Our very first online population census is coming to an end later this month. Have you filled in your data? Well, we're glad if you do. But, do you actually know the purpose of population census? Who organized the event? Why does it take place every 10 years? Or maybe how they actually works? In this meeting, we talked with @raissamantha, a statistician from Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS). Raissa shared everything about the ongoing Sensus Penduduk 2020, her work and journey at BPS, and the reasons on why she chose Polstat STIS over other public universities. For you high school students who still have doubts on where to pursue your education, this episode might be worth listening to. Lastly, make sure to participate in the Sensus Penduduk 2020 through sensus.bps.go.id before May 29. 2020. Because, who knows? A single data from you might be very valuable for this nation’s future. #MencatatIndonesia for Better Indonesia
- Programa
- Publicado2 de mayo de 2020, 8:25 a.m. UTC
- Duración59 min
- Temporada1
- Episodio11
- ClasificaciónApto