Mina AF with Mina Starsiak Hawk

What’s one thing you've always wanted to ask but didn’t know how? What’s something you’ve always wanted to say out loud, but were scared to? We're gonna talk about it! You may know host Mina Starsiak Hawk from her HGTV show Good Bones, but that’s just the outer layer of who she is. On this show we’re going to pull the onion layers back and reveal the (sometimes tear-inducing) truth underneath. While it may seem like she’s had a blessed and easy life, there's always more to every story. Mina is ready to share her story and delve into others. Mina is asking the uncomfortable questions, talking about the things we're embarrassed to feel or think, challenging societal norms and doing it all without judgment! Follow MinaAF and let’s broaden your horizons, answer your questions, and most importantly, have FUN!
You are the best
Mina I loved your HGTV show. You made that show and I pray that one day you will return with a new team. I am so sorry you had to go through what you have. I do understand! Much love to you and family. I look forward to more podcast. Kathy
You do you sweetie!
I am an “older” listener who loved your tv show and also appreciated this podcast. I will listen to them from the beginning. I like authentic people and you are truly authentic Mina, never apologize for that. It’s refreshing in this crazy world. Words of wisdom from an old lady, life is change, it’s the only constant there is. Everything is temporary. But change is good, it’s cleans out what’s not needed to make room for the new beginnings. And trust me when I say let the tears flow, they are cleansing. You will regenerate, remake and reinvent your work life, it will be fun to hear what you decide to do next. May the force be with you.
Goodbye Mina!
Very disappointed that you won’t be doing your podcast anymore. I have really enjoyed it. Hope things get better for you. One confusing thing, you mentioned not really having a job right now, but don’t you have a store in Noblesville? Perhaps that didn’t open?
Amazing podcast!!
I have watched Good Bones for years and enjoyed it. I have also done online shopping at your shop. It was on my bucket list to go visit, and still is now that you will have another location opening. I just wanted to say thank you for being so open and honest about your life. You say what like so many of us want to say, but just keep it in. (Not healthy by any means). You are so lucky to have such a wonderful and caring husband. I love when Steve is on your shows. My heart breaks for him and his sadness from so much loss. I also am from a his/hers/our kids family. It can be very challenging at times. I hope you find peace with your family. I want to share my favorite saying that I read….. Love the people God gave you because he will need them back someday. Keep up the good work. I look forward to Tuesdays.
- Channel
- CreatorMina Starsiak-Hawk and editaudio
- Years Active2022 - 2024
- Episodes83
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