Mars Technica

Lexi Petronis, Joey Montoya
Mars Technica

Could Jezero Crater hold the keys to unlocking an ancient and hidden past when life existed on the Martian surface? As NASA’s Perseverance rover heads to Mars to find out, we take you on board the spacecraft to learn more about some of its incredible exploratory technology from the scientists who created it. Come journey with us on an exciting podcast by Los Alamos National Laboratory.

최고 5점
12개의 평가


Could Jezero Crater hold the keys to unlocking an ancient and hidden past when life existed on the Martian surface? As NASA’s Perseverance rover heads to Mars to find out, we take you on board the spacecraft to learn more about some of its incredible exploratory technology from the scientists who created it. Come journey with us on an exciting podcast by Los Alamos National Laboratory.

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