DIS-Order: Every Disney Film
A chronological journey through the struggles, sacrifices, and successes of every animated feature film produced by Walt Disney Animation Studios. Join your hosts, Andy, Hunter and Michael, in discussion and debate surrounding Disney's most (and least) beloved fairytales and adventures in the broader context of the Walt Disney Company and the animation studio's influence on pop culture.
Finally Leaving a Review!
I’m been listening to this show for years, and Andy keeps asking us to leave reviews, and now I’m FINALLY doing it, cause I had to get it in before Hunter leaves. Michael, Andy, and Hunter run an amazing podcast, I love hearing them review everything from classic Disney to obscure gems like Darby O’Gill - as a Disney Trivia nerd, you will still learn much. Thanks guys!!!
A fellow Blackbeards Ghost fan!
I found this after watching Blackbeard’s Ghost and becoming obsessed! My favorites are the classic live action movies and it’s fun to go through them with you guys!
I don’t think I like it that much sorry about that
The Best Podcast Out There
Just finished the show & wanted to give a 5 star review! These guys are funny, thoughtful, and sometimes intimate. Highly recommended.
Об этом подкасте
- АвторReal Fans 4 Real Movies
- Годы выхода2017 - 2024
- Выпуски110
- ОграниченияБез ненормативной лексики
- Авторские права© Faltered Realities, Inc.
- Сайт подкаста
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