Me, Myself and I

Tana Macpherson
Подкаст «Me, Myself and I»

A touching, poignant account of ones woman's journey through her deepest stuff to profound mental health, and her continuing legacy to help the young people of this world. Touching, Powerful, Poignant, Scary, Unpredictable, Revelatory, Revolutionary - sometimes even funny. The result, an Evolutionary Legacy that not only applies to Tana's Life Purpose of teaching and children's mental health, but could profoundly assist us all.


Об этом подкасте

A touching, poignant account of ones woman's journey through her deepest stuff to profound mental health, and her continuing legacy to help the young people of this world. Touching, Powerful, Poignant, Scary, Unpredictable, Revelatory, Revolutionary - sometimes even funny. The result, an Evolutionary Legacy that not only applies to Tana's Life Purpose of teaching and children's mental health, but could profoundly assist us all.

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