The Sweetspot

Niccie Kliegl
The Sweetspot

The Sweetspot Talkshow: Doing LIFE & BUSINESS Within the Sweet Spot is something we all hope for... where your work & life elevate spiritually, financially, and energetically, for the kingdom. Grab a cup of coffee and pull up a chair while Niccie Kliegl, author of the Legacy Series, life & business coach, and speaker brings on guests to connect, teach, love, and encourage you to take a sweet and honest look inward, always considering how God-partnered your actions, growth, and impact are! Through her Sweetspot Mastermind, Niccie helps you transform your life & business with the power of the Trinity. Her deepest desire is for each person to know God and how to tap into the Holy Spirit for supernatural power and wisdom while stepping into the call God has on their life.

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    5개의 평가


    The Sweetspot Talkshow: Doing LIFE & BUSINESS Within the Sweet Spot is something we all hope for... where your work & life elevate spiritually, financially, and energetically, for the kingdom. Grab a cup of coffee and pull up a chair while Niccie Kliegl, author of the Legacy Series, life & business coach, and speaker brings on guests to connect, teach, love, and encourage you to take a sweet and honest look inward, always considering how God-partnered your actions, growth, and impact are! Through her Sweetspot Mastermind, Niccie helps you transform your life & business with the power of the Trinity. Her deepest desire is for each person to know God and how to tap into the Holy Spirit for supernatural power and wisdom while stepping into the call God has on their life.

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