Modi: Know Your Audience

800 Pound Gorilla Album of the Week

There are comedians who happen to be Jewish, and then there are Jewish comedians. In his debut special, Modi solidifies himself as the former; wielding his unique blend of observational comedy and hilarious insights to shine a light on an often-insular community in "Know Your Audience".

Having performed for Jewish organizations and causes all over the globe, Modi’s unique vantage point lends a birds-eye view of what it means to be Jewish in today’s day and age. It also allows him to weave a complex identity as both a proud Jew and a gay man - speaking for the first time on stage about his (much younger) husband and the perks of being married to a millennial.

Modi navigates niche subjects within the Jewish world without ever leaving non-Jewish viewers behind…explaining, among other things, why Jews have their own ambulance corps, unsurprising 23&Me results, and the prevalence of ‘hidden’ antisemitism.
Modi’s performance represents a modern interpretation of the Borscht-belt comedians who came before him. Drawing inspiration from Jackie Mason and Alan King, Modi’s larger-than-life stage presence sends a clear message: be true to your audience and the rest will follow.








