Messianic Messages with Izzy (Audio Bible Teachings)
Messianic Messages with Izzy (Audio Bible Teachings)

Shalom, my name is Izzy. These are the messages given to me over the course of roughly three and a half years when I was leading a congregation in Saskatchewan, Canada. Every Saturday I preached my heart out on what I felt Christians most needed to hear, things lost to the body of Messiah whose prophetic time has come: the Jewishness of Jesus, the Hebrew roots of Christianity, and the ways of the Early Church. By the time I was done I had taught through the entire Torah and New Testament and cast a vision of the future for the body of Messiah that is as urgent now as it was then. We now air these Messianic Jewish messages 24/7 to millions through our internet radio station "Yeshua Radio" and also offer them here. Curious what's happened since these messages were delivered? See for yourself at And one more thing - if you appreciate these talks please subscribe, leave a positive review, and check out the perks of membership at

  1. 2023/02/03

    "Art Of Beholding, Practical Advice For Singles, Father Son Dynamic" Chayei Sarah Matthew 10-12

    Teaching on Genesis 23-25 and Matthew 10-12 from a Messianic Jewish perspective. Abraham gave his son Isaac everything, and God the Father gave God the Son everything. Meditation on the relationship between the Father and the Son, and what has been given to Yeshua and his bride by Yeshua's Abba. Listening between the lines for the divine dialogue. Losing oneself in the rich fellowship and glorious interaction passing between God the Father and God the Son. Eternal life is all about knowing God right now. You become like the people you idolize and spend most of your time watching. Learning the spiritual art of beholding. Understanding Yeshua's relationship with the Father and what has been given him precedes understanding your relationship with the Father. Doctrine of our inner union with Mashiach. Love and approval, practical application for parents. Conditional versus unconditional approval. You have a new Dad, a new role model. Mission, a job to do, specific assignments. Yeshua's mission to accomplish the work and glorify the Father. Our shared mission to humanity in general and Israel in particular to preach, teach, and heal. Yeshua the supreme court justice and chief sheriff of this town we call planet Earth. Name, as identity and reputation, given by the Father to his Son. The bride. Practical advice for young single people waiting for the one. How to pray for individuals, cities, and nations from the leverage point of Mashiach's worthiness and Yahweh's invitation. Really alive. Teaching for the bride. Yeshua in charge of spiritual revelation. Poetic couplet of suffering and glory. Grand finale, a throne and kingdom. Everything else to boot. The one thing the Father hasn't given the Son.

  2. 2023/02/03

    "Biblical Festivals Verve, Bodyguard Named Joy, Self-Righteousnss Expose" Emor Philippians 3-4

    Teaching on Leviticus 21-24 and Philippians 3-4 from a Messianic Jewish Perspective. Joy, simcha as a safeguard against grumpy religious people and dead religious systems. Chinese proverb about laughing at yourself. You can only think about one thing at a time. True Jew. Unpacking the concept of worship in spirit. Bragging, boasting, and vaunting Yeshua. Contemplation on knowing Yeshua. Understanding the Hebrew versus Hellenist dichotomy in the first century. Shaul as quintessential Hebrew and Torah observant to the max. Where is your righteousness. Expose on self-righteousness. Be dissatisfied. Irony of the mature pressing on. Citizenship in heaven. Anavah, gentleness, response to immanence of Mashiach. Irrational shalom. Action plan when facing stress, how to deal with it. Overview of Moadim, Appointed Times, Feasts. Belong to God. Rendezvous. The festivals you observe indicate what spirit you listen to, whose authority you're under, what people you belong to, who you are, and what your priorities and values are. Journal entries. Making family memories and developing warm fuzzies and nostalgia over the decades and generations. Shadows silhouettes pictures snapshots vignettes of Yeshua. WWJD means doing the festivals. Challenge to be seriously committed and not trendy. Doing moadim in prison or on a deserted island. Mikra kodesh, holy assembly, as time to invite people, preach, read Scripture, and pray. Shabbat means stop. For him not you. Spring and fall cluster of festivals depict debut and comeback of the King.

  3. 2023/02/03

    "Big M Agency, Countercultural Masculine Qualities, 20 Year Old Warriors" Bamidbar Colossians 3-4

    Teaching on Numbers 1-4 and Colossians 3-4 from a Messianic Jewish Perspective. Certificate of debt. Shabbats, New Moons, and Festivals as shadows outlines sillhouettes vignettes pictures of Yeshua our beloved to be studied, cherished, and practiced. God's order and decrees versus human order and decress, e.g. mandatory celibacy for priests. Identity before behavior. Historical objective and experiental subjective sides of the Gospel. Death and resurrection of Mashiach. Where and who you really are. Self-actualization versus Yeshua-actualization. Radical countercultural movement against sexual activity outside of marriage. There's wrath in the New Testament. Old and new you. Renewal of God's image bearers transcends Jewish Gentile dichotomy. Treating others as Abba treats you. How and why of forgiveness. Masculine qualities of kindness, gentleness, humility, patience. Dropping expectations and accepting people. Hebraic meaning of 'in the name of Jesus'. Advice for husbands and employees. Devotion to prayer. Jewish custom of having a Hebrew and a Greek name visibile in Jesus also called Justus. Baptists' beloved Bible verse. Significance of age 20 and capability for spiritual combat as hallmark of spiritual maturity. Understanding the Melchizedek and Levi priesthood. What does working for the big M agency look like. Symbolism of the tabernacle. Camping around the presence of God. Preserving the nation and killing the trespasser.

  4. 2023/02/03

    "Buttprints In The Sand, Depths Of Torah, And Overview Of Deuteronomy" Devarim and Acts 1-2

    Teaching on Deuteronomy 1-3 from a Messianic Jewish Perspective. Overview of book of Deuteronomy. Repetition of the Law, the Mishneh Torah. Hebrew linguistic context of comments on Priesthood in Epistle to the Hebrews 7. Daniel Lancaster's brilliant series on Hebrews explaining the deuteros. Value of review in studying Torah and textbooks for exam for high school or university. Brain research and key to unlocking long term memory. Audience of Deuteronomy. Anachronistic reading and preaching. Unity of klal Yisrael and presence in spirit. Take the Scriptures personally. Eleven days from Sinai to Canaan. Geographical distance relative to dimension of faith. Bible exposition and expositional preaching as writing clearly and digging a deep well. Moshe clarified the Torah, as does our sage Yeshua. 600,000 stars available to the naked eye. Torah math indicates the ideal population of the state of Israel is 600 million. Birth control and abortion are two of the greatest enemies of Israel. Intermarriage and assimilation two of the greatest reducers of Jewish community. Sneak peak at concrete figures on Israel's census from Messianic Era. Israel's geo-political boundaries in Messianic Era. Dealing with fear, panic, shock. Preaching the gospel may result in your premature and violent death. Make aliyah in Torah study. Climb the mountain. Faith isn't based on external stimuli or personal experience. It's based on the spirit you're influenced by. Strengthen Joshua. Church history repeat of Israel's history. Edom/Seir in Jewish midrash as Rome. Circling the mountain of religion and dying of dizziness or boredom. God is wild and uncontrollable and your job is to follow. Dangers of reducing God to a theological system or religious routine. Father carrying son, RIck and Dick Hoyt, picture of God carrying you. Poetic remix of 'Footprints In The Sound', 'Buttprints In The Sand'.

(滿分 5 顆星)
46 則評分


Shalom, my name is Izzy. These are the messages given to me over the course of roughly three and a half years when I was leading a congregation in Saskatchewan, Canada. Every Saturday I preached my heart out on what I felt Christians most needed to hear, things lost to the body of Messiah whose prophetic time has come: the Jewishness of Jesus, the Hebrew roots of Christianity, and the ways of the Early Church. By the time I was done I had taught through the entire Torah and New Testament and cast a vision of the future for the body of Messiah that is as urgent now as it was then. We now air these Messianic Jewish messages 24/7 to millions through our internet radio station "Yeshua Radio" and also offer them here. Curious what's happened since these messages were delivered? See for yourself at And one more thing - if you appreciate these talks please subscribe, leave a positive review, and check out the perks of membership at








