Love, Loss & FTD: A Daughter's Journey

Fading Memories: Alzheimer's/Dementia Caregiver Support

Frontotemporal dementia (FTD) affects an estimated 50,000 to 60,000 people in the United States, robbing individuals of their personality, language, and ultimately, their memories. This devastating disease presents unique challenges, often impacting behavior and emotions long before memory loss becomes apparent. In this episode, we explore the complexities of love and loss through the lens of FTD.

Our Guest:

Katie, shares her love and loss story as a caregiver for her mother, who battled FTD. Katie, now a filmmaker, has captured her mom's journey in a poignant film that delves into the love and loss woven through the different stages of life, from middle age to the twilight years.

With raw honesty, Katie confronts the messy and complicated emotions that accompany the long road of grief and caregiving. Join us as we discuss the unique challenges of FTD, the power of storytelling, and the enduring bonds of love that persist even in the face of devastating loss.

Learn More About Katie & Wake Up Maggie Here


Related Episodes:

Dance and Memories: Dementia Engagement

Music in Dementia Care Stress Relief to Moments of Joy


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