Good morning and a Happy Presidents' Day to you! Here is your weather for Monday, February 17th, 2025, in beautiful West Palm Beach. - Morning temperature at 72 degrees - Expect light rain with 100% cloudiness, rain about a tenth of an inch - Daytime high around 75 degrees - Evening will see temperatures slightly dip to 70 degrees - Winds from the north at 5 mph, gusts up to 7 mph - A light jacket might be useful for the evening Thanks for tuning in today. Have a great Presidents' Day and join us again tomorrow for more weather updates!
- 프로그램
- 채널
- 주기매일 업데이트
- 발행일2025년 2월 17일 오전 10:00 UTC
- 길이2분
- 등급전체 연령 사용가