月没活宝Moonstruct Clowns Set

月没活宝Moonstruct Clowns Set

三位青年活宝给您带来的播客——月没活宝 书写流芳后世的故事太过沉重,拥有活宝的生活才是向往。 这是我们三个人柚子、肘子和醉轨出发的地方,主题随便,视角有限,观点片面,热情不变。这就是月没活宝! 这里有三位活宝的闲谈杂谈,从我们的想象力出发,发散出一些稀奇古怪的话题,给出令人捧腹大笑的对谈

  1. ٠١‏/٠٩‏/١٤٤٤ هـ

    Mixtape 026 | 出海病

    [ 你知道吗,冯喜说,故事里的死者重返人间,总是率先出现在港口,因港口是阴阳两界关闸。浪迹天涯、鲜鲜靠港的旅人走进酒店,发现自己的鬼魂正堂而皇之坐在桌边,闷头喝酒。旅人不得不靠近去,同自己的鬼魂对面而坐,诉苦,干杯,一杯又一杯,结账。总是这样。浪迹天涯的旅人上船下船,穿经越纬,接二连三遇见自己的鬼魂,非常尴尬。于是旁人不再敢妄下定论。旁人学精了,只说“塞巴斯蒂安暂无消息”。冯喜不再憎恨塞巴斯蒂安,任何一个散落世间的塞巴斯蒂安。达那厄号在冯喜脑海从未止航:塞巴斯蒂安永恒穿行于蓝颜料的水面、绿颜料的岛屿,塞巴斯蒂安航行,他要去的地方站满白色狗熊。有一天,冯喜把画过百遍的黑熊、棕熊统统涂成白色。 ] 摘自林棹《潮汐图》 【Music Credits】 00:00 Marina Herlop- miu (Choir Version) 03:45 Robbie Lee,LeaBertucci - Image Mirror 07:18 Hatis Noit - ACaso 12:08 Lea Bertucci -On Opposite Sides of Sleep 18:12 Heith -Suspicious Activities 22:21 Dawn Richard& Spencer Zahn - Sienna 27:12 Lucrecia Dalt- Glossolalia 30:16 Fatima AlQadiri - Hainan Island 33:07 Širom - IUnveil a Peppercorn to See It Vanish 36:38 The Daughtersof the Wolf-Ulvens Döttrar - Pigan gick på ängen 41:33 Daniela Lalita- Trececerotres 43:43 NilsFrahm,F.S. Blumm - Day Two Three 46:07 Methods Body -Claimed Events, Pt. 2 52:52 Robbie Lee,LeaBertucci - Azimuth 1:04:08 MarinaHerlop - Kaddisch (音乐人 - 歌曲) 【Playlist Editer】 柚子莫 【About Us】 小宇宙:月没活宝Moonstruct Clowns Set 微信公众号:月没活宝Moonstruct Clowns Set

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  2. ٢٩‏/٠٨‏/١٤٤٤ هـ

    Mixtape 025 | 除了你给我百合和玫瑰的意愿

    [ 由于不停地转身,我的脑袋都转晕了。有时候我觉得是在梦幻中。在这三个钟头里,我三次汗透衣裳,又三次把它们焐干。有时候,一种想法刺进我的心房,使我感到痛入骨髓、刻骨铭心的痛苦:再过十年,二十年,四十年,即便再过四十年,我依旧会带着厌恶和屈辱回忆起我整个一生中这一最为肮脏、最为可笑、最为可怕的时刻。比此刻更恬不知耻、更心甘情愿地糟践自己是绝不会再有了,我也清清楚楚、完完全全地明白这一点,但我仍然从桌子到壁炉地来回走着。“哦,要是你们能够知道我有着多么高尚的情感、多么深刻的思想,我又是多么有修养,那该多好!”我不时思量着,在心里对坐在沙发上的我那几个敌人说。然而,我的敌人竟只顾自娱自乐,似乎包间里根本就没有我这个人。 ] 摘自陀思妥耶夫斯基《地下室手记》 【Music Credits】 00:00 MikaelTariverdiev, Алла Пугачёва - Мне нравится Алла Пугачева 01:32 НиколайКараченцов,Елена Шанина - Я тебя никогда не забуду 06:00 ТатьянаБуланова - Не плачь 12:20 MikaelTariverdiev, Трио Меридиан - Твой голос 15:13 Андрей Петров- Увертюра 19:20 Юрий Визбор -Ты у меня одна 22:00 Группа Малыши- Прекрасное далеко 25:11 АллаПугачёва,Ритм - Звёздное лето 29:51 МаринаДевятова - Синий платочек 32:35 Лайма Вайкуле- Ещё не вечер 36:05 ЖаннаАгузарова - Мне хорошо рядом с тобой 41:49 ЕленаПлотникова - О той весне 45:02 Алена Апина -Все так не просто 49:15 MikaelTariverdiev, Трио Меридиан - Любовь, не покидай меня 52:53 Елена Ваенга -Журавли 57:45 Алла Пугачёва- Миллион алых роз (音乐人 - 歌曲) 【Playlist Editer】 柚子莫 【About Us】 小宇宙:月没活宝Moonstruct Clowns Set 微信公众号:月没活宝Moonstruct Clowns Set

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  3. ١٧‏/٠٨‏/١٤٤٤ هـ

    Mixtape 022 | 沐浴在只属于它们的阳光里

    [ 这个关头,我本应像个健康的智人破涕为笑赞它乖因性善论又一次被印证而激动万分并鼓励它夯实这一美德但我没有;我一把拎起它的右前肢,它显然被吓住了,一声不吭任由我拖着,一直拖到围墙边,被抱起,落在一掌来宽的墙沿上,是南边围墙,因为我们正面对山脉,阳光疯汉般细致地描出坡上每一团树冠的阴影,那些绒绒绿草、微小坑洞……耗子哇哇大哭,向我求救,爪子推操我的手臂宛若柳丝轻抚,我向下望,垂直高度使我晕眩……然后它们飞回来了,那些鸽子,崖岩的身体,宝石的头颈,掀起孵疇啪啪的远古的回响,哥伦布和孤儿,灰粉色肉块点缀的粥,被智人赶尽吃绝的黄胸脯远亲,雾旅人,摇荡的马鬃,腥甜的风景,一个笑,蓝色树丛摇着胡子,一记耳光,橘子,那些喘息,烧成白灰的三百三十七封信,哭鼻子的佑恩,一轮夕阳,小男孩通红的肉手,从主人脚上挣脱、跌落围墙根的宇宙牌闪灯鞋。 ] 摘自林棹《流溪》 【Music Credits】 00:00 John Coltrane- A Love Supreme, Pt. I – Acknowledgement 07:47 Clifford Brown- Delilah 15:52 The TheloniousMonk Orchestra - Monk's Mood 26:13 Duke Ellington- Black and Tan Fantasy (Live) 32:33 Oliver Nelson- Stolen Moments 41:20 WyntonMarsalis - Black Codes 50:00 DizzyGillespie - On the Sunny Side of the Street 51:51 Sonny Clark -Cool Struttin' 55:26 Bud PowellTrio - Bud's Bubble 1:07:25 CharlesMingus - Cryin' Blues 1:12:26 OrnetteColeman - Peace 1:21:32 Miles Davis- In A Silent Way / It's About That Time (音乐人 - 歌曲) 【Playlist Editer】 柚子莫 【About Us】 小宇宙:月没活宝Moonstruct Clowns Set 微信公众号:月没活宝Moonstruct Clowns Set

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  4. ١٥‏/٠٨‏/١٤٤٤ هـ

    Mixtape 021 | 在无所不包的死亡中消逝

    [ Philip was restlessand dissatisfied. Hayward's poetic allusions troubled his imagination, and hissoul yearned for romance. At least that was how he put it to himself. And ithappened that an incident was taking place in Frau Erlin's house which increasedPhilip's preoccupation with the matter of sex. Two or three times on his walksamong the hills he had met Fraulein Cacilie wandering by herself. He had passedher with a bow, and a few yards further on had seen the Chinaman. He thoughtnothing of it; but one evening on his way home, when night had already fallen,he passed two people walking very close together. Hearing his footstep, theyseparated quickly, and though he could not see well in the darkness he wasalmost certain they were Cacilie and Herr Sung. Their rapid movement apartsuggested that they had been discovered in some guilty intimacy. He would notbelieve it, but the circumstantial evidence was overwhelming. Then he saw thatit was during her night off that he had arranged to go to the play withFraulein Cacilie, and he could not help remembering that he had noticed thefootman's obvious amusement at the announcement. He put two and two together.He wondered whether he had not been standing in the way of love, and if Cacilieand Herr Sung had been he was filled with a bitter envious pang. ] From "Of HumanBondage" by Somerset Maugham 【Music Credits】 00:00 Neutral MilkHotel - King of Carrot Flowers Pt. 1 02:01 Happyness -Weird Little Birthday Girl 10:58 Mazzy Star -Quiet, The Winter Harbor 14:48 The Smile -Open The Floodgates 19:07 Kikagaku Moyo- White Moon 27:26 bo en - mytime 31:13 Bruno Pernadas– Ahhhhh 40:01 Wooden Shjips- Staring At The Sun 47:21Kawa - 你要来呢嘎! 51:51 Alfa Mist -Keep On 1:02:39 BlackGryph0n,Baasik - Insane (1920) 1:05:25 Neutral MilkHotel - King of Carrot Flowers Pts. 2 & 3 (音乐人 - 歌曲) 【Playlist Editer】 柚子莫 【About Us】 小宇宙:月没活宝Moonstruct Clowns Set 微信公众号:月没活宝Moonstruct Clowns Set

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  5. ١٠‏/٠٨‏/١٤٤٤ هـ

    Mixtape 020 | 在失去能够永生的幻觉之时

    [ 如此千百年,后果之一就是我们对能触及永恒的任何事物,无论是真实地还是出于想象,都痴迷不已。从对来世的预言,到轮回转世的学说,再到风过无形的坛城沙画中的祈求——在认识到我们自身的无常之后,我们已经制定了这些应对策略,并向永恒挥手致意——常是带着希望,但有时也是怀着听天由命的心态。我们这个时代的新事物是科学的非凡力量,它不仅额能清晰地讲述过去的故事,一直追溯到大爆炸,也能清楚地展望未来。我们的方程可能永远都无法触及永恒本身,但分析已经表明,已为我们所知的宇宙也只会短暂存留。从行星到恒星,从太阳系到星系,从黑洞到旋涡星云,全都不会存续永远。实际上就我们所知,不只每个个体的生命都有限,就连生命本身也是如此。 ] 摘自布莱恩·格林《直到时间的尽头》 【Music Credits】 00:00 Youth Lagoon – July 04:47 The Verve - Already There 10:10 Fionn Regan - Dogwood Blossom 13:27 Whale Fall - The Dawn Thief 20:39 Geowulf - Won't Look Back 25:14 Bob Marley & The Wailers,Vincent Ford - No Woman No Cry 32:17 Stevie Zita – Vesta 34:58 The Coral Sea - Ah, Ah, Ah 39:32 Many Voices Speak - I Saw You 43:37 epic45 – Leaving 47:29 Mild Orange - Some Feeling 50:44 Lester Young - The Goon Drag 53:53 Cocteau Twins - Lazy Calm 1:00:04 Slint - Washer (音乐人 - 歌曲) 【Playlist Editer】 柚子莫 【About Us】 小宇宙:月没活宝Moonstruct Clowns Set 微信公众号:月没活宝Moonstruct Clowns Set

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  6. ٢٥‏/٠٧‏/١٤٤٤ هـ

    Mixtape 017 | 因为诸神洞察一切

    [ In a world that's notso far away, Where the future's justa brand new day, A sound will rise, sobold and bright, A new kind of punk,with a futuristic light. A beat that's fast,with a driving bass, A melody that's freshand full of grace, A style that's sleek,with a touch of punk, A genre that's born, ina world so young. With synths that screamand drums that pound, This future post-punkwill astound, With lyrics thatchallenge and music that soars, It'll take us to aplace where the truth always pours. So when you hear thesound, so bold and bright, Embrace this futurepost-punk with all your might, For it's a new kind ofpunk, with a futuristic light, A genre that's born, ina world so right. ] Writtenby ChatGPT. Have fun. 以及一些我认为很不错的乐队 Black Midi Black Country, NewRoad Squid Dry Cleaning Shame Sleaford Mods Yard Act Protomartyr Preoccupations Ought Cumgirl8 Courting  Idles Fontaines D.C. Wet Leg The Chats Viagra Boys The Murder Capital Pigs Pigs Pigs PigsPigs Pigs Pigs 【Music Credits】 00:00 Squid - TheCleaner 07:30 Wet Leg -Chaise Longue 10:31 The MurderCapital - For Everything 15:41 The Chats -Holier Than Thou 18:00 IDLES – War 21:07 Black Country,New Road - Science Fair 27:32 FONTAINES D.C.– Nabokov 32:28 Preoccupations- Continental Shelf 35:46 Viagra Boys -Creepy Crawlers 38:56 Courting -Uncanny Valley Forever 47:38 Crack Cloud -Drab Measure 52:17 Ought -Pleasant Heart 58:08 Sleaford Mods– TCR 1:02:17 Protomartyr- A Private Understanding 1:07:38 cumgirl8 -Go Away 1:11:21 Dry Cleaning- Scratchcard Lanyard 1:15:26 shame -Six-Pack 1:19:14 Yard Act -The Overload (音乐人 - 歌曲) 【Playlist Editer】 柚子莫 【About Us】 小宇宙:月没活宝Moonstruct Clowns Set 微信公众号:月没活宝Moonstruct Clowns Set

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三位青年活宝给您带来的播客——月没活宝 书写流芳后世的故事太过沉重,拥有活宝的生活才是向往。 这是我们三个人柚子、肘子和醉轨出发的地方,主题随便,视角有限,观点片面,热情不变。这就是月没活宝! 这里有三位活宝的闲谈杂谈,从我们的想象力出发,发散出一些稀奇古怪的话题,给出令人捧腹大笑的对谈

للاستماع إلى حلقات ذات محتوى فاضح، قم بتسجيل الدخول.

اطلع على آخر مستجدات هذا البرنامج

قم بتسجيل الدخول أو التسجيل لمتابعة البرامج وحفظ الحلقات والحصول على آخر التحديثات.

تحديد بلد أو منطقة

أفريقيا والشرق الأوسط، والهند

آسيا والمحيط الهادئ


أمريكا اللاتينية والكاريبي

الولايات المتحدة وكندا