300 episodes

Are you a mission-driven entrepreneur who wants to make a bigger impact, increase your influence, and generate higher income, all while staying true to your spiritual foundation? Join me as I sit down with top thought leaders, powerful speakers, and inspiring authors who share practical advice from a spiritual perspective to accelerate your personal and professional growth. I’ll share my own entrepreneurial experiences, unveiling the divinely-inspired L.O.V.E. Method™ - a proven system designed to break the self-sabotage cycle and leverage your intuition to gain clarity, confidence, and clients. Plus, you’ll be introduced to the power of light language, an energetic healing tool that helps you step into a transformative mindset that aligns your life and business with your highest self. If you’re ready to live fully, love deeply, and engage authentically, let’s dive in together!

Here are some topics covered in this podcast:

*Divine Synchronicity: How Readiness Attracts Transformational Teachers

*Wendy Posillico’s Guide to Finding Purpose and Paving Your Path

*Embracing AI Technology: A Path to Success for Spiritual Entrepreneurs

*Neil McKinlay: Healing Through Meditation and Community

Got questions or your own tips and advice to share? Email me at gloria@gloriarand.com

Let’s connect on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/gloriagracerand

If you're interested in learning more about what I do, visit www.gloriarand.com

Get our free clarity & confidence building guide: http://liveloveengage.gift

Live. Love. Engage. Podcast: Inspiration | Spiritual Awakening | Happiness | Success | Life Gloria Grace Rand - Spiritual Business Coach & Author of Live. Love. Engage. - How to Stop Doubting Yourself And Start Being Yourself

    • Education
    • 5.0 • 48 Ratings

Are you a mission-driven entrepreneur who wants to make a bigger impact, increase your influence, and generate higher income, all while staying true to your spiritual foundation? Join me as I sit down with top thought leaders, powerful speakers, and inspiring authors who share practical advice from a spiritual perspective to accelerate your personal and professional growth. I’ll share my own entrepreneurial experiences, unveiling the divinely-inspired L.O.V.E. Method™ - a proven system designed to break the self-sabotage cycle and leverage your intuition to gain clarity, confidence, and clients. Plus, you’ll be introduced to the power of light language, an energetic healing tool that helps you step into a transformative mindset that aligns your life and business with your highest self. If you’re ready to live fully, love deeply, and engage authentically, let’s dive in together!

Here are some topics covered in this podcast:

*Divine Synchronicity: How Readiness Attracts Transformational Teachers

*Wendy Posillico’s Guide to Finding Purpose and Paving Your Path

*Embracing AI Technology: A Path to Success for Spiritual Entrepreneurs

*Neil McKinlay: Healing Through Meditation and Community

Got questions or your own tips and advice to share? Email me at gloria@gloriarand.com

Let’s connect on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/gloriagracerand

If you're interested in learning more about what I do, visit www.gloriarand.com

Get our free clarity & confidence building guide: http://liveloveengage.gift

    Healing the Hurt: Empathy and Your Astrological Chart

    Healing the Hurt: Empathy and Your Astrological Chart

    Imagine discovering that the key to healing unresolved emotional wounds lies in your astrological chart. Lisa Tahir, licensed therapist and author of “The Chiron Effect,” reveals how understanding the placement of the planetary body Chiron can illuminate the root causes of self-sabotaging patterns like low self-worth, people-pleasing tendencies and feelings of unworthiness.

    Show Notes | Transcript

    “We all wrote our astrological charts. We wrote that before we came into our earthly existence. It’s with free will and our consciousness that we can change and choose any outcomes and potentials for yourself. And that’s what Chiron can reveal to you.” – Lisa Tahir

    Have you ever felt like something deep within is holding you back from fully embodying the abundance, love, and success you desire? If so, this insightful conversation with Lisa Tahir could be the breakthrough you’ve been seeking. Drawing from her two decades of clinical experience and her pioneering work in Psychoastrology, Lisa demystifies the astrological placement of Chiron, known as the “wounded healer.” With practical insights and examples, such as the challenges faced by those with Chiron in Pisces, Lisa offers a roadmap to self-care and emotional healing tailored to individual needs.

    In this compelling interview, you’ll gain:

    * Profound insights into the meaning of your Chiron sign and how it pinpoints areas requiring deeper self-love and healing

    * Powerful self-forgiveness practices to release layers of self-criticism and embrace radical self-acceptance

    * Techniques for cultivating self-empathy when painful memories resurface, allowing you to provide the compassion you may have lacked

    * Eye-opening examples of how unresolved core wounds can manifest, from struggles with self-care to strained relationships

    * Thought-provoking perspectives on free will, authoring your life experiences, and consciously choosing different outcomes

    Whether you’re well-versed in astrology or a newcomer to this ancient wisdom, prepare to realize your innate worthiness and address the core wounds that have been holding you back. Let this interview be your guide towards personal empowerment and profound healing.


    Join the Soulful Women’s Network

    Connect with Lisa Tahir:

    Website: nolatherapy.com

    Podcast: All Things Therapy

    Email: lisa (at) nolatherapy.com

    Connect with Live Love Engage:

    Send Gloria Grace a message

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    LinkedIn: Gloria Grace Rand

    Facebook: Gloria Grace Rand

    YouTube: Gloria Grace Rand


    Namaste. Do you feel like unresolved pain and emotional wounds are actually hindering your personal growth and business success? Well, our guest has a unique perspective on how to heal these core wounds that are keeping you from achieving...

    • 33 min
    Silencing the Inner Critic: Fuel for Entrepreneurial Fire

    Silencing the Inner Critic: Fuel for Entrepreneurial Fire

    Is your inner critic keeping you from taking action to build your business? Join us as entrepreneur, author and coach Liah Kraft-Kristaine shares transformative strategies to help you silence that self-sabotaging voice and replace it with empowering self-talk for business success.

    Show Notes | Transcript

    “Become your own perfect coach or the set of perfect parents you never had. Ask yourself: What lie am I telling myself about myself? What lie am I telling myself about life? What lie am I telling myself about other people?” – Liah Kraft-Kristaine

    How often do you find yourself dealing with the endless cycle of procrastination as you avoid taking the next step? Or the overwhelming perfectionism that leaves you paralyzed instead of propelling you forward? As an entrepreneur, these forms of self-sabotage can derail even your most heartfelt visions. 

    Liah Kraft-Kristaine discusses the roots of self-sabotage and how unresolved inner conflicts and negative self-talk can hold you back. Liah’s remarkable journey includes building four successful businesses, two non-profits, practicing law, writing 19 books, and speaking across four continents. She’s also a former broadcaster on CNN and PBS television. 

    Using the powerful metaphor of a glass filled with ice cubes, Liah illustrates how pursuing your passions can bring up hidden issues and limiting beliefs, providing a golden opportunity to address them and move toward both happiness and professional success.

    In this episode, you’ll emerge with:

    * Transformative reframes for dismantling limiting beliefs about yourself, your potential for success, and others’ perceptions of you

    * Practical strategies to interrupt the self-sabotaging patterns that breed procrastination, negative self-talk, lack mentalities around time/money, and more

    * Eye-opening examples of resilience in action – from building a home with just $4,000 to rising above systemic discrimination in the workplace

    * Inspiring reminders to embrace your uniqueness and the “divine discontent” that signals you’re being ushered towards greater growth and purpose

    * Useful tips for staying hydrated to maintain mental sharpness and overall well-being

    Whether you’re just launching your entrepreneurial journey or are a seasoned business owner, this insightful conversation offers a compassionate roadmap to unapologetically owning your brilliance. Prepare to amplify your self-trust, resilience and ability to thrive by releasing the self-sabotaging patterns holding you back.


    Join the Soulful Women’s Network

    Connect with Liah Kraft-Kristaine:

    Website: LifeKraft.com

    YouTube: Lifekraft with LiahKK

    Video: How I Built My Home in 30 Days for Less Than $50K

    Connect with Live Love Engage:

    Send Gloria Grace a message

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    LinkedIn: Gloria Grace Rand

    Facebook: Gloria Grace Rand

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    • 40 min
    The Female Entrepreneur’s Guide to Self-Love and Abundance

    The Female Entrepreneur’s Guide to Self-Love and Abundance

    Self-love isn’t just a buzzword – it’s the secret ingredient to unlocking your full potential as a female entrepreneur. In this episode, you’ll learn why putting yourself first is crucial for business success and discover practical ways to cultivate self-love.

    Show Notes

    “When you love yourself, you’re going to take care of yourself. You’re going to show up better for your clients and your team members.” – Gloria “Grace” Rand

    Holistic business guide Gloria “Grace” gets refreshingly real about her own journey to radical self-love and how it transformed her ability to confidently pursue her entrepreneurial dreams. Leveraging tools like the L.O.V.E. Method and sound healing to release her own negative beliefs, Grace now helps female entrepreneurs do the same so they can attract more clients with calm, clarity, and confidence.

    Through personal anecdotes and sage wisdom, Grace reveals:

    * Why unconditional self-acceptance is essential for setting healthy boundaries with clients and prioritizing self-care.

    * How mindfulness practices like meditation can enhance creativity, intuition, and inspiration — key ingredients for a thriving business.

    * Practical tips for amplifying your self-love practice through daily affirmations and learning to say “no” without guilt.

    * The transformative power of light language to release limiting beliefs and ancestral wounds hindering your self-worth.

    Whether you’re just starting your entrepreneurial journey or you’re a seasoned business owner, this insightful episode offers a compassionate roadmap to unapologetically owning your value. Get ready to embrace a self-love practice that amplifies your confidence, resilience, and ability to thrive.


    Receive Daily Inspirational Messages of Love and Light plus Self-Love & Self-Worth Affirmations at: bit.ly/LoveLightNotes

    Join the Soulful Women’s Network on Facebook to connect with a group of fun, creative, powerful women supporting each other in business and life.

    Daily stresses weighing you down? Past traumas holding you back? Invest in a 30-minute Light Language Sound Healing Session to gain inner peace and emotional freedom. Secure your spot now at gloriarand.com/light-language-healing.

    Connect with Live Love Engage:

    Send Gloria Grace a message

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    LinkedIn: Gloria Grace Rand

    Facebook: Gloria Grace Rand

    YouTube: Gloria Grace Rand


    • 22 min
    Tough Love or Trauma Trigger? A New Approach to Addiction Recovery

    Tough Love or Trauma Trigger? A New Approach to Addiction Recovery

    Have you ever felt utterly helpless watching a loved one’s life unravel from substance abuse? The shame, guilt, and fear can leave you paralyzed, uncertain of how to approach the situation without making it worse. If you’ve grappled with these heavy emotions, you’re not alone.

    In this raw, transformative interview, Dr. Andrea Arlington courageously shares her family’s brutal journey through her daughter’s heroin addiction. With unflinching honesty, she exposes how tough love can be a trauma trigger that hinders addiction recovery, and offers a new approach for family healing focused on compassion and understanding. 

    Show Notes | Transcript

    “Tough love is often a type of communication where the person speaking is coming from an authoritative tone of voice. This approach can trigger shame, which drives the same areas of the brain as trauma does. When a person feels traumatized, they will want to pursue their escape.” – Dr. Andrea Arlington

    Dr. Andrea Arlington is an expert in family system healing and addiction recovery, applying lessons learned from her own daughter’s heroin addiction. Arlington’s tender vulnerability intertwined with clinical mastery sheds light on the often-misunderstood struggle with substance use disorder. You’ll emerge with a deeper grasp of addiction’s insidious grip, renewed hope for guiding your loved one towards healing, and perhaps most importantly – the self-compassion to forgive yourself along the way.

    You’ll walk away from this compelling conversation with:

    * A profound understanding of why “tough love” dangerously backfires (and the compassionate alternatives that actually work)

    * Practical, word-for-word scripts to communicate from the heart when your loved one is under the influence

    * Eye-opening insights into generational patterns that can unknowingly perpetuate substance use disorders

    * Powerful emotion regulation techniques to stay centered and present as you support your loved one’s recovery

    * A game-changing book recommendation packed with actionable steps tailored for families impacted by addiction

    If you or someone you care about is battling substance abuse, this conversation could be the lifeline you’ve been searching for.


    Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) offers a free, confidential, 24/7, 365-day-a-year treatment referral and information service (in English and Spanish) for individuals and families facing mental and/or substance use disorders: 1-800-662-HELP (4357)

    Related Podcast Episode: Dangers of High Potency Marijuana with Laura Stack (Pub. 1/17/22)

    Join the Soulful Women’s Network

    Connect with Andrea Arlington:

    Website: andreaarlington.com

    Phone: (818) 532-8636

    Connect with Live Love Engage:

    Send Gloria Grace a message

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    ❤ Love this episode? Leave us a review and rating

    LinkedIn: Gloria Grace Rand

    Facebook: Gloria Grace Rand

    a href="https://www.youtube.

    • 42 min
    Healing from Grief: Insights and Strategies for Entrepreneurs

    Healing from Grief: Insights and Strategies for Entrepreneurs

    What does it mean to truly embrace grief and navigate its tumultuous waves? Join us as we explore strategies that entrepreneurs can use to heal from grief with Sheila Clemenson, transition coach and author of “Over the Rainbow: From the Depths of Grief to Hope.”

    Show Notes | Transcript

    “Moving forward through grief is a journey of discovery. It’s discovering who you are in your new state of being.” – Sheila Clemenson

    Sheila Clemenson is a seasoned transition coach and best-selling author who discovered how to create a sanctuary for those facing difficult situations, guiding them to grow and move forward. Sheila knows the pain of grief all too well, losing her father to suicide and her first husband to ALS. Together, we unravel the complex tapestry of emotions that grief encompasses—sadness, anger, anticipatory grief—and how to coexist with these feelings rather than attempting to conquer them. Sheila’s insights reveal that grief extends beyond the death of loved ones and that it can also stem from significant life changes, such as the end of a relationship or losing a job.

    In this episode, you will learn:

    * The multifaceted nature of grief and how emotions manifest and evolve

    * Strategies for managing grief constructively

    * Methods for maintaining emotional and physical boundaries

    * The value of resources like meditation apps and energy medicine

    * How society’s discomfort with grief leaves individuals isolated

    * How to handle hurtful comments and toxic positivity

    * The importance of supportive management in the workplace


    Join the Soulful Women’s Network

    Connect with Sheila:

    Book Website: sheilaclemenson.com

    Website: transitionscoachingservices.com

    Connect with Gloria “Grace” at Live Love Engage:

    Send Gloria Grace a message

    ☕ Support the podcast

    ❤ Love this episode? Leave us a review and rating

    LinkedIn: Gloria Grace Rand

    Facebook: Gloria Grace Rand

    YouTube: Gloria Grace Rand


    Gloria “Grace” Rand:

    Namaste. Grief is something that we all experience in life, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s easy to get through. But today’s guest has quite literally written a book on the subject to help you traverse this journey with compassion and courage. But before I bring her on, I’d like to welcome those of you who may be new to Live, Love, Engage. I am Gloria Grace, and I help female entrepreneurs attract more clients with calm, clarity, and confidence by helping them to release negative thought patterns like self-doubt and poor self-worth. And joining us today in just a moment is Sheila Clemonson. She is a seasoned transition coach and author of the book Over the Rainbow, From the Depths of Grief to Hope.

    • 39 min
    Jennifer Nash on Why Valuing Employees is the Key to Business Success

    Jennifer Nash on Why Valuing Employees is the Key to Business Success

    Explore the connection between human behavior, collaboration, and business success in our latest episode with leadership consultant Jennifer Nash. Learn why putting employees first is the key to a thriving, supportive work culture that drives sustainable growth.

    Show Notes | Transcript

    “The only way that we will succeed going forward is if we work together. And to work together, we have to share and we have to collaborate and we have to communicate.” – Jennifer Nash

    How can leaders create a thriving business environment? Join us as we sit down with Jennifer Nash, the award-winning author of “Be Human, Lead Human: How to Connect People and Performance” to uncover the secrets behind putting employees first. Jennifer shares invaluable insights on how employers need to view their employees, crafting a supportive work culture, and the pivotal role of defining and holding employees accountable for desirable behaviors. Together, we break down actionable strategies to cultivate an environment that boosts engagement and retention, highlighting why some leaders hesitate to adopt these essential practices. Jennifer also shares her first-hand experience as an employee of a failing company whose CEO instilled a culture shift rooted in “working together.” You’ll hear the undeniable benefits of prioritizing people, and the practical steps you can implement in your own organization.

    In this episode, you will learn:

    * The concept of putting employees first for business success

    * Why it’s important to view employees as whole human beings

    * The challenge of creating environments where employees thrive

    * The significant benefits of prioritizing employees

    * Actionable steps for leaders to gather qualitative data from employees and customers

    * Importance of self-leadership and managing emotional intelligence

    * Role modeling desired behaviors and maintaining consistency

    * The shift in employee autonomy post-COVID and the AI-driven job market

    Connect with Jennifer:

    Website: drjennifernash.com

    Take the Human Leader Assessment: drjennifernash.com/hli

    Connect with Live Love Engage:

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    Send Gloria Grace a message

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    ❤ Love this episode? Leave us a review and rating

    LinkedIn: Gloria Grace Rand

    Facebook: Gloria Grace Rand

    YouTube: Gloria Grace Rand


    Gloria “Grace” Rand

    Namaste. Do you think putting customers first is a no brainer? That’s likely because you don’t have any employees in your business yet. But if hiring plans are in your future or you already have a team, stick around because you’re going to want to hear from today’s guest. She is a leadership consultant who transforms workplaces by putting people first.

    • 33 min

Customer Reviews

5.0 out of 5
48 Ratings

48 Ratings

June Edward ,

Seasoned host!

Great topics, easy to listen to!

Jewel Hohman ,

Great Guide!

Gloria does a great job guiding those who want to make a difference on how to do so. She's so insighful and easy to listen to!

Jeannie Lynch /meanjean1963 ,

Jeannie Lynch’s Guide to happiness and well being

Thank you, it was great to be on the other side of the Mic. I loved the questions you asked and enjoyed being on your show! Love and More Light J :)

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