Episode 22 - How to follow your heart and create your own Purpose in Life. An inspiring conversation with social entrepreneur, coach and all round amazing human being with Denise Schelbergen
Episode 22 - Denise Schelbergen, The Ikigai Entrepreneur Denise Schelbergen is a social entrepreneur, committed to ending poverty in the world and empowering women to become powerful leaders, living a life they love. She is the founder of coaching and consulting business The Ikigai Entrepreneur, Managing Director and board member of the Dutch foundation Kula Loans and the co-creator of her poverty alleviation community microcredit project in Colombia. She is a co-author of the uplifting Amazon #1 best-seller, Goodbye Busy, Hello Happy – the magic of breaking up with busy and finding more time for joy. In 2019 Denise began her humanitarian social impact project in Colombia. In collaboration with her local partner CoimpactoB, she helps families who live in extreme poverty, on less than a few dollars a day, with hardly any access to clean drinking water, basic sanitation, or electricity, to get out of poverty for good and create a sustainable future. During the pandemic, they created a poverty alleviation model, where participants get educated about finances and entrepreneurship, create a business plan with the support of local business experts and receive an interest free impact investment from a revolving fund. Once the community businesses are operational, the indigenous entrepreneurs receive mentoring to ensure they succeed. In the same year, Denise also founded her coaching business The Ikigai Entrepreneur. She offers an inspiring curriculum of transformational personal and professional development top-tier training programs for women who want to create a life they love, become transformational leaders and make a difference in the world. Denise has always followed her heart and has gone after what she wants in life. She believes that anyone can do the same – rich or poor. That journey is not always easy as we deal with life’s challenges, but when there is a commitment to put in the work, learn and persevere, you will get there and a new future of freedom, joy, and fulfilment will be waiting for you. Listeners I just love this episode with Denise, covering topics that I honestly could talk about all day long. So many women that I talk to, and once upon a time it was me too say “I don’t know who I am. I have no idea what my purpose is, what lights me up and makes me, well me”. I see beautiful souls wandering through life seeking joy and inspiration and direction which truly can only come from within. Denise and I both believe that every women should have her own purpose statement. I love Denises - My purpose in life is to help people to know that they are enough and to be unstoppable in fulfilling their dreams. How amazing is that?! So if you’re wondering who you really are, and what your purpose and passion in life are and you’re ready to start to create your own purpose then this is the episode for you. If you are interested to find out more about Denise’s humanitarian work or her transformational coaching and leadership programs, you can contact her directly at: denise@theikigaientrepreneur.com, visit her website www.theikigaientrepreneur.com or connect on Instagram @theikigaientrepreneur. About Margaret Foley, Queen of my Own Universe Margaret is based in Melbourne Australia and is passionate about helping women to discover their power within and step into being the Queen of their Own Universe. She is a coach for women, creator of the 7 Steps to Living a Happy Life program, co-author in the Amazon #1 Best Selling book Goodbye Busy Hello Happy and host of Living the Queen Life Podcast. Margaret is also passionate about technology and bringing mindset and wellbeing into the workplace which she does in her role as Chief Customer Officer at Simple Marketing Operations Cloud software. She is a voice for women in leadership, particularly in technology. You can learn more about Margaret and connect with her on LinkedIn.