Courageous Wellness

Courageous Wellness

Courageous Wellness is a platform to interview diverse people about their personal journeys in health and wellness. From physical wellness, to emotional and spiritual, we hear courageous stories. We are committed to de-stigmatizing conversations in the wellness space and celebrate the experiences and lessons of our guests. Aly and Erica are certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coaches with advanced training in gut health and hormone health, and both have had incredible personal wellness journeys.

  1. 2월 5일

    Hormones, Cycle Tracking, and Taking Control of Your Cycle with Authors of “The Cycle Book,” Laura Federico, LCSW and Morgan Miller, CPM

    Today, we interview Laura Federico, LCSW, and Morgan Miller, CPM, authors of THE CYCLE BOOK: An Interactive Step-by-Step Guide to Tracking Hormones and Knowing Your Body — a groundbreaking, customizable guide designed by a midwife and a clinical sex therapist who understand the urgent need for a more reliable and empowering method of cycle tracking.  Laura and Morgan are true experts in the space. Through their combined wisdom, this guide goes beyond fertility to offer insights into your sex life; emotions; mental health; chronic illness; and can offer support to ease symptoms of endometriosis, anxiety, perimenopause; and more.  This episode is brought to you by Lume Deodorant. Use code CWPOD for 15% off your first purchase at Lume’s Starter Pack is perfect for new customers. It comes with a Solid Stick Deodorant, Cream Tube Deodorant, two free products of your choice (like Mini Body Wash and Deodorant Wipes), and free shipping. As a special offer for listeners, new customers GET 15% ALL Lume products with our exclusive code - and if you combine the 15% off with the already discounted starter pack, that equals over 40% off their Starter Pack!  Please support our show and tell them we sent you! Smell fresher, stay drier, and boost your confidence from head to toe with Lume! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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    109개의 평가


    Courageous Wellness is a platform to interview diverse people about their personal journeys in health and wellness. From physical wellness, to emotional and spiritual, we hear courageous stories. We are committed to de-stigmatizing conversations in the wellness space and celebrate the experiences and lessons of our guests. Aly and Erica are certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coaches with advanced training in gut health and hormone health, and both have had incredible personal wellness journeys.

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