MAD Warfare Podcast

STP Productions
MAD Warfare Podcast

MAD Warfare™️ is a science-driven deep dive into the wild, weird, and sometimes wicked world of the “weaponization of everything.” But don’t worry—IT WILL BE FUN. Think of it as your covert ops manual for spotting how cyber hackers, rogue AI agents, and shady “bad actors” (who’d be terrible in a buddy comedy) are messing with our minds. Often in ways that evade detection… until it’s too late. With expert interviews from unexpected places and plenty of offbeat insights, this podcast reveals the hidden battleground of everyday life. Each episode is a call to action: for those in power to step up—and for the rest of us to gear up, because we might be all we’ve got. (Also, may feature puppets.)


    평가 및 리뷰

    최고 5점
    3개의 평가


    MAD Warfare™️ is a science-driven deep dive into the wild, weird, and sometimes wicked world of the “weaponization of everything.” But don’t worry—IT WILL BE FUN. Think of it as your covert ops manual for spotting how cyber hackers, rogue AI agents, and shady “bad actors” (who’d be terrible in a buddy comedy) are messing with our minds. Often in ways that evade detection… until it’s too late. With expert interviews from unexpected places and plenty of offbeat insights, this podcast reveals the hidden battleground of everyday life. Each episode is a call to action: for those in power to step up—and for the rest of us to gear up, because we might be all we’ve got. (Also, may feature puppets.)

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