Mining Weekly Audio Articles

Mining Weekly
Mining Weekly Audio Articles provides real time news reportage through originated written & video material. Now you can listen to the top three articles on Mining Weekly at the end of each day.

  1. -6 Ч

    Harmony investing R2bn in underground gold mines, earmarking R1bn for surface gold

    This audio is brought to you by Astec Industries, a Global Leader in manufacturing equipment for infrastructure, including asphalt production, construction, and material processing, driving innovation and sustainability. During this financial year, South Africa's largest gold mining company will be investing more than R3-billion in its South African assets. "We're on an exciting growth path," Harmony Gold CEO Beyers Nel enthused during the Johannesburg Stock Exchange-listed company's half-year results presentation covered by Mining Weekly. (Also watch attached Creamer Media video.) More than R2-billion is going into high-grade underground gold mining projects and over R1-billion into high-margin surface operation projects. The projects under way at Moab Khotsong and Mponeng will extend the lives of each of these major high-grade gold mines to at least 20 years, with Mponeng producing 250 000 oz of gold a year and Moab Khotsong 200 000 oz a year over that period. Phase two of the Kareerand tailings storage facility expansion is on track for year-end completion at Mine Waste Solutions, where life-of-mine steady-state production will be 100 000 oz of gold a year "These projects demonstrate our commitment to gold mining in South Africa, ensuring that they continue delivering excellent margins for years to come," Nel outlined. Harmony's strong net-cash balance sheet is enabling its major capital allocation to be directed towards portfolio derisking through investment in the high-grade underground, surface and international assets. EVA COPPER At Eva Copper in Australia, the feasibility study update is progressing, technical aspects have been completed and final permitting amendments, are awaited. Eva Copper is expected to produce between 55 000 t and 60 000 t of copper a year and 14 000 oz of gold a year for 15 years. "Conceptually, this translates to a mine of a similar size to some of our high-grade underground assets," Nel pointed out. Eva's all-in sustaining costs are anticipated to be in the middle of the global industry cost curve. First copper is expected in the 2029 calendar year, subject to the completion of the study and board approval. At Wafi-Golpu in Papua New Guinea, negotiations of the special mining lease are ongoing. The project pipeline is timed to ensure that project expenditure does not put pressure on the balance sheet. Harmony Gold FD Boipelo Lekubo reported a 33% net profit increase to R7.9-billion, while the rolling 12-month earnings before tax depreciation and amortisation increased by 28% to more than R22-billion. Exceptional half-year free cash flow generation from operations shifted the balance sheet shifted further into a net cash position of R7.3-billion. Harmony has delivered a three-fold expansion in margins since financial year (FY) 2022. Total operating free cash flow increased by 46% to R10.4-billion in the first half of FY2025. Gold prices have further increased to around R1.7-million per kilogram compared with the average of R1.4-million per kilogram Harmony received during the six months to December 31. Harmony, which continues to protect and lock in margins through a hedging programme, typically hedge between 10% and 30% of production over 36 months. Financial headroom of more than R18-billion is made up of cash and undrawn. Facilities and various capital demands are being funded from within the company. "As it stands, we're able to fund Eva from our own cash flows and available facilities," Lekubo noted. Geared year-on-year dividends continue to be delivered, with R1.4-billion being returned to shareholders in the first half of FY2025. As South Africa's largest gold producer, Harmony is now also offering near-term copper optionality amid its nigh 75 years of South African gold mining experience and a rallying gold price. With an Australian presence, Harmony has, through Hidden Valley, been operating for more than two decades in Papua New Guinea, where it has high hopes for the go-ahead of W...

    4 мин.
  2. -1 ДН.

    Great hydrogen economy strides in China, Europe, Northam Platinum reports

    This audio is brought to you by Astec Industries, a Global Leader in manufacturing equipment for infrastructure, including asphalt production, construction, and material processing, driving innovation and sustainability. Great strides are being made in the green hydrogen economy in particularly China and Europe, journalists heard during a media conference, where Northam Platinum emphasised the "absolutely essential" contribution being made to the world by platinum group metals (PGMs). The Johannesburg Stock Exchange-listed PGMs mining company pointed out that "the world doesn't just need PGMs", but that the world "absolutely must have PGMs" to exist as we know it. This is because the chemical properties of PGMs accelerate reactions at lower temperatures and pressures than would normally be the case. For example, automotive exhaust cleaning reactions simply wouldn't happen without the presence of palladium, platinum and rhodium, and pollutants would go out of vehicle exhausts into the atmosphere. If the world did not have PGMs, a "very, very dirty" atmospheric condition would result in towns and cities. When you add PGMs to the mix, they promote reactions "at the same atmospheric pressure and the same temperature, and the reactions then happen", Northam Platinum CEO Paul Dunne explained in response to Mining Weekly. The other important aspects of the metals are that "they remain unchanged", which is, in fact, the definition of a catalyst - it promotes the reaction without being a participant in the reaction, allowing for nigh "ad infinitum" recycling. OIL INDUSTRY ROLE Reactions are promoted in a similar fashion by PGMs in the oil and gas industry, where a barrel of oil cannot be split into its constituents without PGMs. Industrial applications for PGMs are, in fact, so broad that "without them, we wouldn't have the world that we live in today", Northam Platinum executive: new business Damian Smith added. While a growing global population is increasing the need for the efficiencies that PGMs provide, PGMs are geographically constrained, with 80% of them in the ground in South Africa's Bushveld. Moreover, near-surface PGMs have been largely mined out and investment into new projects will require longer lead times, which is needed because of new applications arising especially on the clean energy front. Government policy and funding is bringing considerable research and development to bear, which is needed to bring the hydrogen economy to life, to a point where Dunne is emphatic about its emergence. "The Thirties is definitely the decade of the hydrogen economy. There are great strides being made, particularly in China and Europe," said Dunne. CHROME, PGM LINK Chrome is the bonus of the PGM companies that mine upper group two (UG2) orebody at this time of low PGM pricing. Northam is among the companies that have UG2 and has been exporting chrome, which was not prevalent in South Africa's past because of the former strong focus on using the chrome to produce higher-value ferrochrome. Northam mines two orebodies, the Merensky, which is a nickel-sulphide-based orebody, plus the chromite-based UG2. Chrome is used to make stainless steel, demand for which is growing at a compound average growth rate of more than 4%, although the high cost of Eskom's power needed to produce ferrochrome has given China the upper hand in ferrochrome. Unlike the situation in the past, it's cheaper to produce ferrochrome in China, even taking into account the cost of transporting South Africa's chrome to Maputo, China, and then across the land again by another 1 000-km-plus to ferrochrome smelters in Inner Mongolia.

    3 мин.
  3. -4 ДН.

    Northam Platinum's big solar thrust to save R700m a year, much more to come

    This audio is brought to you by Astec Industries, a Global Leader in manufacturing equipment for infrastructure, including asphalt production, construction, and material processing, driving innovation and sustainability. The area south of the metallurgical complex at Northam Platinum's Zondereinde platinum group metals (PGM) mine in Limpopo has been cleared for the construction of the first of the Johannesburg stock exchange-listed company's 80 MW solar power farms. Each year, this facility will produce 220 000 MWhrs of secure behind-the-meter electrical energy, reducing annual carbon emissions by 220 000 t and reducing energy costs by 15%. (Also watch attached Creamer Media video.) Clean, green electricity will flow from this plant on 170 ha towards the end of this calendar year. Northam plans to halve the R2.6-billion a year that it spends on power, amid recently having clinched two further renewable energy agreements, these being 140 MW from a wind farm, close to Sutherland, in the Westdern Cape, and another 80 MW of wheeled solar power, both scheduled to be operating in 2027. By then, 900 000 MW, or 60%, of energy used at Northam's operations will be renewable, and the group's carbon intensity will have been reduced by 60%. In today's terms, Northam will save around R700-million a year into perpetuity - "and we don't plan to stop there", Northam CEO Paul Dunne said during the company's presentation, covered by Mining Weekly, of dividend-yielding results for the six months ended December 31. Northam is progressing other renewable energy projects in a dynamic and rapidly changing technological and legislative environment. These include additional solar and battery storage initiatives. "We're actively pursuing other initiatives to further reduce our environmental impact and assist with cost control. As an aside, it's also worth noting the accumulation of stock next to the smelt house. The interim gross cash dividend of 15 c a share is in line with its policy of paying 25% of headline earnings, amounting to an interim gross cash dividend of R59.4-million from income reserves. Northam sold 456 544 oz of four element (4E), which includes platinum, palladium and rhodium, in the half year, 2% down on the first six months of 2024, totalling 3.1% lower half-year sales revenue of R14.5-billion. Operating profit of R1.1-billion was at an operating margin of 7.5% amid 3.7% higher equivalent refined metal production totalling 451 213 four element ounces. Half-year capital expenditure remained constant at R2.4-billion. CHROME YIELD IMPROVEMENT Northam is continuing to implement a range of smaller scale capital upgrades to its metallurgical facilities, incrementally improving recoveries of PGM and chrome. The recently commissioned expansion to the chrome recovery plant at Zonderiende This time this has improved chrome yields to 40%-plus. Zondereinde is now expected to produce 490 000 t of chrome concentrate this year, with the upper group two (UG2) scavenger plant expected to increase PGM recoveries to 89%. Both upgrades have already paid back their capital cost. With improved yields, chrome sales are expected to improve to 1.5-million tons. CHALLENGING PRICING The average basket price received for all metals appears to have found the floor at around R32 000/4E oz. The spot price at the time of going to press was just under R33 000/4Eoz. "This is placing pressure on miners as well as refiners and recyclers, and the impact on the world's PGM industry should not be underestimated. 'This is a very challenging price environment and the longer this market condition persists, the greater the correction will be. "As long as there is no further deterioration, we'll continue to invest through the cycle, as we did very successfully in the previous downturn. "On the supply side, South Africa will continue to dominate but an aging production base and a dearth of new projects is unable to maintain volumes, and South Africa will require further de s...

    7 мин.
  4. -5 ДН.

    Firm intent of Impala Platinum is to prosper on current prices, CEO Muller spells out

    This audio is brought to you by Astec Industries, a Global Leader in manufacturing equipment for infrastructure, including asphalt production, construction, and material processing, driving innovation and sustainability. The firm intention of South Africa's Impala Platinum is to prosper on current platinum group metals (PGM) prices. This was made clear by Implats CEO Nico Muller during the presentation of the Johannesburg Stock Exchange-listed company's financial year (FY) 2025 results for the six months to December 31, which highlighted a liquidity headroom of R17.8-billion. (Also watch attached Creamer Media video.) Muller spoke of having an "assured outlook" on PGM market prices going forward, with platinum, palladium and rhodium all in deficit currently, particularly platinum. That, he said, would change for palladium and rhodium from 2028, with those two metals running into surpluses. But that would not be the case for platinum, for which there would be "a material increase" demand, fuelled by the hydrogen economy as well as the advance of fuel cell electric vehicles. "We foresee continued demand for platinum to the extent that we see sustained deficits, and therefore continued eradication of excess surface inventory. "We do believe that there's going to be some switching between platinum palladium that will offset the surpluses created by palladium and, of course, platinum is less reliant on the automotive industry than the other two metals," Muller outlined during the presentation covered by Mining Weekly. Amid the majority of the great economic jurisdictions the world having given PGMs strategic critical minerals status, discontinued use or demand for PGMs was not on the cards, with the results of the last six months reflective of that. Refined production rose 2%, sales 5%, and unit cost were held at 3%, which is reportedly industry leading for this reporting period. Capital plunged down 42% to R3.9-billion, with operating strategy changes at particularly Impala Canada. He emphasised that the world had in many respects been very stable over the last year. "It's not shooting sparks, but it is stable," he said in pointing out the particular stability of PGM prices in dollars and only the strengthening of the rand by 5% being the basket price negative. "It's probably been one of the more stable periods that we have operated in…and out intention as a company is to create continual strength in the organisation we call Implats." In Canada, the extraction philosophy has been amended towards being a higher margin business, "so you'll see a reduction in production, probably a more accelerated wind down". "We're continuously evaluating the performance of the business, costs as well as palladium price performance, but to the extent that future viability or future cash flows are threatened, it will not be unsurprising that we will come with an announcement at some time in the future about potentially a more accelerated but responsible wind down of that operation," said Muller while emphasising that Implats is continuously involved with portfolio evaluations in the company to make sure that it honours its statement that it will not support loss-making operations.

    3 мин.
  5. -5 ДН.

    China probably leading global hydrogen fuel cell advance, cash-flush Implats reports

    This audio is brought to you by Astec Industries, a Global Leader in manufacturing equipment for infrastructure, including asphalt production, construction, and material processing, driving innovation and sustainability. China is probably leading the global hydrogen fuel cell advance, journalists heard at Thursday's media briefing that followed the "commendable" half-year performance of the Johannesburg Stock Exchange-listed Impala Platinum (Implats), which generated free cash flow of R639-million in the first six months its 2025 financial year (FY2025). Having already identified Europe as a favourable driver of the gradually progressing platinum group metals- (PGM-) based green hydrogen fuel cell economic future, at question time Implats group executive corporate relations Johan Theron also singled out China's leading role in the green hydrogen fuel cell field, along with key roles being played by Japan and South Korea. The interim results highlighted a tightening demand for PGMs, driven by electrification and diverse applications. Palladium and rhodium, primarily used in auto catalysts, face challenging market supply dynamics, while platinum's robust demand from industrial and jewellery sectors offsets auto catalyst declines. Canadian operations, exposed to palladium and rhodium, face challenges, with a 15% reduction in production volumes. Marula's performance is constrained by geological complexity and higher panel loss rates. Having adjusted the operating parameters at several of its assets in response to continued low rand pricing for PGMs, Implats maintained a strong and flexible balance sheet. The company, headed by CEO Nico Muller, generated half-year earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation (Ebitda) of R6.5-billion and headline earnings of R1.85-billion, closing with a net cash balance of R6.7-billion and liquidity headroom of R17.8-billion. Moreover, Implats is on track to deliver within previously provided FY2025 guidance, despite water and power interruptions and Impala Bafokeng suffering safety stoppages following loss-of-life accidents amid steadfast safety improvement commitment. Zimplats in Zimbabwe scaled up to full solar power of 35 MW as part of a planned 185 MW solar complex, and attained technical completion of its smelter expansion as well as the first phase of its sulphur dioxide abatement project. In South Africa, Impala Refineries' base metals refinery debottlenecking project was delivered. Operational planning and capital investment are structured to enhance the competitive positioning of each asset to maximise returns amid the weak rand PGM pricing resulting in sustained pressure on operating margins. OUTLOOK AND GUIDANCE Production in FY2025 is poised to be supported by strong delivery at Impala Rustenburg, Impala Bafokeng, Mimosa and Two Rivers, together with the expected partial unwind of accumulated inventory at Zimplats, countering the tapering production profile at Impala Canada and weak performance at Marula. Third-quarter smelting rates have been constrained by required maintenance and repairs at two Impala Rustenburg furnaces, which will moderate the pace of excess inventory destocking. Six element (6E) refined and saleable production and unit costs guidance are maintained at between 3.45-million and 3.65-million ounces and between R21 000/6E oz and R22 000/6E oz. The capital expenditure forecast for FY2025 has been lowered to between R7-billion and R8-billion, including growth capital of between R1.0-billion and R1.2-billion. Platinum, palladium and rhodium are expected to remain in deficit in 2025. However, the deficits are expected to moderate. While primary supply is expected to be stable, secondary scrap is expected to drive gross supply gains in 2025.

    4 мин.
  6. -6 ДН.

    Sibanye-Stillwater decides against proceeding with lithium-boron project in the US

    This audio is brought to you by Astec Industries, a Global Leader in manufacturing equipment for infrastructure, including asphalt production, construction, and material processing, driving innovation and sustainability. The board of directors of the Johannesburg- and New York-listed Sibanye-Stillwater has decided not to proceed with the Rhyolite Ridge lithium-boron joint venture (JV) project in North America. Rhyolite Ridge was to be developed under a JV agreement with ioneer, a minerals exploration and development company, which in October last year, provided Sibanye-Stillwater with updated project and technical information that included a technical report summary and other updated technical reports. Sibanye-Stillwater was to acquire a 50% interest in the JV, with ioneer maintaining a 50% interest and retaining the operational management responsibility. The Rhyolite Ridge deposit is located 362 km north of Las Vegas, in Esmeralda County, Nevada. Based on the results of a management review and due diligence on that information, the board has resolved not to proceed with Rhyolite Ridge owing to the project not meeting its investment hurdle rates at prudent pricing assumptions. This was stated by the Johannesburg- and New York-listed stated Sibanye-Stillwater in a JSE stock exchange news service announcement and media release to Mining Weekly on Wednesday, February 26. The completion of the joint venture was subject to various conditions precedent including a final investment decision from the board affirming its commitment to proceed with the project. Outgoing Sibanye-Stillwater CEO Neal Froneman, who in September hands over to incoming CEO and current chief regional officer South Africa Richard Stewart, emphasised during last Friday's presentation of half-year results that the company's focus remained on optimising operations for profitability and protecting the group balance sheet. The restructurings that have been undertaken over the last 18 months were described as having secured greater operational stability, with South Africa's platinum group metals (PGM) mines for 2024 and the group benefiting significantly from the South African gold assets. Leverage to the higher gold price drove a 216% increase in earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation (Ebitda) to R3.6-billion for Sibanye-Stillwater in the last six months of last year, the company reported on Friday, February 21. Group Ebitda of R6.4-billion for the second half (H2) of 2024 was in line with the R6.4-billion Ebitda for H2 2023. Sibanye-Stillwater is a top-tier gold producer and one of the world's largest primary producers of platinum, palladium, and rhodium. It also refines iridium and ruthenium, nickel, chrome, copper and cobalt and has recently begun to diversify its asset portfolio into battery metals mining and processing and increase its presence in the circular economy by growing its recycling and tailings reprocessing exposure globally. Restructuring of PGM operations in the US and ongoing restructuring of the Sandouville nickel processing facilities in France are underpinning a firmer 2025 earnings outlook.

    3 мин.
  7. 25 ФЕВР.

    Anglo American Platinum providing further backing for green hydrogen's global advance

    This audio is brought to you by Astec Industries, a Global Leader in manufacturing equipment for infrastructure, including asphalt production, construction, and material processing, driving innovation and sustainability. JSE-listed Anglo American Platinum and South Africa-linked AP Ventures are supporting the next vital steps towards the realisation of industrial-scale green hydrogen value chains. Both companies have once again featured in the latest raising of additional funding by the German company that is on its way towards enabling green hydrogen to be globally transported and traded in the same way as oil is currently through the liquid organic hydrogen carrier (LOHC) technology that it has developed. Owing to its diesel-like nature, Hydrogenious' LOHC can be transported and distributed in the existing infrastructure for oil-based fuels. LOHC, which Mining Weekly first wrote about in 2014, has now attracted another €17-million-plus in its latest financing round. Interestingy, independent venture capital firm AP Ventures is backed by South Africa's Public Investment Corporation (PIC), Mitsubishi Corporation, Mirai Creation Fund and Plastic Omnium and the ventures in which it invests make use of or enable the use of platinum group metals (PGMs), often in association with hydrgogen, the most abundant element in the universe, which can be stored in large quantities and for long periods of time. These are features which enable it to optimise the integration of renewable energy. Chevron Technology Ventures, Temasek, Winkelmann Group and Covestro are other companies providing additional funding to Hydrogenious LOHC in its latest capital raising exercise. Moreover, LOHC is being supported by numerous policies and legislation at both federal and EU level, as well as financially, reflecting the recognition it is being given within the energy transition space. Hydrogenious last year received a grant notification from the German Federal Goverment and the State of Bavaria for its Green Hydrogen @ Blue Danube project totaling €72.5-million. "Hydrogenious' new funding and leadership structure signals that LOHC technology is at a critical inflection point and must be supported in taking the next steps towards industrial-scale hydrogen value chains," Anglo American Platinum executive head marketing Hilton Ingram is quoted as saying in a media release on LinkedIn put out by Hydrogenious. As an original seed investor in 2014, Anglo American Platinum has for long had a strongly held view on the potential of LOHC technology to help enable the emerging hydrogen economy, for which its PGMs are critical. "We believe that Hydrogenious and its innovative LOHC technology are critical to enabling the hydrogen economy," AP Ventures founding partner Kevin Eggers is quoted as saying in the same release. "LOHC technology represents a crucial component for enabling the hydrogen economy and advancing the global energy transition," Winkelmann Group CEO Christian Knechtel is quoted as saying. Mining Weekly can point out that AP Ventures was attracted to invest in Hydrogenious because of LOHC making it possible for current infrastructure to be used in the transition to hydrogen. The storage density of hydrogen in the LOHC is up to five times higher than conventional high pressure storage. A cubic metre of LOHC can carry about 57 kg of hydrogen. Thus, transport capacities on trucks, trains, buses, ships and such like are increased, significantly reducing total cost for hydrogen supply to the customer. The readily available carrier oil is non-toxic, hardly flammable, non-explosive and remains in a useable and convenient liquid state through a broad temperature range of -39 ºC to 390 ºC, which makes transport in the existing global fuel infrastructure feasible. The technology as such is thus simple since it is based on a reversible catalytic hydrogenation and then dehydrogenation process. After the release of the hydrogen, the carrier substance can be reuse...

    5 мин.

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