You can say “hi,” tell me your story, or ask questions! I love all three of those things!) If you’d like to support the show: I’m still trying to grow the show. Please rate and review on SPOTIFY, APPLE, or wherever you listen. Besides that, you can subscribe with Substack. You can also now sign up at Patreon: Or send a tip through Venmo (@authorstanrmitchell): And there’s even a PayPal link you can use: Also, don’t forget about my weekly podcast. I think it’ll help lower your blood pressure and renew your faith in the country. Get full access to The Search for God at

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  6. ١٥‏/٠٥‏/١٤٤٦ هـ

    Finding joy, strength, and encouragement in God

    Hey guys! Here’s the latest episode! Hope you enjoy and that it touches you in some way. You can listen above, or you can listen to the stations below or search for it wherever you listen: The Search for God by Stan. R Mitchell. I really hope you enjoy it and that it moves you a little closer to God. Source notes below: PSALMS 16 If you know nothing about the Bible, but want to test the waters and maybe try it out, check out my resource page here. Please join me again in our next episode, and please stay safe until then. Want to talk to me directly? Email me at the following address: I love hearing feedback, compliments, and even constructive criticism. : ) To God be the glory, Stan R. Mitchell Don’t forget: You can comment anytime, and I’ll do my best to answer thoughtfully! You can also reach out privately at: (You can say “hi,” tell me your story, or ask questions! I love all three of those things!) If you’d like to support the show: I’m still trying to grow the show. Please rate and review on SPOTIFY, APPLE, or wherever you listen. Besides that, you can subscribe with Substack. You can also now sign up at Patreon: Or send a tip through Venmo (@authorstanrmitchell): And there’s even a PayPal link you can use: Also, don’t forget about my weekly podcast. I think it’ll help lower your blood pressure and renew your faith in the country. Get full access to The Search for God at

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  7. ٢٢‏/٠٤‏/١٤٤٦ هـ

    The power of prayer. Part 2.

    I hadn’t planned to write a second post on prayer, but I stumbled upon a verse that rocked my word. In fact, I’m still just trying to process it. (If you missed Part 1 of The power of prayer, you can find it here.) I go into this subject in the podcast above. Or, you can listen to the stations below or search for it wherever you listen: The Search for God by Stan. R Mitchell. I really hope you enjoy it and that it moves you a little closer to God. Source notes below: The larger point I intend to make is how often the Bible — and Jesus Himself — tells us to pray. How often the Bible talks about the power of prayer. Let’s look at several examples that bear contemplation. Here’s the first one. It comes from the book of Matthew, Chapter 9, NLT. It’s the last part of this verse I’ve highlighted that blew me away. (I’m providing the entirety of it for context.) Go ahead and read it first, then we’ll discuss. That verse is crazy, right? You have Jesus Himself — these are His words — saying to His disciples that we should pray for more workers. And it obviously implies that if we did so, then God would answer our prayers. Here’s a second example. This comes from the book of Judges, chapter 3. The people of Israel have sinned and created false idols. God punishes them, but once they pray for help, God delivers. Finally, I wanted to share this passage from Judges 10, which seems even more powerful. The crazy thing about this passage is the Israelites pray for help, and God says “no.” God even tells them that he will NOT rescue them. But their prayers make Him grieve, and if you read until the end of that story, you will see that God rescues them. I’m not even sure what to make of all of this. It’s just mind-blowing to me the power of prayer that is described in the Bible. And I think we all should be praying more. In fact, in 1 Thessalonians 5:16, the Bible says we should “Pray without ceasing.” That’s how important this is. Now, I know it can be hard to pray. For me, reading the Bible was easier to get addicted to than praying. One thing I found helpful was this acronym: ACTS. The ACTS prayer model is a common and simple way to pray that uses the acronym ACTS, which stands for Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, and Supplication:  * Adoration: Praise God for who he is and what he has done. Adoration can help you feel confident that God will hear and answer your prayers.  * Confession: Admit your sins and ask for forgiveness. Confession can help remove barriers between you and God.  * Thanksgiving: Thank God for what he has done for you, such as his love, protection, and provision.  * Supplication: Ask God for help for yourself and others, such as guidance, wisdom, and opportunities to serve.  But in addition to praying, I hope these examples from the Bible help cause a greater desire in you to read and study the Bible more. All of the answers are in there, and it’s the most incredible feeling when God opens your eyes and shows you something you had never “seen” or noticed in some chapter you’ve read before. But you have to be hungry for knowledge and wisdom, and you have to put in the work of reading the Bible on your own. At first, it may not be satisfying. The devil does a great job of making it challenging. Of making the sugar highs of getting on your phone feel more fulfilling. But in time, reading the Bible will become addicting and satisfying. I promise. Plus, studies have shown that by reading it, there are nine major benefits: * Feeling lonely drops 30% * Anger issues drop 32% * Bitterness in relationships drops 40% * Alcoholism drops 57% * Sex outside of marriage drops 68% * Feeling spiritually stagnant drops 60% * Viewing pornography drops 61% * Sharing your faith jumps 200% * Discipling others jumps 230% Let’s circle back briefly to the power of prayer, though, because I know many people struggle to read the Bible. Let’s be real. It’s very hard for many of us to pra

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  8. ٠١‏/٠٤‏/١٤٤٦ هـ

    Be like Ozzie; go near your master. (The power of prayer. Part 1.)

    Hey guys! Today, I talked about how we so often don’t go to our Father. How we don’t ask Him for anything, and how even when we get things, we’re not typically pleased with whatever we got. We’re not very grateful, and I think this actually takes away blessings we could be receiving. I go into all of this and more in the podcast above. Or, you can listen to the stations below or search for it wherever you listen: The Search for God by Stan. R Mitchell. I really hope you enjoy it and that it moves you a little closer to God. Source notes below: The two dog photos I referenced of a stray that was rescued. This is Ozzie, who I mentioned! And this is Sailor. If you’d like to support the show: I’m still trying to grow the show. Please rate and review on SPOTIFY, APPLE, or wherever you listen. Besides that, you can subscribe with Substack. You can also now sign up at Patreon: Or send a tip through Venmo (@authorstanrmitchell): And there’s even a PayPal link you can use: Also, don’t forget about my weekly podcast. I think it’ll help lower your blood pressure and renew your faith in the country. To God be the glory, Stan R. Mitchell Don’t forget: You can comment anytime, and I’ll do my best to answer thoughtfully! You can also reach out privately at: (You can say “hi,” tell me your story, or ask questions! I love all three of those things!) Get full access to The Search for God at

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  9. How it all started: my painful origin story.

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    How it all started: my painful origin story.

    Hey guys! I’ve decided to turn this small writing effort into a podcast, as a way to hopefully reach more people. This episode will be the first of what I hope are many more episodes. In it, I talk about my difficult childhood in the church, where I unfortunately encountered plenty of church hurt. And then I move into how (and why) I studied other religions before returning to the faith of my childhood. It’s quite a ride, and I hope it moves and speaks to you. I go into all of this and more in the podcast above. Or, you can listen to the stations below or search for it wherever you listen: The Search for God by Stan. R Mitchell. Source notes below: To God be the glory, Stan R. Mitchell Don’t forget: You can comment anytime, and I’ll do my best to answer thoughtfully! You can also reach out privately at: (You can say “hi,” tell me your story, or ask questions! I love all three of those things!) If you’d like to support the show: I’m still trying to grow the show. Please rate and review on SPOTIFY, APPLE, or wherever you listen. Besides that, you can subscribe with Substack. You can also now sign up at Patreon: Or send a tip through Venmo (@authorstanrmitchell): And there’s even a PayPal link you can use: Also, don’t forget about my weekly podcast. I think it’ll help lower your blood pressure and renew your faith in the country. Get full access to The Search for God at

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I'm the son of a Deacon of a small Missionary Baptist church, who was wounded badly by the church and left it to study other religions. Two years ago, I restarted my faith journey. I love God and the Bible.

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