She's My Cherry Pie

She’s My Cherry Pie is the ultimate podcast for bakers. Each week, baker, author & recipe developer Jessie Sheehan interviews world-class pastry chefs, bakers & culinary creatives and takes a deep dive into their signature baked goods. Tune in as Jessie serves up their favorite tips, techniques, and ingredients. Episodes drop each Saturday. Don’t miss a single slice. She’s My Cherry Pie is a production of The Cherry Bombe Podcast Network.
My Happy Place
2월 21일
Years ago I loved listening to “The Splendid Table” with Lynne Rosetto Kasper … not because I was a cook or baker but because Lynne’s energy and content took me to joy. I feel the same about Jessie and “She’s My Cherry Pie” You always land in a place of happy and inspiration with this podcast. I’m so grateful and am always excited to learn and try new things from these conversations … tune in for your mini vacation xo
Home baker inspired to bake more!
2024. 07. 28.
I am a home baker and have been trying to bake more this year. I have loved hearing the stories of the bakers on the show and hearing about the process of their favorite bakes! It has inspired me to bake more and learn more about baking in general!
I learn so much!
2024. 07. 14.
I’m an experienced baker, and I thoroughly enjoy this podcast. I’ve picked up fantastic tips! I thought I knew all you needed to know about fruit pies, but Claire Saffitz taught me important stuff I was missing. I’m excited to visit bakeries I learned about from this series. Jessie is a fantastic interviewer. She’s clearly done a bunch of research, and makes sure to address issues important to home bakers. I also appreciate being able to try the recipes myself (empanadas next!)
Late to this party and now won’t leave!
2024. 02. 04.
I’ve been loving this podcast since stumbling upon it just two months ago, and now I’m getting sad that I have binged through almost all of the past episodes. Keep the great stuff coming, Jessie! I love your sparkling personality and your masterful interview style with the wonderful guests you bring to the table. I am learning so much from this podcast and just plain having fun listening. Thank you — and your entire team — for all your hard work and creativity in bringing us this gem! PS: I would love to hear an episode in which someone interviews you, Jessie, about your latest book.
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- 제작진The Cherry Bombe Podcast Network
- 방송 연도2023년 - 2025년
- 에피소드97
- 등급전체 연령 사용가
- 저작권© 2023 Cherry Bombe
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