Mastering Your Craft: Learning from Eric Cogorno's Golf and Personal Development Journey

The Wordslinger Podcast

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In this episode, Kevin Tumlinson interviews YouTube golf sensation Eric Cogorno about how golf and personal development can intersect for self-improvement and success. From honing his craft to helping others via online platforms, Eric dives deep into the lessons golf teaches about life, patience, and moving forward.

Show Links:

* Eric Cogorno Golf on YouTube - Golf tips and coaching

* Lessons I've Learned with Eric Cogorno - Personal development channel

* Kevin's Substack ( - Regular updates and insights

Important Topics & Timestamps:

[00:00:00] - Kevin introduces the episode

[00:02:00] - Discussion about the benefits of golf

[00:05:15] - ProWritingAid sponsor message

[00:06:55] - Interview with Eric Cogorno begins

[00:12:05] - Eric talks about starting on YouTube

[00:20:34] - Applying golf lessons to writing

[00:28:01] - Defining moments and success

[00:44:42] - Philosophies on persistence

[01:00:44] - Eric discusses his upcoming book release

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