Mie Glaesel: Across the globe with family in Pursuit of Wellness and Health

Wake Up The Sun

I met Mie several years ago at the grand opening of a friends local business. She and her family made an entrance as beautifully warm, smiling and kind people. We spoke for a few moments and then separated in the community. While speaking she had mentioned of starting her own business as she was a successful trainer and wellness coach. I love entrepreneurship and was so grateful so have her drop by FROPRO and gift me her product. 

Daily Hustle is a next level wellness drink mix that strengthens your immune system, gives you a subtle boost in energy while keeping you hydrated throughout your day! Elevate your wellness and hydrate with plant-powered, functional superfoods high in antioxdiants, electrolytes, minerals and vitamins. I was blown away by the taste and quality of her product. I consumed it for the next month and shared with several friends and family.

What is even more impressive is Mie's story and journey to live in the United States all the way from Denmark. Literally moving her entire life her started in her 20s when she visited a friend in Delray Beach and was her mission to move back. After moving here, some life and work circumstances unexpectedly changed so she had to act quick and there is where we begin. If you want to connect with Mie you can reach her on instagram @thrivewithmie or www.shoppowah.com to try her product. Enjoy the show.








