Join the HG101 gang as they discuss and rank Remedy's pilled-to-the-gills Neo-noir 3PS. Then stick around for BCV: BATTLE CONSTRUCTION VEHICLES, Artdink's fighting game where instead of two people facing off it's two people driving bulldozers.
This weekend's Patreon Bonus Get episode will be GUILTY GEAR 2: OVERTURE — a fighting game sequel that finally gave players something new! Donate at Patreon to get this bonus content and much, much more!
Follow the show on Bluesky to get the latest and straightest dope.
Check out what games we've already ranked on the Big Damn List, then nominate a game of your own via five-star review on Apple Podcasts! Take a screenshot and show it to us on our Discord server! Intro music by NORM.
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- 주기주 2회 업데이트
- 발행일2025년 2월 25일 오전 10:33 UTC
- 길이2시간 8분
- 에피소드760
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