Looking into the Eye of Medusa with Kelley Hunter

Light Always Wins

Kelley Hunter Ph.D., is an internationally-known Astrologer, based in Vermont. Her work is informed by mythology, psycho- spirituality, creative arts, holistic and consciousness studies, as well as 1001 nights of stargazing in the Caribbean.

Her pioneering research led 2 two books on Lilith and the Cosmic Feminine and her playful Planetary Gods & Goddesses Coloring Book, introducing the expanding Solar System.

In this episode, I welcome Kelley back to discuss the upcoming conjunction of Uranus and Mars with the fixed star Algol, known as the eye of Medusa in the constellation of Perseus, which represents another iteration of Lilith. We talk about the auspicious Capricorn Cancer moon sandwich we are currently experiencing between June and July of 2024, Neptune and Saturn's journey through Pisces, the myth of Perseus and Andromeda, Nikola Tesla as an example of Uranian Algolian intelligence, and more!

Find Kelley's Cosmic Inspiration News and audio offerings on starlady.substack.com. Explore her writings, consultations, offerings, resources, and more on her substack: starlady.substack.com and her website at www.heliastar.com.

You can catch our last chat in episode 48 "The Cosmic Feminine and Journeys to the Underworld" and on Youtube


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