017 Should You Stop Marketing During Your Off Season?
Can you make more money by pulling back on your marketing? If I had a nickel for everytime a contractor from up north asked me this... I'd at least have a pocket full of nickels. :). Roofers, concrete contractors, landscapers... all of 'em. Save money? I suppose but is your business goal to save money or to make money? We answer that emphatically in this episode. Join Pat & Angie as they walk through a question asked by a podcast viewer on this new podcast style. Not only are we doing interviews but we are adding to our episodes by including Q&A with P&A (Pat and Angie), as well as going over our "Core 4" that helps us succeed in business and life and keep disciplined and working towards our goals. We call it F.L.I.P. your life! Fitness, Lifestyle, Impact, and Profit. We work on each one every day and so should you. Join in and ask us questions and maybe we'll answer yours on the air. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zcRrPffESl0 Pat Cherubini - Speaker 1 (00:01): Hey everybody, it's Pat and Angie. I looked in my camera. Angie Cherubini - Speaker 2 (00:06): It's the only time you've ever looked where I pointed in your life. Speaker 1 (00:08): It's, it's welcome to Local Vibes, guys, and it's been, gosh, when was the last time we had Heath? Speaker 2 (00:17): Oh, that's been a few weeks ago. We've both been sick and we've had other things family happen. So that was our official relaunch and we petered out and now we're going to relaunch again. This is about the fourth time, but we have some plans we want to share with you and tell you what we're doing, where we're going and why. It's going to be a little bit different now, but it's also going to be a lot more frequent Speaker 1 (00:42): And I think more fun. It'll be, we're still going to have the interviews with the business owners that use our CRM and we'll probably sprinkle in there some other business owners too, that has Speaker 2 (00:57): Leaders, entrepreneurs, anybody. Yes, Speaker 1 (00:59): We're going to do a q and a with p and a questions and answers with us because we get a lot of questions about different things that comes through email and texting and social media. And so we're going to address a lot of those. A lot of those things. The four pillars of marketing. This is something that we've been teaching, oh my gosh, we've been teaching for years, for years. We have a course on it. It's something that is important. It's what we do. It's what we try to teach other people to do. Speaker 2 (01:33): We use a blueprint, you can download that for free right there. Local vibes, us slash blueprint, and it's basically a checklist of the way we run our business, the way we run our client's business, and the way that we're going to teach you how to run your business if you're open to it. So it's free. Jump in, there's a free course, it's going to come with that. It's not quite done yet, but it's going to be basically walking you through how to set up online marketing for a local business. Speaker 1 (02:00): And then the final category or section of the podcast is the flip Speaker 2 (02:09):