Mastermind Leadership Podcast

Mastermind Leadership Co.
Mastermind Leadership Podcast

The Mastermind Leadership Podcast is a podcast designed for leaders that are looking for personal or organizational development. The topics covered will help you to better grasp the concept of leadership and development a personal leadership philosophy that will lead to long-term success. Visit us at:


  1. 2021/10/22


    How to get buy-in to your vision A.  Clear and compelling the vision must have a strong “Why”.  A message that doesn’t have a strong why is just information that may educate others…but a message with a strong why is a vision that will move people. Step 1 - Make sure the vision burns within you before you attempt to transfer it to others. Illustration of heat loss…when heat is transferred from one object to another, there is always a loss of heat.  The source will always retain the greatest amount of heat…So, if you want it to burn in someone else, it must first be an inferno within you. 1.  Regardless of how compelling the vision may be and how passionate you may be about the vision…the vision will fail it if is not communicated with clarity. Step 1 - Make sure the vision is clear with you before you attempt to transfer it to someone else. Nobody is going to be as inspired by the vision as you are…but the more clear the vision is, the greater the amount of “heat” that it will retain. B. Relevant In order for others to buy-into vision they need to understand how it is going to impact their life. When we were building our new building, one of the elements that I was most excited about was having an office…I had pastored for 10 years without any type of space to meet with church members…However, I realized that in order to get the church to buy-in, they would be more impacted by expanded parking potential, exceptional bathroom facilities and classrooms for their children to learn in. When possible, share the vision through stories.  Rather than facts, figures and statistics, paint a picture of what the impact will be. C.Share the vision strategically. Don’t tell everyone at the same time. First share the vision with those that will dream with you Second share the vision with those that will think with you Third share the vision with those that will question you Finally, share the vision with those that will move with you Don’t tell everyone the same thing • The 80-20 scale • Tell 20 percent of the people, 80% of the vision • Tell 80 percent of the people, 20% of the vision Don’t tell everyone the same way D. Repetition Share the vision often. Share the vision through various methods Share the vision through multiple voices. *Remove the expectation of 100% buy-in. The very greatest leaders do not get 100% buy-in.

    31 分鐘
  2. 2021/10/08

    Vision Crafting

    ``` 1. Personal Vision (physical, financial) 2. Spiritual Vision 3. Professional/Ministry Vision ``` Crafting Personal Vision If you aren’t growing, then you are dying. Personal goals is what you envision your life can be. A better husband, father, leader, etc. The person you want to become doesn’t happen overnight. Rather, it is daily decisions and actionable goals that improve over time. Readers are leaders, set a goal to read more this year. Financial Vision If your finances are a mess, then you are likely stressed out. One of the greatest hinderances to successful ministries, is financial issues. Some are not able to seize particular opportunities because they are bound to financial hinderances. Set some personal financial goals. Whether its saving, paying off debt, or setting a giving goal. Physical Vision One of the best things you can do for yourself is take care of your body. God has given us one body, and that body will help us reach our goals. Whether its losing weight, getting up early in the morning and exercising, or changing the way that you eat, set a goal to help you grow! Spiritual Vision Within the context of Christianity, you become the person that Jesus Christ has called you to be. Prayer, Bible study, fasting, giving, faithfulness, witnessing are spiritual disciplines that will increase your capacity for growth. Spiritual goals will improve your soul, outlook, world-view, and alter your purpose. Keeping Christ at the center of your life will improve every other area you are looking to improve. Professional Goals/Ministry Vision What are your professional goals? Do you want to move up within your organization? Do you want to become your own boss, or own your own business? If you are a minster, what are your ministry goals? Vision for Your Church or Organization Vision begins with you as a leader. As you begin to grow and reach your personal vision, you then begin to craft a vision for your organization. Michael Hyatt talks about the benefits of having a vision for your team: 1. A sense of purpose. Too often teams spend an inordinate amount of time spinning their wheels and just doing whatever tasks have come up most recently. Having a well-thought-out vision allows your company to zero in on the goals, projects, and tasks that have the highest impact on the metrics you want to prioritize. 2. A positive risk. Inciting risk might not feel like a benefit, but the best future doesn’t actually lie within your comfort zone. Just because an idea makes you uncomfortable doesn’t make it a bad idea. In fact, it might be the exact idea you need. 3. A clearer future. A vision is not an action plan and you won’t be figuring out the “how”—at least not yet. But it does free you to dream and imagine what could be possible, as well as what the end result will be. The Power of Habit []( Spiritual Leadership [](

    54 分鐘
  3. 2021/10/01

    The Motive

    Welcome to the Mastermind Leadership Podcast The Mastermind Leadership Collective’s vision is help you: Master the Leader Within Develop and Equip the leader within each individual. Help Organizations reach their goals through leadership development Mastermind Leadership Collective is made up of three unique leaders: Evan Grizzle, Jason Staten, and Nate Whitley. Leadership defined (Last episode) - Websters definition - "the action of leading a group of people or an organization." This definition omits one very important part of the equation: The Motive Simon Sinek - Start with WHY! Why do we lead? What are our motivations? Sometime's leading isn't fun, but if we can flesh out our motive it can still be fulfilling. It leadership isn't fulfilling we should address our motives. Altruistic - The betterment of others, a group, or the organization Selfish - ladder climbing, self-promotion, selfish agendas. Leading is two fold: We lead with our vision in mind - What is the vision of the organization and how can we achieve it? We lead with the individual's vision in mind - What is the vision of the individual and how can we help them achieve it? (As long as it doesn't hinder the corporate goal/vision). What roll do we play in other's vision? Do we know their vision for themselves and are we helping them obtain it? What roll do others play in our vision? Do we cast our vision well enough, and motivate people in the right direction to see that vision come to pass on a corporate level? Motivation vs. Manipulation The root word of motivation is: Motive There is a motive with both motivation and manipulation. Motivation - Lead or push toward a goal that is better for the person, the leader and the group! Manipulation - Lead or push toward a goal that is better for the leader. While we hope we can reach a diverse audience with this podcast, we also offer personal coaching and mentoring. Additionally we are available individually to come and train your teams at your local church or business. Be sure to follow us on Instagram (@MastermindLeadership), subscribe to the Mastermind Leadership Podcast on all platforms and visit us at Connect with us and let us know how we can serve you, and assist you in mastering the leader within.

    40 分鐘
  4. Leadership Defined


    Leadership Defined

    Welcome to the Mastermind Leadership Podcast The Mastermind Leadership Collective’s vision is help you: Master the Leader Within Develop and Equip the leader within each individual. Help Organizations reach their goals through leadership development Mastermind Leadership Collective is made up of three unique leaders: Evan Grizzle, Jason Staten, and Nate Whitley. Definition - the action of leading a group of people or an organization." John Maxwell - “leadership is influence, nothing more nothing less.” A leader that has no influence may have a title or a position but they have no one following them and their impact is barely noticed and short lived. Leadership is seeing what others don’t see and mobilizing others to achieve they don’t realize they can achieve. Leadership is accomplished by building rapport. Be serving others By exemplifying motives (next podcast)Leaders fail when they become focused on position. Leaders succeed when are focused on people. Leaders fail when they are focused on problems Leaders succeed when they are focused on solutions. leaders are visionaries. - they see what others can’t see Leaders are motivators - they move what others can’t move Leaders are encouragers - they lift what other can’t lift Leaders are catalysts - they take action when others talk action While we hope we can reach a diverse audience with this podcast, we also offer personal coaching and mentoring. Additionally we are available individually to come and train your teams at your local church or business. Be sure to follow us on Instagram (@MastermindLeadership), subscribe to the Mastermind Leadership Podcast on all platforms and visit us at Connect with us and let us know how we can serve you, and assist you in mastering the leader within.

    30 分鐘
  5. Mastermind Leadership Introductions


    Mastermind Leadership Introductions

    Welcome to the Mastermind Leadership Podcast The Mastermind Leadership Collective’s vision is help you: Master the Leader Within Develop and Equip the leader within each individual. Help Organizations reach their goals through leadership development Mastermind Leadership Collective is made up of three unique leaders: Evan Grizzle, Jason Staten, and Nate Whitley. Evan is the lead pastor at Apostolic Tabernacle in Wilmington, NC. He has a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from King University, and has a Masters degree in Executive Leadership from Liberty University. He is the co-host of the Think on These Things podcast and executive vision ninja at Dear Young Married Couple Jason is the the lead pastor of Living Hope in Lexington Park, Maryland. He is a certified John Maxwell Team member. Jason is also the creator of the Raising the Bar personal development program. He has trained and developed leaders all over the country for more than twenty years. Nate is the associate pastor of First Apostolic Church in Knoxville, Tennessee. He is also a full-time Bible teacher at Apostolic Christian School. He has his bachelors in biblical studies from Indiana Wesleyan University. He is also the host of the Cut it Straight podcast, a podcast focused on training and equipping young leaders. Together, the Mastermind Leadership Collective, seeks to develop and equip leaders across all age groups and various organizations. Organizations, church or corporate, are only as strong as their leaders. In a day and hour such as we are living in, the need for leaders is great. Whether you are a pastor of a thriving church, or an entrepreneur just starting out in business, we want to help you master the leader within, while also helping you develop other leaders in your specific context. While we hope we can reach a diverse audience with this podcast, we also offer personal coaching and mentoring. Additionally we are available individually to come and train your teams at your local church or business. Be sure to follow us on Instagram (@MastermindLeadership), subscribe to the Mastermind Leadership Podcast on all platforms and visit us at Connect with us and let us know how we can serve you, and assist you in mastering the leader within.

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The Mastermind Leadership Podcast is a podcast designed for leaders that are looking for personal or organizational development. The topics covered will help you to better grasp the concept of leadership and development a personal leadership philosophy that will lead to long-term success. Visit us at:








