20 min

Maintaining Loving Relationships While Facing Chronic Illness with Lyme Expert Dr. Nancy Fox Love, Hope, Lyme Podcast

    • Medicine

This is episode 4 of the Love, Hope, Lyme podcast.
When Fred Diamond decided to learn more about the Lyme disease that afflicted someone he loved, his life changed.
He read every book on Lyme, joined Facebook groups, attended webinars and podcasts and quickly realized that he knew hardly anything about what Lyme disease survivors go through on a daily basis.
His popular book, "Love, Hope, Lyme: What Family Members, Partners, and Friends Who Love a Chronic Lyme Survivor Need to Know" offers those who love someone with Lyme ideas and tips to support this beloved person. It also helps Lyme survivors know how to ask for support.
On today’s podcast, Dr. Nancy Fox, president of the Lyme Education Awareness Foundation (LEAF) and a persistent Lyme survivor herself, discusses three things that family members, partners, and friends should know to better support their loved one.
If someone you love has been afflicted with Lyme disease, listen to this podcast now.
The e-version of the book is always free for Lyme survivors. Just reach out to Fred on Facebook or LinkedIn. The print copy can be ordered here.

This is episode 4 of the Love, Hope, Lyme podcast.
When Fred Diamond decided to learn more about the Lyme disease that afflicted someone he loved, his life changed.
He read every book on Lyme, joined Facebook groups, attended webinars and podcasts and quickly realized that he knew hardly anything about what Lyme disease survivors go through on a daily basis.
His popular book, "Love, Hope, Lyme: What Family Members, Partners, and Friends Who Love a Chronic Lyme Survivor Need to Know" offers those who love someone with Lyme ideas and tips to support this beloved person. It also helps Lyme survivors know how to ask for support.
On today’s podcast, Dr. Nancy Fox, president of the Lyme Education Awareness Foundation (LEAF) and a persistent Lyme survivor herself, discusses three things that family members, partners, and friends should know to better support their loved one.
If someone you love has been afflicted with Lyme disease, listen to this podcast now.
The e-version of the book is always free for Lyme survivors. Just reach out to Fred on Facebook or LinkedIn. The print copy can be ordered here.

20 min