Mind Love • Modern Mindfulness to Think, Feel, and Live Well

Mind Love • Modern Mindfulness to Think, Feel, and Live Well

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Give your mind a little love with Mind Love, a podcast dedicated to the exploration of the power of the mind, focusing on mindset, mindfulness, mind-body-soul, and science-based approaches to mental health. Each week, Melissa Monte hosts interviews with inspiring guest experts, delving into evidence-based mind science and real-life stories from those who have overcome their mental challenges. Whether you’re looking to find purpose and inner peace, rewire negative thought patterns, manifest your goals, or simply treat yourself with more kindness, Mind Love will help you unlock your mind's potential. Get ready to expand your understanding of the mind and learn practical tools for a healthier, happier, more fulfilling life.

  1. 5일 전

    The Heart-Uterus Connection: The Emotional and Physical Links in Fertility with Michelle Oravitz

    We will learn: How the ancient wisdom of Traditional Chinese Medicine views the connection between the heart and uterus, and why this matters for your fertility journey. The power of conscious creation and how your thoughts and visualizations can influence your reproductive health. Practical techniques to reduce stress and promote the free flow of energy in your body, potentially enhancing your fertility. Have you ever felt like your body has a mind of its own, especially when it comes to fertility? Like no matter how much you plan or hope, your reproductive journey seems to have its own mysterious timeline? Studies have shown that chronic stress can affect everything from our immune system to our hormonal balance. In fact, research published in the journal Human Reproduction found that women with high levels of stress enzymes in their saliva were 29% less likely to get pregnant compared to those with lower levels. What if the key to unlocking our fertility potential lies not just in medical interventions, but in understanding the intricate dance between our mind, body, and spirit? In this episode we’re exploring different perspectives, gaining new insights, and discovering tools you can use on your own unique journey. Our guest is Michelle Oravitz. She is an acupuncturist specializing in fertility health. She hosts "The Wholesome Fertility Podcast," a top-rated podcast where she interviews leading experts and best-selling authors and provides her own fertility wellness tips. During her free time, Michelle enjoys spending time with her family, reading, doing yoga, meditating, and painting. Links from the episode: Show Notes: https://mindlove.com/371 Become a Mind Love Member for high-value Masterclasses, Growth Workbooks, Monthly Meditations, and Uninterrupted Listening FREE 5-Days to Purpose Email Course Sign up for The Morning Mind Love for short daily notes to wake up inspired Support Mind Love Sponsors Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    1시간 4분
  2. 10월 15일

    The Hidden Power of Heart Coherence for Better Relationships, Mental Clarity, and Intuition with Kimberly Snyder

    We will learn: How to tap into the unparalleled intelligence of your heart to access higher intuition and make better daily decisions How to align the brains in your heart, head and gut to create more health and success in your life Proven practices to shift from overthinking and resistance into flow, clarity and harmony in your daily life They say the mind is a powerful thing—but what if we've been putting the wrong part of ourselves in charge all along? This is where heart intelligence comes in. It's not about abandoning logic—it's about finding a balance. It's about cultivating enough trust within ourselves that we can stop overthinking every decision and instead feel our way into a life that not only looks impressive on paper but feels deeply satisfying too. In this episode, we're diving deep into what it means to live from your heart, not just your head. We'll explore practical ways to quiet the mind's constant chatter and tune into your inner guidance system. Because here's the truth: your heart already knows what your mind can only dream of understanding. Our guest is Kimberly Snyder, a multiple-time New York Times bestselling author, spiritual and meditation teacher, and an expert in heart-centered living and intuitive decision-making. Her latest book "The Hidden Power Of The Five Hearts" is all about awakening the heart - energetically and through the science of heart coherence - and how the power of the heart has been proven to create greater physical health, energy, emotional intelligence, hormonal balance and better digestion and gut health, as well as more peace and intuition. Links from the episode: Show Notes: https://mindlove.com/370 Become a Mind Love Member for high-value Masterclasses, Growth Workbooks, Monthly Meditations, and Uninterrupted Listening FREE 5-Days to Purpose Email Course Sign up for The Morning Mind Love for short daily notes to wake up inspired Support Mind Love Sponsors Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  3. 10월 8일

    Miscarriage, Disaster, and Family Crisis: How 15 Years of Healing Helped Me Move the Hardest Month of My Life with Melissa Monte

    How has everyone been doing? because I have been going through it. September was the most challenging month of my responsible-adult-chapter of my life. It tested every ounce of my resilience and every spiritual tool I've ever preached about. It was the kind of month that makes you question if the universe has a personal vendetta against you. Grief, fear, and raw survival instincts hit me all at once. Here's what I've discovered: in most cases, it's not about rising above or avoiding certain experiences, but instead, radically changing how you experience them. Instead of spiraling in the storm, you dance in the rain. So in this episode, I'm about to share the story of my month filled with loss, terrifying medical chaos, natural disasters, and the business decision that forced me to navigate it all while literally evacuating my family to safety. And I’m also going to share how I’m dealing with it all, because I am still currently in it… what I’m learning, how I’m processing, what I'm leaning into and out of, and my personal healing tools. Links from the episode: Show Notes: https://mindlove.com/369 Become a Mind Love Member for high-value Masterclasses, Growth Workbooks, Monthly Meditations, and Uninterrupted Listening FREE 5-Days to Purpose Email Course Sign up for The Morning Mind Love for short daily notes to wake up inspired Support Mind Love Sponsors Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  4. 10월 1일

    Unlocking Higher States of Consciousness through Transcendental Meditation with Dr. Tony Nader

    We will learn: How consciousness, not your brain, is the primary creator of your reality. The secret to meditation's deep rest and wakeful alertness. How transcendental meditation can transform your brain functions, improve your physiological age, and even alter your DNA. Do you ever catch yourself thinking, "Damn, why does my brain keep screwing me over?" Maybe you're stuck in an anxiety spiral, or you can't kick that habit you've been trying to ditch for years. Trust me, I've been there, and it's a special kind of hell. Here's a wild thought: What if everything we think we know about our brains is completely backwards? Most people have the wrong expectations of meditation… and actually meditation is kind of the antithesis of meditation. And transcendental meditation helps you get to that state. Non judgment. Non attachment. No expectations. Letting go. And sometimes, even moments of bliss.  Our guest is Dr. Tony Nader, one of the godfathers of transcendental meditation and basically an expert in consciousness. And I know I know… consciousness doesn’t mean a whole lot unless you’re deep into spirituality. But what about tapping into infinite creativity, higher potential, more energy, and just carrying bliss throughout your day? This episode is going to make you rethink everything you thought you knew about your mind. Links from the episode: Show Notes: https://mindlove.com/368 Become a Mind Love Member for high-value Masterclasses, Growth Workbooks, Monthly Meditations, and Uninterrupted Listening FREE 5-Days to Purpose Email Course Sign up for The Morning Mind Love for short daily notes to wake up inspired Support Mind Love Sponsors Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    1시간 9분
  5. 9월 24일

    Unplugging and Redefining Focus for a More Intentional Life with Hannah Brencher

    We will learn: The hidden impacts of constant online exposure. Simple, yet powerful ways to reclaim your focus and purpose. How to change how you connect to others. Do you feel in control of your phone use? Or does it sometimes feel like it’s in control of you? Have you ever wondered how much of your daily stress and anxiety is linked to your phone and constant connectivity? How different would your life be if you made intentional choices to unplug? The problem is, so many of these devices or apps to help you decrease screen time feel so all or nothing. Or they’re too easy to get around. And then ultimately, the change isn’t sustainable.  That’s why I’m excited about the approach I learned in this episode. Instead of just cutting off tech, or decreasing our Instagram usage to 30 minutes a day… Hannah Brencher suggests a challenge of 1000 hours completely tech free. What I love about this method is that it alone also gives you a hit of dopamine, but toward something more positive. Those of you who love to-do lists know that joy of checking off a task each day.  But there’s more to it than this. Which we’ll talk about today. Hannah Brencher is a writer and a mom with a continual quest to be more present in life. She’s also the author of The Unplugged Hours: Cultivating a Life of Presence in a Digitally Connected World. Links from the episode: Show Notes: https://mindlove.com/367 Become a Mind Love Member for high-value Masterclasses, Growth Workbooks, Monthly Meditations, and Uninterrupted Listening FREE 5-Days to Purpose Email Course Sign up for The Morning Mind Love for short daily notes to wake up inspired Support Mind Love Sponsors Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    1시간 5분
  6. 9월 17일

    Beat Burnout Through Body Language and Sacred Exchanges With Neha Sangwan

    We will learn: The 3 sinister phases of burnout and learn how to recognize the alarm bells before it's too late. How a simple object can tune you into the hidden messages your body is sending. A powerful blueprint for reclaiming your energy and purpose. Do you ever feel like you're drowning in your own life? Like no matter how hard you try to keep your head above water, you just keep sinking deeper? Yeah, me too. And guess what? We're not alone. Over 80% of people have experienced burnout in the last four years. That's not just feeling tired – we're talking full-on, soul-crushing burnout. But, what if I told you there's another way? What if we could rewire our lives to work for us, not against us? In this episode, we're going to get real about burnout. We're going to talk about why it's not just you being "lazy" or "weak." We're going to call out the systems that are failing us, and most importantly, we're going to talk about how to dig ourselves out of this hole. Our guest is Neha Sangwan, MD, CEO and founder of Intuitive Intelligence, is a physician, engineer, author, speaker, and communication expert. She empowers individuals, leaders, and teams with effective communication tools that address stress, prevent burnout, inspire accountability and empower collaboration. Dr. Sangwan has authored two foundational books: TalkRx: Five Steps to Honest Conversations for Connection, Health, and Happiness; and Powered by Me: From Burned Out to Fully Charged at Work and in Life. Links from the episode: Show Notes: https://mindlove.com/366 Become a Mind Love Member for high-value Masterclasses, Growth Workbooks, Monthly Meditations, and Uninterrupted Listening FREE 5-Days to Purpose Email Course Sign up for The Morning Mind Love for short daily notes to wake up inspired Support Mind Love Sponsors Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    1시간 14분
  7. 9월 10일

    How Childhood Wounds Create Today’s Triggers with Glenn Cohen

    We will learn: How early emotional experiences secretly shape your neurological coding and influence your life's core beliefs. How your body stores untapped wisdom and intuition, and how to use them to break free from autopilot reactions. A life-changing method to create a gap between stimulus and response. Do you ever catch yourself reacting to a situation and wonder, "Where the hell did that come from?" One minute you're fine, the next you're spiraling into anxiety or lashing out in anger. It's like your emotional thermostat is set to "overreact," and you can't figure out how to reset it. Here's the thing: we're all walking around with invisible wounds from our childhood. Some are gaping and obvious, others are subtle scratches we barely notice. But make no mistake, they're all shaping how we move through the world as adults. This is where understanding our "neurological wounding" comes in. It's not about blaming our parents or wallowing in past hurts. It's about recognizing how those early experiences literally wired our brains and nervous systems. Once we see the map, we can start redrawing it. But here's the million-dollar question: How do we actually do this rewiring? Is it even possible to change such deeply ingrained patterns? Our guest today is Glenn Cohen. He is a Master Neurological Life Coach and the founder of the Center for Neurological Intelligence. He has helped thousands of individuals and couples by guiding them to heal their unresolved neurological wounding and grow into the highest version of themselves. He's developed a method that goes beyond just talking about our issues – it actually helps us reprogram our neurological coding at its source. Links from the episode: Show Notes: https://mindlove.com/365 Become a Mind Love Member for high-value Masterclasses, Growth Workbooks, Monthly Meditations, and Uninterrupted Listening FREE 5-Days to Purpose Email Course Sign up for The Morning Mind Love for short daily notes to wake up inspired Support Mind Love Sponsors Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    1시간 5분
  8. 9월 3일

    The Massive Power of Small Shifts for Creating a Brilliant Life with Andy Cope

    We will learn: The habits that could be causing you to be your own worst enemy and how to fix them. Why teeny-tiny nudges can steer your life back on course in monumental ways. What’s different about the mysterious 2% super achievers that just flow with life. Ever feel like you're almost running on a hamster wheel, chasing happiness but never quite catching it? Like you're stuck in a loop of monotony, waiting for some big event to finally break you out of your rut? The truth is, many of us are sleepwalking through life, caught up in routines and habits that don't serve us. We're so busy doing what we think we should be doing that we forget to ask ourselves what actually makes us happy. But here's the thing: happiness isn't some far-off destination. It's not something that happens to us. It's something we create, day by day, choice by choice. So today, we're learning about the art of being brilliant. Our guest is Andy Cope, a happiness expert and best-selling author. Andy has spent years studying what makes people truly happy and successful. He's not about quick fixes or empty promises. Instead, he focuses on practical, everyday strategies that can help us live more vibrant, fulfilling lives. Andy believes that we all have the potential to be brilliant - we just need to learn how to tap into it. Links from the episode: Show Notes: https://mindlove.com/364 Become a Mind Love Member for high-value Masterclasses, Growth Workbooks, Monthly Meditations, and Uninterrupted Listening FREE 5-Days to Purpose Email Course Sign up for The Morning Mind Love for short daily notes to wake up inspired Support Mind Love Sponsors Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    1시간 3분


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Give your mind a little love with Mind Love, a podcast dedicated to the exploration of the power of the mind, focusing on mindset, mindfulness, mind-body-soul, and science-based approaches to mental health. Each week, Melissa Monte hosts interviews with inspiring guest experts, delving into evidence-based mind science and real-life stories from those who have overcome their mental challenges. Whether you’re looking to find purpose and inner peace, rewire negative thought patterns, manifest your goals, or simply treat yourself with more kindness, Mind Love will help you unlock your mind's potential. Get ready to expand your understanding of the mind and learn practical tools for a healthier, happier, more fulfilling life.

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