All the Stuff We'll Never Do In Our Lives! Time to Write Off Lakehouse Ownership? Reading Complete Shakespeare? Learning to Sculpt Marble? Owning Nice Cars? Hiking Appalachian Trail? Any Goals Left?
The Best Paragraph I've Read: "All you need to know is that when my travel plans to Machu Picchu fell through, I had a revelation: I might die without seeing the place that everyone says you have to see before you die and that I only recently learned was in Peru. In my happy-go-lucky days, when my deadline was Never, I took it for granted that sooner or later I’d travel everywhere (even Liechtenstein and North Platte, Nebraska), watch every movie and TV series (except “Game of Thrones”) and read every book worth reading. So what if it took me 100 years to trudge through “One Hundred Years of Solitude?” Since my Machu Picchu moment, I’ve been mourning the experiences I may never get around to. Here are a few selections from what I call my Rhymes-with-Bucket List. I might never learn to play bridge, speak Mandarin, drive cross-country, acquire a taste for opera, join the Peace Corps, get rich, get divorced (I’m not married), meet someone who’s worthy of opening my long-cherished bottle of Champagne for, live somewhere with an exposed brick wall, see Halley’s comet again, use up my ridiculously ample stock of Swiffer Wet Jet pads, solve a murder, read “The Gulag Archipelago,” reread “The Gulag Archipelago,” parkour across building rooftops, clean out the kitchen closet or the storage unit, find out what dark matter is made of, who killed JFK and what all the screws and thingamajigs I’m saving in a container are for." This paragraph comes from an essay in the Wall Street Journal. The essay is titled: "That Whole 'Life is Short' Thing? It's True!" The essay is written by Patricia Marx. You can read the full essay here: Zac & Don discuss what goals and aspects of life they have written off and will never do or accomplish. They also discuss the goals they still have. Finally they reflect upon the unexpected things that have happened during their lives.