Miku Aono: The Ace of Actwres girl'Z

The Joshi Pod

We are joined by another super talented member of Actwres girl'Z. The Champion, The Ace Miku Aono.

What idol group did she want to join when she was young?

Miku was so awesome to have on the podcast. We talk about her background in acting and how she transitioned to wrestling.

We chat about the similarities in the acting and wrestling business.

Miku also shares about some of the up-and-coming talent on the Actwres team!

Please excuse my voice as I had a terrible cold during the recording.

Please have a listen, you will enjoy it.

Thank you, Derek Kolterman for interpreting for us! We all sincerely appreciate it!

The intro is a little longer than normal. Skip ahead to about the 12 minute mark to get to the interview with Miku!

Social Media:

Miku Aono



Actwres girl'Z



⁠Official Website⁠


The Joshi Pod




⁠Pro Wrestling Tees⁠

Music supplied by:

⁠Yume O Yume (Dream your Dream) by reiswerk (c) copyright 2016 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license.  Ft: veezyn⁠

Courtesy of Actwres girl'z: ⁠https://youtu.be/FBpUTYEXR-0 

Courtesy of Morning Musume: モーニング娘。'15『One and Only』(Morning Musume。'15[One and Only]) (Promotion Edit) - YouTube

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