Mind Over Murder

William F. Thomas and Kristin M. Dilley
Mind Over Murder

Listen to Mind Over Murder, the true crime podcast from victim's advocates Bill Thomas and Kristin Dilley. Kristin is a researcher, writer and teacher from Virginia. Bill is an entertainment executive who is also the brother of a murder victim, now living in Connecticut. His sister Cathy Thomas along with her girlfriend Rebecca Dowski, were the first two victims in the still unsolved Colonial Parkway Murders ,which claimed the lives of 8 young people near Williamsburg from 1986 to 1989. They moderate the Colonial Parkway Murders FaceBook and Mind Over Murder pages with more than 20,000 followers. Join them for thoughtful true crime advocacy. Now celebrating their fifth season with 380 podcast episodes and more than ONE MILLION DOWNLOADS. Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/mind-over-murder--4847179/support.

  1. قبل ٣ ساعات

    BONUS: Inside the Isabella Stewart Gardner Art Heist (Part 1)

    Longtime Boston Globe reporter Stephen Kurkjian joins "Mind Over Murder" hosts Bill Thomas and Kristin Dilley to talk about his book, "Master Thieves: The Boston Gangsters Who Pulled Off the World's Greatest Art Heist."  This is Part 1 of our discussion with Steve about the 1990 theft of 13 masterworks taken from the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, still not recovered after 34 years. This bonus report originally ran on April 29, 2024. Master Thieves The Boston Gangsters Who Pulled Off the World's Greatest Art Heist https://www.hachettebookgroup.com/titles/stephen-kurkjian/master-thieves/9781610396325/?lens=publicaffairs Won't you help the Mind Over Murder podcast increase our visibility and shine the spotlight on the "Colonial Parkway Murders" and other unsolved cases? Contribute any amount you can here: https://www.gofundme.com/f/mind-over-murder-podcast-expenses?utm_campaign=p_lico+share-sheet&utm_medium=copy_link&utm_source=customer Master Thieves: The Boston Gangsters Who Pulled Off the World's Greatest Art Heist https://www.amazon.com/Master-Thieves-Gangsters-World%C2%92s-Greatest/dp/1610394232/ref=tmm_hrd_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&dib_tag=se&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.BNHWYmLg3KykJTDhUai9iCN7ujPKVK66cvLTOp8KrPCeP2MeX-9yHsvBvfYsU3F4XB_CXnWVAVRlSeRNoEIvzG8gLXHaRAA_GMs-XwVmJIgG17o0Bp0MzeJBlMDkA4LG.NsYOlLoZ1dGseIZXWxz74bmRLd6B-h7sXKQmjuZ_Gqw&qid=1714350441&sr=8-1 WTVR CBS News:  Colonial Parkway murders victims' families keep hope cases will be solved: https://www.wtvr.com/news/local-news/colonial-parkway-murders-update-april-19-2024 WAVY TV 10 News:  New questions raised in Colonial Parkway murders: https://www.wavy.com/news/local-news/new-questions-raised-in-colonial-parkway-murders/ WTKR News 3: Colonial Parkway Murders podcast records in Yorktown: https://www.wtkr.com/news/in-the-community/historic-triangle/colonial-parkway-murders-podcast-records-in-yorktown WVEC 13 News Now:  Live Podcast to Discuss Colonial Parkway Murders Monday in Yorktown https://www.13newsnow.com/article/news/crime/true-crime/live-podcast-to-discuss-colonial-parkway-murders-monday-yorktown/291-601dd2b9-d9f2-4b41-a3e1-44bce6f9f6c6 Alan Wade Wilmer Sr. has been named as the killer of Robin Edwards and David Knobling in the Colonial Parkway Murders in September 1987, as well as the murderer of Teresa Howell in June 1989. He has also been linked to the April 1988 disappearance and likely murder of Keith Call and Cassandra Hailey, another pair in the Colonial Parkway Murders. 13News Now investigates: A serial killer's DNA will not be entered into CODIS database: https://www.13newsnow.com/video/news/local/13news-now-investigates/291-e82a9e0b-38e3-4f95-982a-40e960a71e49 WAVY TV 10 on the Colonial Parkway Murders Announcement with photos: https://www.wavy.com/news/crime/deceased-man-identified-as-suspect-in-decades-old-homicides/ WTKR News 3 https://www.wtkr.com/news/is-man-linked-to-one-of-the-colonial-parkway-murders-connected-to-the-other-cases Virginian Pilot: Who was Alan Wade Wilmer Sr.? Man suspected in two ‘Colonial Parkway’ murders died alone in 2017 https://www.pilotonline.com/2024/01/14/who-was-alan-wade-wilmer-sr-man-suspected-in-colonial-parkway-murders-died-alone-in-2017/ Colonial Parkway Murders Facebook page with more than 18,000 followers: https://www.facebook.com/ColonialParkwayCase You can also participate in an in-depth discussion of the Colonial Parkway Murders here: https://earonsgsk.proboards.com/board/50/colonial-parkway-murders Mind Over Murder is proud to be a Spreaker Prime Podcaster: https://www.spreaker.com Join the discussion on our Mind Over Murder and Colonial Parkway Murders pages on...

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  2. قبل ٣ أيام

    NEW: Silent Witness: Ashley Spence and DNA Justice Project

    Author and advocate Ashley Spence joins "Mind Over Murder" co-hosts Bill Thomas and Kristin Dilley to discuss her new book "Silent Witness: How DNA Uncovered the Truth and Empowered My Healing."  Ashley, a sexual assault survivor herself, founded the DNA Justice Project to advocate how forensic DNA can change lives, transform justice and prevent crimes before they happen. Goodreads:  Silent Witness: How DNA Uncovered the Truth and Empowered My Healing https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/222721460-silent-witness DNA Justice Project: https://www.dnajusticeproject.org/ RAINN:  Together, we will create a world free from sexual violence. https://rainn.org/ WTKR News 3: One year after development in Colonial Parkway Murders, where do things stand? https://www.wtkr.com/news/in-the-community/historic-triangle/one-year-after-development-in-colonial-parkway-murders-where-do-things-stand Won't you help the Mind Over Murder podcast increase our visibility and shine the spotlight on the "Colonial Parkway Murders" and other unsolved cases? Contribute any amount you can here: https://www.gofundme.com/f/mind-over-murder-podcast-expenses?utm_campaign=p_lico+share-sheet&utm_medium=copy_link&utm_source=customer WTVR CBS News:  Colonial Parkway murders victims' families keep hope cases will be solved: https://www.wtvr.com/news/local-news/colonial-parkway-murders-update-april-19-2024 WAVY TV 10 News:  New questions raised in Colonial Parkway murders: https://www.wavy.com/news/local-news/new-questions-raised-in-colonial-parkway-murders/ Alan Wade Wilmer, Sr. has been named as the killer of Robin Edwards and David Knobling in the Colonial Parkway Murders in September 1987, as well as the murderer of Teresa Howell in June 1989. He has also been linked to the April 1988 disappearance and likely murder of Keith Call and Cassandra Hailey, another pair in the Colonial Parkway Murders. 13News Now investigates: A serial killer's DNA will not be entered into CODIS database: https://www.13newsnow.com/video/news/local/13news-now-investigates/291-e82a9e0b-38e3-4f95-982a-40e960a71e49 WAVY TV 10 on the Colonial Parkway Murders Announcement with photos: https://www.wavy.com/news/crime/deceased-man-identified-as-suspect-in-decades-old-homicides/ WTKR News 3 https://www.wtkr.com/news/is-man-linked-to-one-of-the-colonial-parkway-murders-connected-to-the-other-cases Virginian Pilot: Who was Alan Wade Wilmer Sr.? Man suspected in two ‘Colonial Parkway’ murders died alone in 2017 https://www.pilotonline.com/2024/01/14/who-was-alan-wade-wilmer-sr-man-suspected-in-colonial-parkway-murders-died-alone-in-2017/ Colonial Parkway Murders Facebook page with more than 18,000 followers: https://www.facebook.com/ColonialParkwayCase You can also participate in an in-depth discussion of the Colonial Parkway Murders here: https://earonsgsk.proboards.com/board/50/colonial-parkway-murders Mind Over Murder is proud to be a Spreaker Prime Podcaster: https://www.spreaker.com Join the discussion on our Mind Over Murder Colonial Parkway Murders website: https://colonialparkwaymurders.com Mind Over Murder Podcast website: https://mindovermurderpodcast.com Please subscribe and rate us at your favorite podcast sites. Ratings and reviews are very important. Please share and tell your friends! We launch a new episode of "Mind Over Murder" every Monday morning, and a bonus episode every Thursday morning. Sponsors: Othram and DNAsolves.com Contribute Your DNA to help solve cases: https://dnasolves.com/user/register Follow "Mind Over Murder" on Twitter: https://twitter.com/MurderOver Follow...

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  3. ٢٧ فبراير

    BONUS: The CODIS Gap with Investigator Lindsey Wade

    Reknowned investigator Lindsey Wade, author of the new book "In My DNA: My Career Investigating Your Worst Nightmares" (nominated for a CrimeCon CLUE Award) joins "Mind Over Murder" hosts Bill Thomas and Kristin Dilley to discuss the CODIS Gap.  Why are so many offenders, including rapists, murderers and even serial killers not found in the CODIS DNA database? Why does the United States have 50 sets of rules, one for each state, as to how DNA samples are handled and uploaded to CODIS?  How many offenders are slipping through the cracks? How can we address the CODIS Gap? This bonus episode originally ran on June 3, 2024. Lindsey Wade:  "DNA’s Delayed Justice: The fFght to Fill the Gaps in CODIS" https://www.police1.com/investigations/dnas-delayed-justice-the-fight-to-fill-the-gaps-in-codis Won't you help the Mind Over Murder podcast increase our visibility and shine the spotlight on the "Colonial Parkway Murders" and other unsolved cases? Contribute any amount you can here: https://www.gofundme.com/f/mind-over-murder-podcast-expenses?utm_campaign=p_lico+share-sheet&utm_medium=copy_link&utm_source=customer WTVR CBS News:  Colonial Parkway murders victims' families keep hope cases will be solved: https://www.wtvr.com/news/local-news/colonial-parkway-murders-update-april-19-2024 WAVY TV 10 News:  New questions raised in Colonial Parkway murders: https://www.wavy.com/news/local-news/new-questions-raised-in-colonial-parkway-murders/ WTKR News 3: Colonial Parkway Murders podcast records in Yorktown: https://www.wtkr.com/news/in-the-community/historic-triangle/colonial-parkway-murders-podcast-records-in-yorktown WVEC 13 News Now:  Live Podcast to Discuss Colonial Parkway Murders Monday in Yorktown https://www.13newsnow.com/article/news/crime/true-crime/live-podcast-to-discuss-colonial-parkway-murders-monday-yorktown/291-601dd2b9-d9f2-4b41-a3e1-44bce6f9f6c6 Alan Wade Wilmer Sr. has been named as the killer of Robin Edwards and David Knobling in the Colonial Parkway Murders in September 1987, as well as the murderer of Teresa Howell in June 1989. He has also been linked to the April 1988 disappearance and likely murder of Keith Call and Cassandra Hailey, another pair in the Colonial Parkway Murders. 13News Now investigates: A serial killer's DNA will not be entered into CODIS database: https://www.13newsnow.com/video/news/local/13news-now-investigates/291-e82a9e0b-38e3-4f95-982a-40e960a71e49 WAVY TV 10 on the Colonial Parkway Murders Announcement with photos: https://www.wavy.com/news/crime/deceased-man-identified-as-suspect-in-decades-old-homicides/ WTKR News 3 https://www.wtkr.com/news/is-man-linked-to-one-of-the-colonial-parkway-murders-connected-to-the-other-cases Virginian Pilot: Who was Alan Wade Wilmer Sr.? Man suspected in two ‘Colonial Parkway’ murders died alone in 2017 https://www.pilotonline.com/2024/01/14/who-was-alan-wade-wilmer-sr-man-suspected-in-colonial-parkway-murders-died-alone-in-2017/ Colonial Parkway Murders Facebook page with more than 18,000 followers: https://www.facebook.com/ColonialParkwayCase You can also participate in an in-depth discussion of the Colonial Parkway Murders here: https://earonsgsk.proboards.com/board/50/colonial-parkway-murders Mind Over Murder is proud to be a Spreaker Prime Podcaster: https://www.spreaker.com Join the discussion on our Mind Over Murder and Colonial Parkway Murders pages on Facebook. Mind Over Murder on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mindoverpodcast You can also participate in an in-depth discussion of the Colonial Parkway Murders here: https://earonsgsk.proboards.com/board/50/colonial-parkway-murders Follow Othram's DNA Solves: You...

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  4. ٢٤ فبراير

    NEW: The Sinners All Bow with Kate Winkler Dawson

    Author and podcaster Kate Winkler Dawson joins "Mind Over Murder" hosts Bill Thomas and Kristin Dilley to discuss her new book, "The Sinners All Bow: Two Authors, One Murder and the Real Hester Prynne."  We also touch on "Buried Bones," her historical true crime podcast with investigator Paul Holes. The Sinners All Bow: Two Authors, One Murder and the Real Hester Prynne: https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/727618/the-sinners-all-bow-by-kate-winkler-dawson/ Buried Bones Podcast: https://www.exactlyrightmedia.com/buried-bones WTKR News 3: One year after development in Colonial Parkway Murders, where do things stand? https://www.wtkr.com/news/in-the-community/historic-triangle/one-year-after-development-in-colonial-parkway-murders-where-do-things-stand Won't you help the Mind Over Murder podcast increase our visibility and shine the spotlight on the "Colonial Parkway Murders" and other unsolved cases? Contribute any amount you can here: https://www.gofundme.com/f/mind-over-murder-podcast-expenses?utm_campaign=p_lico+share-sheet&utm_medium=copy_link&utm_source=customer WTVR CBS News:  Colonial Parkway murders victims' families keep hope cases will be solved: https://www.wtvr.com/news/local-news/colonial-parkway-murders-update-april-19-2024 WAVY TV 10 News:  New questions raised in Colonial Parkway murders: https://www.wavy.com/news/local-news/new-questions-raised-in-colonial-parkway-murders/ Alan Wade Wilmer, Sr. has been named as the killer of Robin Edwards and David Knobling in the Colonial Parkway Murders in September 1987, as well as the murderer of Teresa Howell in June 1989. He has also been linked to the April 1988 disappearance and likely murder of Keith Call and Cassandra Hailey, another pair in the Colonial Parkway Murders. 13News Now investigates: A serial killer's DNA will not be entered into CODIS database: https://www.13newsnow.com/video/news/local/13news-now-investigates/291-e82a9e0b-38e3-4f95-982a-40e960a71e49 WAVY TV 10 on the Colonial Parkway Murders Announcement with photos: https://www.wavy.com/news/crime/deceased-man-identified-as-suspect-in-decades-old-homicides/ WTKR News 3 https://www.wtkr.com/news/is-man-linked-to-one-of-the-colonial-parkway-murders-connected-to-the-other-cases Virginian Pilot: Who was Alan Wade Wilmer Sr.? Man suspected in two ‘Colonial Parkway’ murders died alone in 2017 https://www.pilotonline.com/2024/01/14/who-was-alan-wade-wilmer-sr-man-suspected-in-colonial-parkway-murders-died-alone-in-2017/ Colonial Parkway Murders Facebook page with more than 18,000 followers: https://www.facebook.com/ColonialParkwayCase You can also participate in an in-depth discussion of the Colonial Parkway Murders here: https://earonsgsk.proboards.com/board/50/colonial-parkway-murders Mind Over Murder is proud to be a Spreaker Prime Podcaster: https://www.spreaker.com Join the discussion on our Mind Over Murder Colonial Parkway Murders website: https://colonialparkwaymurders.com Mind Over Murder Podcast website: https://mindovermurderpodcast.com Please subscribe and rate us at your favorite podcast sites. Ratings and reviews are very important. Please share and tell your friends! We launch a new episode of "Mind Over Murder" every Monday morning, and a bonus episode every Thursday morning. Sponsors: Othram and DNAsolves.com Contribute Your DNA to help solve cases: https://dnasolves.com/user/register Follow "Mind Over Murder" on Twitter: https://twitter.com/MurderOver Follow Bill Thomas on Twitter: https://twitter.com/BillThomas56 Follow "Colonial Parkway Murders" on Facebook: br...

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  5. ٢٠ فبراير

    BONUS: Colonial Parkway Murders Panel Live from CrimeCon 2024

    Join "Mind Over Murder" co-hosts Bill Thomas and Kristin Dilley and our MC, Sheryl "Mac" McCollum, with our live panel discussion at CrimeCon 2024 in Nashville, held May 30, 2024.  This live recording is courtesy of the team at CrimeCon, and originally aired on June 24, 2024. Won't you help the Mind Over Murder podcast increase our visibility and shine the spotlight on the "Colonial Parkway Murders" and other unsolved cases? Contribute any amount you can here: https://www.gofundme.com/f/mind-over-murder-podcast-expenses?utm_campaign=p_lico+share-sheet&utm_medium=copy_link&utm_source=customer WTVR CBS News:  Colonial Parkway murders victims' families keep hope cases will be solved: https://www.wtvr.com/news/local-news/colonial-parkway-murders-update-april-19-2024 WAVY TV 10 News:  New questions raised in Colonial Parkway murders: https://www.wavy.com/news/local-news/new-questions-raised-in-colonial-parkway-murders/ WTKR News 3: Colonial Parkway Murders podcast records in Yorktown: https://www.wtkr.com/news/in-the-community/historic-triangle/colonial-parkway-murders-podcast-records-in-yorktown WVEC 13 News Now:  Live Podcast to Discuss Colonial Parkway Murders Monday in Yorktown https://www.13newsnow.com/article/news/crime/true-crime/live-podcast-to-discuss-colonial-parkway-murders-monday-yorktown/291-601dd2b9-d9f2-4b41-a3e1-44bce6f9f6c6 Alan Wade Wilmer Sr. has been named as the killer of Robin Edwards and David Knobling in the Colonial Parkway Murders in September 1987, as well as the murderer of Teresa Howell in June 1989. He has also been linked to the April 1988 disappearance and likely murder of Keith Call and Cassandra Hailey, another pair in the Colonial Parkway Murders. 13News Now investigates: A serial killer's DNA will not be entered into CODIS database: https://www.13newsnow.com/video/news/local/13news-now-investigates/291-e82a9e0b-38e3-4f95-982a-40e960a71e49 WAVY TV 10 on the Colonial Parkway Murders Announcement with photos: https://www.wavy.com/news/crime/deceased-man-identified-as-suspect-in-decades-old-homicides/ WTKR News 3 https://www.wtkr.com/news/is-man-linked-to-one-of-the-colonial-parkway-murders-connected-to-the-other-cases Virginian Pilot: Who was Alan Wade Wilmer Sr.? Man suspected in two ‘Colonial Parkway’ murders died alone in 2017 https://www.pilotonline.com/2024/01/14/who-was-alan-wade-wilmer-sr-man-suspected-in-colonial-parkway-murders-died-alone-in-2017/ Colonial Parkway Murders Facebook page with more than 18,000 followers: https://www.facebook.com/ColonialParkwayCase You can also participate in an in-depth discussion of the Colonial Parkway Murders here: https://earonsgsk.proboards.com/board/50/colonial-parkway-murders Mind Over Murder is proud to be a Spreaker Prime Podcaster: https://www.spreaker.com Join the discussion on our Mind Over Murder and Colonial Parkway Murders pages on Facebook. Mind Over Murder on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mindoverpodcast You can also participate in an in-depth discussion of the Colonial Parkway Murders here: https://earonsgsk.proboards.com/board/50/colonial-parkway-murders Follow Othram's DNA Solves: You can help solve a case. Help fund a case or contribute your DNA. Your support helps solve crimes, enable the identification of John & Jane Does, and bring closure to families. Joining is fast, secure, and easy. https://dnasolves.com/ Daily Beast: "Inside the Maddening Search for Virginia’s Colonial Parkway Serial Killer" By Justin Rohrlich https://www.thedailybeast.com/what-happened-to-cathleen-thomas-and-rebecca-dowski-inside-the-hunt-for-the-colonial-parkway-killer Citizens! Check out our new...

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  6. ١٧ فبراير

    NEW: L.A. Coroner: Thomas Noguchi and Death in Hollywood

    Join "Mind Over Murder" co-hosts Bill Thomas and Kristin Dilley as they meet award winning author and historian Anne Soon Choi to discuss her new book "L.A. Coroner: Thomas Noguchi and Death in Hollywood," which tells the story of one of America's most prominent medical examiners. Dr. Noguchi's outstanding and sometimes controversial work earned him the nickname "Coroner to the Stars." L.A. Coroner: Thomas Noguchi and Death in Hollywood book:  https://thirdstatebooks.com/pages/la-coroner Amazon:  L.A. Coroner: Thomas Noguchi and Death in Hollywood https://www.amazon.com/L-Coroner-Thomas-Noguchi-Hollywood/dp/B0CRKJSRWF Goodreads:  L.A. Coroner: Thomas Noguchi and Death in Hollywood https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/204879625-l-a-coroner?from_search=true&from_srp=true&qid=Uze0rfkiU9&rank=2 WTKR News 3: One year after development in Colonial Parkway Murders, where do things stand? https://www.wtkr.com/news/in-the-community/historic-triangle/one-year-after-development-in-colonial-parkway-murders-where-do-things-stand Won't you help the Mind Over Murder podcast increase our visibility and shine the spotlight on the "Colonial Parkway Murders" and other unsolved cases? Contribute any amount you can here: https://www.gofundme.com/f/mind-over-murder-podcast-expenses?utm_campaign=p_lico+share-sheet&utm_medium=copy_link&utm_source=customer WTVR CBS News:  Colonial Parkway murders victims' families keep hope cases will be solved: https://www.wtvr.com/news/local-news/colonial-parkway-murders-update-april-19-2024 WAVY TV 10 News:  New questions raised in Colonial Parkway murders: https://www.wavy.com/news/local-news/new-questions-raised-in-colonial-parkway-murders/ Alan Wade Wilmer, Sr. has been named as the killer of Robin Edwards and David Knobling in the Colonial Parkway Murders in September 1987, as well as the murderer of Teresa Howell in June 1989. He has also been linked to the April 1988 disappearance and likely murder of Keith Call and Cassandra Hailey, another pair in the Colonial Parkway Murders. 13News Now investigates: A serial killer's DNA will not be entered into CODIS database: https://www.13newsnow.com/video/news/local/13news-now-investigates/291-e82a9e0b-38e3-4f95-982a-40e960a71e49 WAVY TV 10 on the Colonial Parkway Murders Announcement with photos: https://www.wavy.com/news/crime/deceased-man-identified-as-suspect-in-decades-old-homicides/ WTKR News 3 https://www.wtkr.com/news/is-man-linked-to-one-of-the-colonial-parkway-murders-connected-to-the-other-cases Virginian Pilot: Who was Alan Wade Wilmer Sr.? Man suspected in two ‘Colonial Parkway’ murders died alone in 2017 https://www.pilotonline.com/2024/01/14/who-was-alan-wade-wilmer-sr-man-suspected-in-colonial-parkway-murders-died-alone-in-2017/ Colonial Parkway Murders Facebook page with more than 18,000 followers: https://www.facebook.com/ColonialParkwayCase You can also participate in an in-depth discussion of the Colonial Parkway Murders here: https://earonsgsk.proboards.com/board/50/colonial-parkway-murders Mind Over Murder is proud to be a Spreaker Prime Podcaster: https://www.spreaker.com Join the discussion on our Mind Over Murder Colonial Parkway Murders website: https://colonialparkwaymurders.com Mind Over Murder Podcast website: https://mindovermurderpodcast.com Please subscribe and rate us at your favorite podcast sites. Ratings and reviews are very important. Please share and tell your friends! We launch a new episode of "Mind Over Murder" every Monday morning, and a bonus episode every Thursday morning. Sponsors: Othram and DNAsolves.com Contribute Your DNA...

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  7. ١٣ فبراير

    BONUS: Shenandoah Murders Solved w Kathryn Miles (Part 2)

    Kathryn "Kate" Miles, bestselling author of "Trailed: One Woman's Quest to Solve the Shenadoah Murders" joins "Mind Over Murder" podcast hosts Bill Thomas and Kristin Dilley to discuss the recent FBI announcement that the 1996 murder of Julie Williams and Lollie Winans has been solved. With the news that deceased suspect Walter "Leo" Jackson, Sr. has been connected to the murder via DNA, why is the FB being so secretive about how the case was solved?  Why are press conferences being scheduled with no notice?  Why are so many questions going unanswered? Is the FBI covering up for mistakes as we have seen recently in the Colonial Parkway Murders? This Bonus Episode is Part 2 of 2 parts, and originally ran on July 4, 2024. Won't you help the Mind Over Murder podcast increase our visibility and shine the spotlight on the "Colonial Parkway Murders" and other unsolved cases? Contribute any amount you can here: https://www.gofundme.com/f/mind-over-murder-podcast-expenses?utm_campaign=p_lico+share-sheet&utm_medium=copy_link&utm_source=customer WaPo: Convicted serial rapist linked to Shenandoah park murders, FBI says https://www.washingtonpost.com/dc-md-va/2024/06/20/shenandoah-park-murders-virginia/ Newsweek: FBI Solves 1996 Shenandoah Park Murders: Serial Rapist Killed Women Campers https://www.newsweek.com/shenandoah-national-park-murders-solved-1915864 WTVR CBS News:  Colonial Parkway murders victims' families keep hope cases will be solved: https://www.wtvr.com/news/local-news/colonial-parkway-murders-update-april-19-2024 WAVY TV 10 News:  New questions raised in Colonial Parkway murders: https://www.wavy.com/news/local-news/new-questions-raised-in-colonial-parkway-murders/ WTKR News 3: Colonial Parkway Murders podcast records in Yorktown: https://www.wtkr.com/news/in-the-community/historic-triangle/colonial-parkway-murders-podcast-records-in-yorktown WVEC 13 News Now:  Live Podcast to Discuss Colonial Parkway Murders Monday in Yorktown https://www.13newsnow.com/article/news/crime/true-crime/live-podcast-to-discuss-colonial-parkway-murders-monday-yorktown/291-601dd2b9-d9f2-4b41-a3e1-44bce6f9f6c6 Alan Wade Wilmer Sr. has been named as the killer of Robin Edwards and David Knobling in the Colonial Parkway Murders in September 1987, as well as the murderer of Teresa Howell in June 1989. He has also been linked to the April 1988 disappearance and likely murder of Keith Call and Cassandra Hailey, another pair in the Colonial Parkway Murders. 13News Now investigates: A serial killer's DNA will not be entered into CODIS database: https://www.13newsnow.com/video/news/local/13news-now-investigates/291-e82a9e0b-38e3-4f95-982a-40e960a71e49 WAVY TV 10 on the Colonial Parkway Murders Announcement with photos: https://www.wavy.com/news/crime/deceased-man-identified-as-suspect-in-decades-old-homicides/ WTKR News 3 https://www.wtkr.com/news/is-man-linked-to-one-of-the-colonial-parkway-murders-connected-to-the-other-cases Virginian Pilot: Who was Alan Wade Wilmer Sr.? Man suspected in two ‘Colonial Parkway’ murders died alone in 2017 https://www.pilotonline.com/2024/01/14/who-was-alan-wade-wilmer-sr-man-suspected-in-colonial-parkway-murders-died-alone-in-2017/ Colonial Parkway Murders Facebook page with more than 18,000 followers: https://www.facebook.com/ColonialParkwayCase You can also participate in an in-depth discussion of the Colonial Parkway Murders here: https://earonsgsk.proboards.com/board/50/colonial-parkway-murders Mind Over Murder is proud to be a Spreaker Prime Podcaster: https://www.spreaker.com Join the discussion on our Mind Over Murder and Colonial Parkway Murders pages on Facebook. Mind Over Murder...

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    BONUS: Shenandoah Murders Solved w Kathryn Miles (Part 1)

    Kathryn "Kate" Miles, bestselling author of "Trailed: One Woman's Quest to Solve the Shenadoah Murders" joins "Mind Over Murder" podcast hosts Bill Thomas and Kristin Dilley to discuss the recent FBI announcement that the 1996 murder of Julie Williams and Lollie Winans has been solved. With the news that deceased suspect Walter "Leo" Jackson, Sr. has been connected to the murder via DNA, why is the FB being so secretive about how the case was solved?  Why are press conferences being scheduled with no notice?  Why are so many questions going unanswered? Is the FBI covering up for mistakes as we have seen recently in the Colonial Parkway Murders? This Bonus Episode is Part 1 of 2 parts, and originally ran on July 1, 2024. Won't you help the Mind Over Murder podcast increase our visibility and shine the spotlight on the "Colonial Parkway Murders" and other unsolved cases? Contribute any amount you can here: https://www.gofundme.com/f/mind-over-murder-podcast-expenses?utm_campaign=p_lico+share-sheet&utm_medium=copy_link&utm_source=customer WaPo: Convicted serial rapist linked to Shenandoah park murders, FBI says https://www.washingtonpost.com/dc-md-va/2024/06/20/shenandoah-park-murders-virginia/ Newsweek: FBI Solves 1996 Shenandoah Park Murders: Serial Rapist Killed Women Campers https://www.newsweek.com/shenandoah-national-park-murders-solved-1915864 WTVR CBS News:  Colonial Parkway murders victims' families keep hope cases will be solved: https://www.wtvr.com/news/local-news/colonial-parkway-murders-update-april-19-2024 WAVY TV 10 News:  New questions raised in Colonial Parkway murders: https://www.wavy.com/news/local-news/new-questions-raised-in-colonial-parkway-murders/ WTKR News 3: Colonial Parkway Murders podcast records in Yorktown: https://www.wtkr.com/news/in-the-community/historic-triangle/colonial-parkway-murders-podcast-records-in-yorktown WVEC 13 News Now:  Live Podcast to Discuss Colonial Parkway Murders Monday in Yorktown https://www.13newsnow.com/article/news/crime/true-crime/live-podcast-to-discuss-colonial-parkway-murders-monday-yorktown/291-601dd2b9-d9f2-4b41-a3e1-44bce6f9f6c6 Alan Wade Wilmer Sr. has been named as the killer of Robin Edwards and David Knobling in the Colonial Parkway Murders in September 1987, as well as the murderer of Teresa Howell in June 1989. He has also been linked to the April 1988 disappearance and likely murder of Keith Call and Cassandra Hailey, another pair in the Colonial Parkway Murders. 13News Now investigates: A serial killer's DNA will not be entered into CODIS database: https://www.13newsnow.com/video/news/local/13news-now-investigates/291-e82a9e0b-38e3-4f95-982a-40e960a71e49 WAVY TV 10 on the Colonial Parkway Murders Announcement with photos: https://www.wavy.com/news/crime/deceased-man-identified-as-suspect-in-decades-old-homicides/ WTKR News 3 https://www.wtkr.com/news/is-man-linked-to-one-of-the-colonial-parkway-murders-connected-to-the-other-cases Virginian Pilot: Who was Alan Wade Wilmer Sr.? Man suspected in two ‘Colonial Parkway’ murders died alone in 2017 https://www.pilotonline.com/2024/01/14/who-was-alan-wade-wilmer-sr-man-suspected-in-colonial-parkway-murders-died-alone-in-2017/ Colonial Parkway Murders Facebook page with more than 18,000 followers: https://www.facebook.com/ColonialParkwayCase You can also participate in an in-depth discussion of the Colonial Parkway Murders here: https://earonsgsk.proboards.com/board/50/colonial-parkway-murders Mind Over Murder is proud to be a Spreaker Prime Podcaster: https://www.spreaker.com Join the discussion on our Mind Over Murder and Colonial Parkway Murders pages on Facebook. Mind Over Murder...

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Listen to Mind Over Murder, the true crime podcast from victim's advocates Bill Thomas and Kristin Dilley. Kristin is a researcher, writer and teacher from Virginia. Bill is an entertainment executive who is also the brother of a murder victim, now living in Connecticut. His sister Cathy Thomas along with her girlfriend Rebecca Dowski, were the first two victims in the still unsolved Colonial Parkway Murders ,which claimed the lives of 8 young people near Williamsburg from 1986 to 1989. They moderate the Colonial Parkway Murders FaceBook and Mind Over Murder pages with more than 20,000 followers. Join them for thoughtful true crime advocacy. Now celebrating their fifth season with 380 podcast episodes and more than ONE MILLION DOWNLOADS. Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/mind-over-murder--4847179/support.

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