Mastering Mindfulness in Sports: Dr. Sara Mitchell on Enhancing Athletic Performance and Well-being

Grow the Good

It’s clear: mindfulness transforms athletic performance and overall well-being. But how do we use it in daily practice? Today, I’m sitting down with the incredible Dr. Sara Mitchell. We unpack the power of mindfulness in enhancing focus, managing self-talk, and steering through life’s chaos both on and off the track. Learn about the crucial roles of acceptance and mental rehearsal, and why being task-oriented can significantly impact your performance. Whether you’re pushing limits in sports or navigating daily pressures, this episode is packed with tips to help you stay present and perform at your best. Tune in to discover how to harness mindfulness for greater success and contentment in every aspect of your life.

Here’s what you’ll learn:

- Maintaining present-moment awareness and breath-focused mindfulness can achieve consistent high-level performance
- How to focus on task-oriented actions and using instructional self-talk rather than judgment or motivation
- Why balancing the need for planning with staying present and content is key
- The benefits of collaborating with a mental performance coach
- Recognizing the signs of mental versus physical fatigue are crucial in preventing burnout


- Connect with Dr. Sara Mitchell
- Learn the difference between high performance and high achievement 
- The Mindfulness of Cycling with Olympian Haley Smith
- Mindset Mastery: Elevating Performance with Neal Palles

The Grow the Good Podcast is produced by Palm Tree Pod Co.








