Magic Monday: Life Admin Day To *Finally* Complete Those Tasks That Consume Your Mind

Dream Life Connection

Today's modern magic trick is all about *finally* scheduling time to work on those ever-present to-do list tasks!! When you schedule a Life Admin Day, you can release any stress or guilt over those things that you keep pushing off. If you have 1-2 Life Admin Days per month, you can save those pesky tasks that aren't top priority and complete them when you're in the right mindset.

Life Admin Days have been so beneficial to my productivity - and stress level. Those emails that I keep delaying or those appointments that I need to make - they all get done on my admin day. This episode not only shares the benefits of Life Admin Days, but also how my business has skyrocketed and my stress level has dropped - all because of these helpful days.

In This Episode:
+ FocusMate: body doubling with people around the world to get things done!


Thank you so much for listening, it truly means the world to me. I would love to connect with you!

Instagram: @dreamlifeconnection
Website: Dream Life Connection
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60+ modern magic tricks + free guidebooks: Receive Magic Here

Grateful for you. You are MAGIC! ✨

With love,








