Popular Front

Jake Hanrahan
Popular Front

Popular Front is a grassroots media organisation that focuses solely on war and conflict. We go deeper than mainstream news in a way that makes important war coverage accessible for everyone. The podcast focuses on the niche details of modern warfare and under-reported conflict. See more at www.popularfront.co

  1. 2월 7일 · 보너스

    Hell on Earth: The Ultra Sadism Report

    On the Popular Front Patreon we have a separate show called Skeleton Key. It’s a monthly report on contemporary far-right militancy all over the world. To listen to that show you have to join the BONUS tier on the Patreon. It’s paywalled and it will stay paywalled. People paying for extra content like this is how we keep going. There have been two particularly brutal episodes of Skeleton Key that are about the militant sadism of 764 and Maniac Murder Cult (MKY). These are two groups that are inspired by far-right violence and left hand path occultism, but have created something entirely more awful. I refer to their ideology as “ultra sadism”. To put it plainly, they’re main goals are to cause untold havoc across the world, simply because their mad at it. Both groups, 764 and MKY, are know for extreme child abuse, pedophilia, random killings, and the torture of animals. These groups are as despicable as it gets. They’ve literally caused children to mutilate themselves, something 764 and MKY consider a victory. As horrible as this is, a way to combat such groups is to air out their actions and identify who’s behind it all. When we published episodes of Skeleton Key investigating these groups, many people who paid for the content asked that we publish them for free on the public podcast channel. This is because the resources and information spoken about in the episodes can help parents and carers to identify if their children are being groomed or drawn into these militant sadist networks. So, here are both the episodes, back to back, for free. These episodes document the horrors of 764 and MKY. This is Hell on Earth: The Ultra Sadism Report. 🚨 Now, be warned, these episode contain extremely depraved, psychotic, and upsetting information regarding child abuse, self-harm, animal abuse, kidnap, murder, and more. It is horrendous to talk about, but to stop these people we must put the information out there. Be warned, these episodes are not for the faint of heart... 🚨

    2시간 46분

호스트 및 게스트

최고 5점
760개의 평가


Popular Front is a grassroots media organisation that focuses solely on war and conflict. We go deeper than mainstream news in a way that makes important war coverage accessible for everyone. The podcast focuses on the niche details of modern warfare and under-reported conflict. See more at www.popularfront.co

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