Have you ever wondered why you keep getting migraines? Why your back is constantly in pain? Why your stomach always hurts or why your body aches? Your body is "speaking" to you through the pain...and it has a lot to say! Miriam Racquel Feldman is a somatic healer, trauma and anxiety specialist, relationship coach, and the author of the book, Somatic Healing for the Modest Goddess. In our conversation, Miriam explains how our thoughts and emotions affect our body, and the different messages that our bodies are trying to tell us. In fact, the cells of our body can hold emotions from traumas that happened 20, 30, 40, or even 50 years ago! Those emotions manifest themselves as pain in our body! In Miriam Racquel's book, Somatic Healing for the Modest Goddess, she starts off with a strategy for for releasing stress, anger, sadness, fear, or any other negative emotion BEFORE it has the opportunity to cause pain in the body. The strategy is called the ROAR! method. ROAR! is an acronym--R for Rip, O for Open, A for Action, and R for Release. She speaks about each of these steps in detail. Miriam Racquel's book is divided into different sections, and is categorized according to topics such as self-care, dating, marriage, parenting, and parnassah (making money/career). In our conversation, Miriam Racquel and I talk about issues that arise in these different areas of our lives, and what we can do to prevent the stress, angst, and confusion from penetrating into our bodies and causing us harm. Remember, we are souls in bodies. We need to figure out what messages our bodies are giving to us, and then we need to pay attention to those messages-don't ignore them! You need to dive into your feelings in order to heal them. If you would like to purchase Miriam Racquel's book, Somatic Healing for the Modest Goddess, please click here: https://www.amazon.com/Somatic-Healing-Modest-Goddess-Anthology/dp/1737745429/ref=sr_1_6?crid=O8ZDQO1448MG&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.M-pyaZn8t6CgTtbpbgQCtjxaHbnnlSBlaY2FWVcx251r6hoTZCRsx566o5gYYOycxe8PB5uXAtvIg6uYjLRE-VLZf937nbLPWsa0HFLgpWymi0YeF9QHEUE-OBIbvASSmZ2Pt-K_Tcf3Xvt-9iNI51DXfOwbIi1j6VJo2n6O_RyOb25YbW_W9g5p0V3BivfQ4btBesP3xKYo53RiRortK3R1xlvSj7S3FE9rU4kiBM0.8xsFwwmxD5WCZU2Ql9qGhFFYCwRUdejaS292b2TyQUI&dib_tag=se&keywords=somatic+healing+for+the&qid=1733278967&sprefix=somatic+healing+for+the%2Caps%2C86&sr=8-6 If you would like to reach Miriam Racquel for one-on-one coaching or to sign up for her newsletter, please visit her website at: https://www.miriamracquel.com/ Contact: atrebbetzins@gmail.com
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- 发布时间2024年12月4日 UTC 02:32
- 长度45 分钟
- 分级儿童适宜