The Great Gundam Project: Mobile Suit Gundam

Abnormal Mapping
The Great Gundam Project: Mobile Suit Gundam

The Great Gundam Project has been going for years now, but people still insist on starting Gundam in places other than 0079, so we decided to make the first season free in order to encourage people to watch the hottest show of 1979! Please start with episode zero, which provides some context for the GGP project and how these episodes are in the present day.

최고 5점
33개의 평가


The Great Gundam Project has been going for years now, but people still insist on starting Gundam in places other than 0079, so we decided to make the first season free in order to encourage people to watch the hottest show of 1979! Please start with episode zero, which provides some context for the GGP project and how these episodes are in the present day.

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