Meet The Meetup: Sheffield StartUp - Interview with Gary Neville

Sheffield Digital Podcast

Gary Neville, co-organiser and co-host of the Sheffield Startup Meetup, shares the challenges of running a community startup event, explains the success of the format, and tells us about the common shared realities of the founder's journey.

Gary touches on some of the risks attached to becoming a founder, emphasises the importance of encouraging diversity of thought within teams, and says that it is absolutely critical to have failures if you’re going to run a startup. 

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Notes and Links

Gary was interviewed online by Sarah Lister, Membership Coordinator at Sheffield Digital, on 11th June 2024.


Sheffield Startup Meetup

Gary Neville on LinkedIn

Dan Blaney on LinkedIn


Sheffield Tech Parks

Cooper Project

Emma Marshall on LinkedIn

Tom Wolfenden on LinkedIn

Future Greens



Tracey Johnson 


Ceri Betchalder

Chris Dymond

Peter Hopton

Barnsley Startup Meetup

Front End Sheffield


GoSheffield Meetup

Triple Point Brewery


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We’re really keen to get your feedback on the podcast. You can share your thoughts with us on Twitter or on the channel in the Sheffield Digital Slack community.

Thank you for the music

Thanks to Alex Mclean – aka Yaxu – for the show’s intro music, licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

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