
Jeff Zaugg

ACTIVATING DADS TO LEAD WITH WONDER Walking with dads as they lead and love their kids toward God's awesomeness. We're on a mission to see dads fully alive and fully activated in their roles—leading with wonder to build intentional connection with their kids while experiencing God's awesomeness together. We partner with dads at every stage of the journey by providing practical fatherhood resources to catalyze connection with their kids, and also with other dads.

  1. -14 Ч

    DA373 | Partnering with God to Raise Your Kids, Slowing Down, and Finding Rest in the Tension (Jay Heck & Rob Porter: Part 1)

    Jeff Zaugg and Rob Porter sit down with Jay Heck for a powerful, three-way conversation on fatherhood. In Part 1, they dive into the tension between being a provider and still embracing curiosity, adventure, and childlike wonder. They also unpack the unique triune relationship between a father, God, and his child.   Key Takeaway   Are you approaching life like an orphan or like a son whose father is going to come through for him even if he makes a mistake?  Slowing down can help you navigate the tension between being a provider and embracing curiosity, wonder, and creativity.  God uses your trials to bring wholeness, restoration, and healing.  You don’t have to exhaust yourself to allow God to do a work in you. Instead of carrying the burden of fatherhood alone, realize that you are ultimately raising God’s child, and He will be there to help you.   Jay Heck & Rob Porter   Jay Heck is the founder and director of Being Songs, a ministry helping men discover that authentic, fearless, God-designed manhood begins by being a son. He and his wife, Heather, have two young adult children.  Rob Porter lives in New Zealand with his wife and two kids. He leads Let’s Keep Rising, a ministry that crafts adventures, events, and resources that meet men where they are and help them experience restoration in the most critical relationships they have, beginning with God   Key Quotes   14:49- "I want to learn from it. I want to patch things up where there's been a rupture and let's keep going. And that has produced so much fruit. Growing up as a kid, I came out of childhood with a fear of a lack of connection, a lack of attachment with my children. So I think out of the pain and out of the crucible of our past, we have the opportunity to have a glorious future if we dig into God and say, help redeem what my experience was." 47:35 - "What if, in fact, we begin operating under the paradigm that God is the Father, which means that all provision actually comes from Him. All protection actually comes from Him. The plan for my child's life that I feel like is so on me to help them navigate, what if God, like it says in Scripture, already has all the days numbered for them before one of them came to be? What if He already knows their nature, their goodness? What if He already knows what He's been training them for, what they're learning in the present moment, and He already knows, I've got all this stuff that I need to them and father them through for them to become what I created. What that means is that I can get in the way. If I take that posture that I'm the dad, I can so much be the wall and the obstacle between God and my child. If I can, if we can begin looking at it where God is the Father will, and then we've got this interchangeable relationship, I can be His child and God's going to use my son or my daughter to help me lean on Him."   Links from Today’s Conversation   Send a Voice Message to DadAwesome Apply to join the next DadAwesome Accelerator Cohort: Email   Subscribe to DadAwesome Messages: Text the word “Dad” to (651) 370-8618 Let’s Keep Rising Being Sons Events Connect with dadAWESOME   Make a Donation to dadAWESOME Join the dadAWESOME Prayer Team Receive weekly encouragement by texting "dad" to 651-370-8618

    54 мин.
  2. 6 МАР.

    DA372 | Seeing God’s Bigger Picture, Championing Your Child’s Purpose, and Fighting for Peace (Mike Wehde: Part 2)

    In the second part of this conversation, Mike wraps up his top five fatherhood plays. You’ll learn how to discover what lights your kids up and why your biggest impact can come from investing in others. Mike will inspire and equip you with actionable wisdom to raise resilient, purpose-driven kids.    Key Takeaway   Your best fruit will grow on someone else’s tree.  When the world’s going crazy, your kids need to know what lights them up inside.  Your victories, as well as failures, are all part of God’s bigger plan. Be your child’s biggest cheerleader, and they’ll want to stick around.  The Top Five Plays to Run as a Dad: show affection; live the Gospel; practice a God-led work ethic; mentor and multiple; and speak vision and purpose into your children.   Mike Wehde   Mike Wehde is the Founding Pastor of Lifecoast Church in Palm Coast, Florida. He and his wife, Holly, have five kids and several grandkids. Mike has owned multiple businesses and works as a leadership coach for business and church leaders. They believe the kingdom of God will be advanced through family and community impact.   Key Quotes   11:10 - "Thanks for winking at me, God, because it is time spent. It's intentionality. It's time away from kids or whatever you can afford. I just think there is times you're mentoring and modeling that for your kids, so that they'll do that when they get older, not just with their kids, but who am I walking with?" 22:22 - "We want to fight for the opportunities and don't miss those opportunities. If they need to grow, they need to grow. If they need to be loved on, they need to be loved on. If you need to protect them, you protect them. If you need to pull back and let a fail, let them fail. But they'll always know you're there and you're for them. And that's really huge to know the things I need to fight for. You knew dad was always going to be your provider. That's kind of a given. We should be doing that. But I also need to fight for every little moment I see could be an opportunity where I can show you my love, I'm for you, or now's the grow time and it's safe. We're not going anywhere."   Links from Today’s Conversation   Send a Voice Message to DadAwesome Apply to join the next DadAwesome Accelerator Cohort: Email   Subscribe to DadAwesome Messages: Text the word “Dad” to (651) 370-8618 Lifecoast Church Christian Family Entrepreneurs Connect with dadAWESOME   Make a Donation to dadAWESOME Join the dadAWESOME Prayer Team Receive weekly encouragement by texting "dad" to 651-370-8618

    32 мин.
  3. 27 ФЕВР.

    DA371 | Raising Entrepreneurial Kids, Defining Your Family Identity, and 5 Plays to Run as a Dad (Mike Wehde: Part 1)

    Have you decided what your family name stands for? In this episode, Mike Wehde dives into how to raise creative problem solvers, embrace failure, and build a strong family identity. Plus, you’ll discover five powerful plays every dad should run to stay connected with their kids for life.   Key Takeaway   If you want things to change, you have to change.  When the enemy whispers that you’re a failure, embrace the truth of God’s love and grace.  With God’s help, decide what your family name stands for in the community.  Failure paves the way to success.  When your kids are grown, what will compel them to want to be around you? Start implementing those things early.   Mike Wehde   Mike Wehde is the Founding Pastor of Lifecoast Church in Palm Coast, Florida. He and his wife, Holly, have five kids and several grandkids. Mike has owned multiple businesses and works as a leadership coach for business and church leaders. They believe the kingdom of God will be advanced through family and community impact.   Key Quotes   9:48 - "We really do want to live with in terms of, we have a calling that's towards God's kingdom. And it doesn't just include my life. It doesn't stop there. So all my decisions have to have those thought processes, how is this going to affect my kids, my grandkids and who they're becoming. Most of us know that past grand, grand, maybe grand, great grand people aren't going to talk about you much more. They were just the picture on the wall and everything else. But who we are can go from generation to generation, and you have to nail that down, at least before they leave the house. But even after, if you're friends with them, you can still shape it like we are, we're still shaping that. And so for us, living as a calling towards building God's kingdom, not our kingdom." 28:02 - "You've just got to early on embrace that God's got the big picture. God really has these children and children are so resilient, forgetful anyway.  I was talking to Dakota about this the other day, I just was really harsh with him and just an hour later, he's running up to me, hugging the stuffing out of me like, I'm the best dad ever. Like, how is this? I mean, God's grace, man, you embrace it. And that's the truth. Embrace that truth. Because as long as you're trying, as long as you're learning, I won't do that again and write it down or don't do that again. God's like, I got love and grace all over this baby, because they're in a good home. They're in a nice home of faithful parents, praying parents and also humble parents, [saying] I messed up."   Links from Today’s Conversation   Send a Voice Message to DadAwesome Apply to join the next DadAwesome Accelerator Cohort: Email   Subscribe to DadAwesome Messages: Text the word “Dad” to (651) 370-8618 Lifecoast Church Christian Family Entrepreneurs Connect with dadAWESOME   Make a Donation to dadAWESOME Join the dadAWESOME Prayer Team Receive weekly encouragement by texting "dad" to 651-370-8618

    38 мин.
  4. 20 ФЕВР.

    DA370 | Being Faithful Fathers, Passing the Baton, and Making Your Church Buzz for Dad Life (Rick Wertz)

    You have 936 weeks before your child turns 18, and each one counts! In this episode, Rick Wertz shares simple yet powerful ways to lead with vision, engage emotionally with your kids, and spark a fatherhood movement in your church.    Key Takeaway   Fill a jar with 936 marbles and take one out each week to have a visual reminder of how time is passing with you kids from birth to 18 years old.  To PASS the baton as a dad, focus on purpose-filled fathering, activities, studies, and staying connected. Your church should have an electric buzz around fathering.  Fatherhood is not just about financial provision; it's about being a visionary for where your child is headed. If a fatherhood resource doesn’t exist, maybe God is calling you to create it.   Rick Wertz   Rick Wertz is the founder and president of Faithful Fathering. He is a popular speaker for church groups and various organizations as he advocates for fathers and families. Rick has been married to Linda for 43 years, and they have two grown children.    Key Quotes   5:49 - "I was very selfish, but I knew if I was stumbling, there were other Dads out there stumbling, too. So, I did receive a very clear call for the ministry, which is that He, the Lord, said,  the light in my church is dim. We, the church, mirrors society in many cases and arguably in most cases mirrors society more than influences society. So, my call was to get into the church and illumine the fathering movement in the church. Then the church could illumine the community to the significance and the importance of fathers." 24:26 - "We have to get to know our kids and we have to expose them to a lot of things. I'm not one that says you can just take one activity and just do that for this year. I want them to do as much as I can take on. It's going to be crazy in the house and we're going to be going in different directions, Mom and Dad sometimes. But as far as I'm concerned, that's part of our job. One of the biggest things we do after, is exemplifying in marriage, we're exemplifying our relationship with Christ every day because that's the closest thing to our relationship with Christ. And so that's what the kids need to see. That's the primary education we give our kids day in, day out. But after that, we have to help them understand how they've been uniquely gifted."   Links from Today’s Conversation   Send a Voice Message to DadAwesome Apply to join the next DadAwesome Accelerator Cohort: Email   Subscribe to DadAwesome Messages: Text the word “Dad” to (651) 370-8618 Faithful Fathering FREE New Year Faithful Father Resolve Guide Dads Becoming Heroes Study Faithful Fathering Books, Studies, and Videos for Dads   Connect with dadAWESOME   Make a Donation to dadAWESOME Join the dadAWESOME Prayer Team Receive weekly encouragement by texting "dad" to 651-370-8618

    42 мин.
  5. 13 ФЕВР.

    DA369 | Healing Father Wounds, Pausing in the Driveway, and Dying as a Good Man (David Dusek)

    Are you carrying around unresolved father wounds? In this episode, David Dusek unpacks how a father’s words ripple through generations and what you can do to promote healing. David will challenge you to refocus on your family, reconnect with your kids, and recognize that as long as you’re breathing, it’s not too late to finish well.   Key Takeaway   The enemy isolates you on purpose through fear of embarrassment.  You need a strong brotherhood to help you see through the fog and chaos of life. If your kid doesn’t engage in conversation, they might not feel comfortable enough to bring you their problems because they know you’d be disappointed.  The issue with the father wound is it can manifest itself so far down the line in ways that seem functional but aren’t.  It doesn’t matter how you start; it only matters how you finish. And as long as you’re breathing, it’s not too late to make things right.   David Dusek   David Dusek’s mission is to encourage and equip men to live their lives for Christ. He is an author, speaker, and the founder of Rough Cut Men Ministries. David resides in Florida with his wife and has five adult children and two grandchildren.   Key Quotes   4:47 - "Isolation is the linchpin to everything. The enemy of our souls gets us by ourselves. He does it on purpose. He knows if I can get this guy by himself, I can rack him, his marriage, the kids, and the legacy that comes after him. All you got to do is go after one guy and make him feel so defeated when he looks in the mirror, first thing in the morning, and he faces his own worst enemy, that he stays isolated because of embarrassment. This is another reason why we don't connect with men. There's something in our lives we're completely embarrassed by. We're disappointed in ourselves, and we know that everybody around us, if they could see in through the wall we have up, they would be disappointed too. And so in order to not disappoint, we just don't go all in. Because that takes transparency. That takes putting it out there and trusting that someone will walk us through it or help us get through it and not burn us in the process." 25:32 - "We have to do that reset every day because we have bad days at work. We have bad phone calls. We get bad phone calls literally on the way home. When we pull in the garage, we've got to breathe long enough to say they don't deserve this. They deserve my best. Because if we die, they will not be talking about us at the office, but they will be talking about us around the table at Thanksgiving and the legacy that we leave behind doesn't matter at work, it matters at home. So we need to breathe. Just stop. Breathe. And like you said, I am about ready to walk into the most important meeting of the day. I don't care if you met the president, you were, the one you're going into after work, that's the one that matters the most."   Links from Today’s Conversation   Send a Voice Message to DadAwesome Apply to join the next DadAwesome Accelerator Cohort: Email   Subscribe to DadAwesome Messages: Text the word “Dad” to (651) 370-8618 Rough Cut Men Ministries  Rough Cut Men: A Man's Battle Guide to Building Real Relationships with Each Other, and with Jesus by David Dusek “Who Has Your Six” Video Series   Connect with dadAWESOME   Make a Donation to dadAWESOME Join the dadAWESOME Prayer Team Receive weekly encouragement by texting "dad" to 651-370-8618

    39 мин.
  6. 6 ФЕВР.

    DA368 | The Four Pillars of Manhood, Contagious Courage, and Living Vertically (Dave Wilson)

    What does it mean to be a R.E.A.L. man? In this episode, Dave Wilson breaks down the four pillars of manhood that will challenge and change you. Plus, you’ll hear practical tips on prayer, fasting, and leaving a good legacy. Tune in and get inspired to be the husband, father, and protector you were created to be.   Key Takeaways   Courage is contagious, but so is passivity.  Real men reject passivity, engage with God, accept responsibility, and lead courageously. True life is only found vertically. Do what is right, even if no one is cheering for you.  The next time you feel afraid, step up, lead boldly, and trust God with the outcome.   Dave Wilson   Dave Wilson and his wife, Ann, are hosts of FamilyLife Today® and authors of two books. They have been married for more than 38 years and have spent the last 33 years teaching and mentoring couples and parents across the country. Dave and Ann have three grown sons, as well as three daughters-in-law and seven grandchildren.   Key Quotes   10:36 - "One of the big things I've tried to pass on is don't be passive, be a man who sees a need and acts, be a man who sees his wife needing him to be sensitive in that moment, be sensitive and gentle. Or maybe she needs him to be firm in that moment, be firm. I think passivity in us men is rampant and that's contagious." 12:49 - "Scripture says the sins of the father visit down the third and fourth generation. That's a promise. It's going to happen unless you intentionally stop it. And a lot of people don't know, in that same verse in Exodus 20, God says yes, but the Father who is righteous, I will bless his legacy to a thousand generations. So, there's this promise on both sides. You better be very careful how you live because it's going into your legacy, good or bad. To watch that is pretty powerful."   Links from Today’s Conversation   Send a Voice Message to DadAwesome Apply to join the next DadAwesome Accelerator Cohort: Email   Subscribe to DadAwesome Messages: Text the word “Dad” to (651) 370-8618 FamilyLife® Vertical Marriage: The One Secret That Will Change Your Marriage by Dave & Ann Wilson No Perfect Parents: Ditch Expectations, Embrace Reality, and Discover the One Secret That Will Change Your Parenting by Dave & Ann Wilson  Raising a Modern-Day Knight: A Father's Role in Guiding His Son to Authentic Manhood by Robert Lewis How to Speak Life to Your Husband: When All You Want to Do Is Yell at Him by Ann Wilson Dan Orlovsky takes a moment to pray for Damar Hamlin | ESPN   Connect with dadAWESOME   Make a Donation to dadAWESOME Join the dadAWESOME Prayer Team Receive weekly encouragement by texting "dad" to 651-370-8618

    47 мин.
  7. 30 ЯНВ.

    DA367 | Leatherworking, Leading With a Restful Presence, and Healing What’s in the Gap (Scott Mawdesley)

    Scott Mawdesley wants to inspire dads to heal, grow closer to God, and build meaningful connections. Through leatherworking and contemplative practices, Scott has learned key insights about how to grow as a man and father. In this episode, he shares how those hobbies and intentional habits have helped him lead with purpose, wisdom, and a restful presence.   Key Takeaways   In leatherworking, it takes seven different tools to make one bracelet. The same is true in life: You need multiple imports to intentionally shape the life you want.  If your reaction to a problem is bigger than the problem itself, there’s a gap that needs healing.  Start each year by asking your kids, “Is there one area that I could get better as a dad that would be meaningful to you?” On March 14, kick off a journey toward deeper spiritual friendship with National Joe with a Bro Day!   Scott Mawdesley   Scott Mawdesley is a social entrepreneur, author, and podcast host with over 33 years of ministry experience at several leading churches. He is the founder of Dads on Tap and the Spiritual Father Program Director at Man in the Mirror Ministries. Scott and his wife, Natalie, have been married for almost 24 years and have a son in college and a daughter in high school.    Key Quotes   17:53 - "The most practical way for us to understand that there's a gap that we're unaware of or need to pay attention to is think back in the last two weeks of your life, whether it's with your wife or your kids or at work or in your community, wherever it might be. When was there a time when your reaction to the issue at hand was bigger than the issue at hand? If there was, you have a gap, whether you're aware of it or not. There are two steps to healing and a soul at rest. First one is revealed. So John revealed to me I had a gap, I began to explore that. What we often do is we often think revealed is enough. Reveal feels really good because, I've never knew this before, I never saw this. What we tend to do is go, okay, I'm good. The second step is healed. So, once it's revealed, there's a process necessary. For me, it happened be six years because there was quite a bit of trauma to get to a place of being healed. That one question is kind of what revealed that stuff to me. And then we took that healing journey." 41:37 - "Oftentimes there's the dream we have that I believe God's given us and then there's the reality of how we're actually living. What we often do as men is we often try to gut it out. What we say to ourselves is just try harder. But then we end up in the same patterns, the same issues. I lived in frustration for many years until, until the journey of, of healing took me to a place where I realized that those things I'm struggling with are just the symptom. No good doctor ever just deals with the symptoms, they figure out the underlying causes. What I realized was as I took my focus off of the symptoms, I began to dig into those underlying causes. What I discovered was that with the healing of brothers and with the healing of the Holy Spirit and with the healing of some mentors, I was able to live into the dream God had for me, by doing that deeper work in my life. And I would just say, dads, if there's something you're struggling with, you can't figure out how to get beyond, don't invest too much time trying to gut it out and figure it out on your own or just try harder."   Links from Today’s Conversation   Send a Voice Message to DadAwesome Apply to join the next DadAwesome Accelerator Cohort: Email   Subscribe to DadAwesome Messages: Text the word “Dad” to (651) 370-8618 Dads On Tap A Dad's Bible Journey: The Torah by Scott D. Mawdesley  Man in the Mirror — Spiritual Fathers Joe With a Bro   Connect with dadAWESOME   Make a Donation to dadAWESOME Join the dadAWESOME Prayer Team Receive weekly encouragement by texting "dad" to 651-370-8618

    46 мин.
  8. 23 ЯНВ.

    DA366 | Training Dads, Leading Fatherhood Initiatives, and Restoring the Value of Fatherhood (Ron Hauenstein)

    Ron Hauenstein, leader of the Spokane Fatherhood Initiative, shares how fatherhood training can strengthen families, churches, and communities. With heartfelt stories and eye-opening facts, he’ll inspire you to take simple, practical steps to combat fatherlessness and create a lasting impact in your community.   Key Takeaways   Changed dads change everything.  If you feel led to start a fatherhood organization, ask people whether they think programs to support fathers are important, and you’ll get an overwhelming response.  Around 75% of people consider fatherlessness to be a serious issue.  As a dad, you occupy a space in your kids’ hearts that no one else can fill.   Ron Hauenstein   Ron Hauenstein is the president and founder of the Spokane Fatherhood Initiative. SpoFI offers comprehensive fatherhood training and parenting classes, equipping fathers with vital skills for every stage of parenting. Ron and his wife Becky have two grown children.    Key Quotes   19:18 - "We believe that changed dads change everything. Our founding principle is that fatherlessness is a root cause of nearly all of society's problems. The positive way of stating that is dedicated, committed fathers change society, improves society, changed dads change everything." 33:23 - "Fatherhood is a role you cannot escape. You can flee from your kids all you want, but you are still dad. You occupy a space in their hearts that no one else can take. No one else can have. I'm a father. I will stay a father. We have a fatherhood pledge in our classes, that's one of the lines we have the men stand up and say out loud, I'm a dad, I'll stay dad and I will be a dad to my children."   Links from Today’s Conversation   Send a Voice Message to DadAwesome Apply to join the next DadAwesome Accelerator Cohort: Email   Subscribe to DadAwesome Messages: Text the word “Dad” to (651) 370-8618 Spokane Fatherhood Initiative The Externally Focused Church by Rick Rusaw and Eric Swanson   Connect with dadAWESOME   Make a Donation to dadAWESOME Join the dadAWESOME Prayer Team Receive weekly encouragement by texting "dad" to 651-370-8618

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    Оценок: 134

    Об этом подкасте

    ACTIVATING DADS TO LEAD WITH WONDER Walking with dads as they lead and love their kids toward God's awesomeness. We're on a mission to see dads fully alive and fully activated in their roles—leading with wonder to build intentional connection with their kids while experiencing God's awesomeness together. We partner with dads at every stage of the journey by providing practical fatherhood resources to catalyze connection with their kids, and also with other dads.

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